posted by
Karnage XZ:
Yeah, you new zealanders in sof, kinda seemed like they were one person... you. I wouldnt say nobody likes me, I am on a side and we just won. You dont like to lose bitter man. Get better so you dont lose again.
You are a complete poor excuse for a human, it's a sad day a spy is found in a game that people are suppose to have fun in, do you feel like you are in mi5 or cia or something you wannabe. You are a joke to gamers everywhere to stoop so low you coulnd't even say you have a competitive nature because you showed how low you would go in a GAME to spy on the opposite team in a GAME ffs.
I hope you don't have kids,you are I poor role model to them and I hope they never play this game nd find out how much of a low life dad they have, you bum.