
qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 18th 2023, 2:40:20

Hi All,

I've added spyops into the ClanGDI mechanic; hostile ops are treated exactly as if they were attacks. I was hoping to do this later, because adjusting the display stuff is slightly annoying. Consequently you'll just see an error code rather than an english sentence when you run afoul of the restrictions.

It would seem like this somehow offended both sides of the arguments in this channel, so, here it is!



PS Let me know if there are cases i missed.
Finally did the signature thing.


Jul 18th 2023, 3:01:20

Any chance the declare war big gets fixed?

Real Man


Jul 18th 2023, 3:03:26

Is it a coincidence theBOMB took 300+ harmful ops in the last 12 hours from LaF after taking none all set?

I guess LaF once again had the information in advance.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 3:03:39

So whatever side LaF is on you'll go with, thanks for clearing that up after implementing a half-assed code and never explaining or giving us a chance to test. Now mid set you readjust it, perfect!

Let the PvE commence
Catch me on ir c

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 3:25:35

what a joke lol

allbymyself87 Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 3:35:20

Can you fix the declare war bug too?
Or you will continue to ignore because LaF are not complaining about that?
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 3:41:51

I think you missed an important mechanic

the declare war bug.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 18th 2023, 3:43:27

What's the declare war bug?

To be clear: I've generally tried to do things that are balanced (often to LaF's chagrin), but griefing and long standing war grudges have been issues for a long time. I think trying this is worth a shot. It effectively isolates a clan from everybody else.

I *will* try to make some bots tag up, which will make it so there are effectively penalties for being in ClanGDI.
Finally did the signature thing.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 3:48:44

Originally posted by qzjul:
What's the declare war bug?

To be clear: I've generally tried to do things that are balanced (often to LaF's chagrin), but griefing and long standing war grudges have been issues for a long time. I think trying this is worth a shot. It effectively isolates a clan from everybody else.

I *will* try to make some bots tag up, which will make it so there are effectively penalties for being in ClanGDI.

you can take the tagged bots and shove it where it belongs, in the trash can (next to the clan gdi mechanic).
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 3:54:07

Isolate LaF on a different server. If they can't survive here on 1A without artificial protection, they should die. Don't wreck this game for LaF.

Dutchy Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 5:16:41

Originally posted by Getafix:
Isolate LaF on a different server. If they can't survive here on 1A without artificial protection, they should die. Don't wreck this game for LaF.

Yep, set alliance back, and let laf play on a pve server

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 7:57:08

Originally posted by Real Man:
Is it a coincidence theBOMB took 300+ harmful ops in the last 12 hours from LaF after taking none all set?

I guess LaF once again had the information in advance.

Not really. I tried to put a laffer in DR yesterday instead of doing bomb structures. If I had known they would change this I would have blown up some more buildings and stopped producing spies.
Don of LaF

AndrewMose Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 10:20:10

Is there any chance this get's changed...I'm asking before I sell a couple million spies :)

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 10:49:51

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Is there any chance this get's changed...I'm asking before I sell a couple million spies :)

You never know with qz hes a great ideas tank
Catch me on ir c

Real Man


Jul 18th 2023, 11:13:51

Originally posted by qzjul:
What's the declare war bug?

To be clear: I've generally tried to do things that are balanced (often to LaF's chagrin), but griefing and long standing war grudges have been issues for a long time. I think trying this is worth a shot. It effectively isolates a clan from everybody else.

I *will* try to make some bots tag up, which will make it so there are effectively penalties for being in ClanGDI.

Qz honest question. What exactly in your mind is the purpose of an alliance on alliance server now? What purpose does it serve if you can just opt out of all player interaction?

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 12:24:07

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Is there any chance this get's changed...I'm asking before I sell a couple million spies :)

I'm keeping mine just in case. Guess we can go back to compete vs Evo, Omega, Monsters and PDM again. gl guys :-)
Don of LaF


Jul 18th 2023, 13:45:16

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Is there any chance this get's changed...I'm asking before I sell a couple million spies :)

I'm keeping mine just in case. Guess we can go back to compete vs Evo, Omega, Monsters and PDM again. gl guys :-)

I don't think you can compete with anyone gains. I will enjoy seeing tmac dominate the top three spots seeing as y'all can't suicide him anymore. You're a mediocre netter and low tier war player.

braden Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 14:17:53

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Is there any chance this get's changed...I'm asking before I sell a couple million spies :)

I'm keeping mine just in case. Guess we can go back to compete vs Evo, Omega, Monsters and PDM again. gl guys :-)

Weedylar will prove victorious!

(Although in keeping with cyref I am adhering to the perpetual dnh pact between weedylar and monsters)


EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 16:30:47

QZ - I still like you and don't actually think you, personally, are feeding information to anyone.

Out of curiosity. Do mods have access to the development threads? As in, during the discussions on change implementations on whatever forum you guys discuss things on. Are there mods who are not developers part of these discussions?

Why wouldn't these people be forbidden to play in Alliance? Single player servers, sure. Even Team to a point. But why Alliance? Last time I discussed this, I think it was something like "these people are donating their time, why punish them further". Which I agree, but it has been an issue. If I am being honest, if I had access and was told to "not share the info with anyone". I probably would ignore that and share it with the people I have been playing with for decades.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 16:37:48

Thank you for this hotfix. It looks like it has fixed the war room bug now to a certain degree as #49 and #52 are now attackable.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 16:46:20

QZ can you also fix:

1. Remove spies, troops, turrets and tanks
2. Remove weapons tech, spy tech, sdi tech, warfare tech

Clans in alliance GDI won’t need it anymore.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Real Man


Jul 18th 2023, 17:06:59

Originally posted by Coalie:
QZ can you also fix:

1. Remove spies, troops, turrets and tanks
2. Remove weapons tech, spy tech, sdi tech, warfare tech

Clans in alliance GDI won’t need it anymore.

what the hell is even the point of a clan in alliance server anymore? just get rid of alliances altogether

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 18th 2023, 17:45:32

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
QZ - I still like you and don't actually think you, personally, are feeding information to anyone.

Out of curiosity. Do mods have access to the development threads? As in, during the discussions on change implementations on whatever forum you guys discuss things on. Are there mods who are not developers part of these discussions?

Why wouldn't these people be forbidden to play in Alliance? Single player servers, sure. Even Team to a point. But why Alliance? Last time I discussed this, I think it was something like "these people are donating their time, why punish them further". Which I agree, but it has been an issue. If I am being honest, if I had access and was told to "not share the info with anyone". I probably would ignore that and share it with the people I have been playing with for decades.

Yes, mods have access to all the dev stuff, that said, there hasn't exactly been much discussion; the last two hotfixes, incidentally, were relatively little code, and what code there was most was Dev'd by pang like 4 years ago; when complaints were raised recently, I basically said, "well, we can try the clan GDI mechanic, because it's been idling there for years, untested". And so i merged it in.

My thought was (and still is!) that it's a mechanic that was envisioned to solve an ongoing vocal issue; and while it certainly may not be perfect, I get more data on how it's imperfect by implementing it than by people sitting and discussing it off and on for 4 years. Where's the harm in trying it eh?
Finally did the signature thing.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jul 18th 2023, 18:26:06

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:

Out of curiosity. Do mods have access to the development threads? As in, during the discussions on change implementations on whatever forum you guys discuss things on. Are there mods who are not developers part of these discussions?


In some cases, some mods can, yes. But there wasn't an open discussion. I found out with the rest of you. I think I posted that somewhere.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 18:29:43

I think it offers too much w zero cost, whether direct or indirect.

It could be implemented in a way that adds depth to the game. As it stands, IMO, we turned 3D chess into tick-tack-toe.

It is your right as a game owner to do whatever you want. I fear the result is fewer overall players.

Time will tell.
- Premium Patron Member

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 20:05:54

Originally posted by Requiem:
I think it offers too much w zero cost, whether direct or indirect.

It could be implemented in a way that adds depth to the game. As it stands, IMO, we turned 3D chess into tick-tack-toe.

It is your right as a game owner to do whatever you want. I fear the result is fewer overall players.

Time will tell.

A game I play take a small % of income per turn and adds it to an alliance bank. Then payment for gdi sort of thing is taken from that if it's enabled and I'd there are no funds available ethe alliance gets removed from gdi and players can donate towards it if the bank is empty.

It should cost atleast as original gdi.
Don of LaF

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 21:13:08

If Declare War works, I think that helps a bit - it prevents an individual griefer from hitting players in all alliances and chaining their land and cash to doing more damage (well, at least by limiting their targets to 1 per declare war period, if they survive). From a war perspective, you can declare, do your kill run, and move to the next target so diplomacy is still required.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2023, 22:33:50

Originally posted by Tertius:
If Declare War works, I think that helps a bit - it prevents an individual griefer from hitting players in all alliances and chaining their land and cash to doing more damage (well, at least by limiting their targets to 1 per declare war period, if they survive). From a war perspective, you can declare, do your kill run, and move to the next target so diplomacy is still required.

Theyll (LaF) wont allow for this, they (LaF) will be killed one by one, qz wants to conserve the LaF players (which is understandable, Im sure he wants us all here) but to do so requires a complete overhaul of the game mechanics, and thats driving away those who oppose LaF, and those who dont enjoy playing this game like farmville..

The idea of more bots, more land, is ridiculous aswell all it grants is a one route to winning, FFO endless bot farming. I understand 'testing it out' will help find some sort of middle ground were a majority can still play the game, but why start at the extreme of one side were you cant do much more than PvE test run it and not roll out something more in the middle? (and change it mid set)

I hope you think of something better than forced PvE
Catch me on ir c

table4two Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 12:12:49

A logical addition to ClanGDI. Thanks qz

allbymyself87 Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 14:27:49

<&Earthnews> PS - Treemaker (#105) [LaF] -> (#514) [LaF] 21A/33A

I hope qzjul can fix this too. :)
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore

Steeps Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 14:54:26

Why can a country in clanGDI farm one of my allies, but I'm not allowed to help them retaliate and they have to retal themselves?

mdevol Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 16:39:25

[quote poster=allbymyself87; 51996; 1016658]<&Earthnews> PS - Treemaker (#105) [LaF] -> (#514) [LaF] 21A/33A

I hope qzjul can fix this too. :)

Right. 514 should be protected from attack due to ClanGDI. Not sure how this is allowed.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 19th 2023, 20:19:42

Those are retals I think.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 19th 2023, 20:30:10

it might have been allowed because of the spyop stuff earlier; harmful ops count as attacks
Finally did the signature thing.

mdevol Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 20:45:25

Blatant interclan resource transferring is what it is. Especially with all that cash he had on hand. Clever exploit on the piggyback of pushing him into spy DR. Way more than FA would have allowed him to send.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2023, 21:02:36

Originally posted by qzjul:
it might have been allowed because of the spyop stuff earlier; harmful ops count as attacks
Originally posted by qzjul:
it might have been allowed because of the spyop stuff earlier; harmful ops count as attacks

Lol you put in a mechanic that prevents a clan from being attacked externally but you allow them to transfer resources via internal attacks? What kind of horsefluff is this QZ?

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Aug 17th 2023, 20:29:58

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Originally posted by Tertius:
If Declare War works, I think that helps a bit - it prevents an individual griefer from hitting players in all alliances and chaining their land and cash to doing more damage (well, at least by limiting their targets to 1 per declare war period, if they survive). From a war perspective, you can declare, do your kill run, and move to the next target so diplomacy is still required.

Theyll (LaF) wont allow for this, they (LaF) will be killed one by one, qz wants to conserve the LaF players (which is understandable, Im sure he wants us all here) but to do so requires a complete overhaul of the game mechanics, and thats driving away those who oppose LaF, and those who dont enjoy playing this game like farmville..

The idea of more bots, more land, is ridiculous aswell all it grants is a one route to winning, FFO endless bot farming. I understand 'testing it out' will help find some sort of middle ground were a majority can still play the game, but why start at the extreme of one side were you cant do much more than PvE test run it and not roll out something more in the middle? (and change it mid set)

I hope you think of something better than forced PvE

If the only reason some players play is to hit LaF.. it might be time for those players to take a break. No game can survive if the only reason people play it is to grief others. Nor is it reasonable to expect that other people will play simply so that you can have the satisfaction of griefing them. Some people seem to think that this is the case, and laf would allow it rather than just stop playing, but this a delusion, since laf very much did stop playing when this happened.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 5:20:41

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Originally posted by Tertius:
If Declare War works, I think that helps a bit - it prevents an individual griefer from hitting players in all alliances and chaining their land and cash to doing more damage (well, at least by limiting their targets to 1 per declare war period, if they survive). From a war perspective, you can declare, do your kill run, and move to the next target so diplomacy is still required.

Theyll (LaF) wont allow for this, they (LaF) will be killed one by one, qz wants to conserve the LaF players (which is understandable, Im sure he wants us all here) but to do so requires a complete overhaul of the game mechanics, and thats driving away those who oppose LaF, and those who dont enjoy playing this game like farmville..

The idea of more bots, more land, is ridiculous aswell all it grants is a one route to winning, FFO endless bot farming. I understand 'testing it out' will help find some sort of middle ground were a majority can still play the game, but why start at the extreme of one side were you cant do much more than PvE test run it and not roll out something more in the middle? (and change it mid set)

I hope you think of something better than forced PvE

If the only reason some players play is to hit LaF.. it might be time for those players to take a break. No game can survive if the only reason people play it is to grief others. Nor is it reasonable to expect that other people will play simply so that you can have the satisfaction of griefing them. Some people seem to think that this is the case, and laf would allow it rather than just stop playing, but this a delusion, since laf very much did stop playing when this happened.

No, your leadership failed diplomacy, created enemies and you know what, that's how the cookie always been PvP and diplomacy was essential to clan servers, the server's community self regulated it to a point that if your leadership sucked at diplomacy....wars would start.... survival of the fittest was the regulator, if a clan kept sucking at diplomacy....well eventually all members one by one would leave and join another alliance, it's how it was and it worked great, LaF ruined the server by manipulating devs to change the code to fit their playing suck at diplomacy, fall apart like many clans have done in the past....I don't know....26 years, or get people that know how to diplomacy, you don't get to change the code to fit your gaming style without backlash nor aren't as kool as you think you are, you are now the laughing stock of earth empires, suck it up!

You fluffed up LaF.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Oct 13th 2023, 7:08:33

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Originally posted by Tertius:
If Declare War works, I think that helps a bit - it prevents an individual griefer from hitting players in all alliances and chaining their land and cash to doing more damage (well, at least by limiting their targets to 1 per declare war period, if they survive). From a war perspective, you can declare, do your kill run, and move to the next target so diplomacy is still required.

Theyll (LaF) wont allow for this, they (LaF) will be killed one by one, qz wants to conserve the LaF players (which is understandable, Im sure he wants us all here) but to do so requires a complete overhaul of the game mechanics, and thats driving away those who oppose LaF, and those who dont enjoy playing this game like farmville..

The idea of more bots, more land, is ridiculous aswell all it grants is a one route to winning, FFO endless bot farming. I understand 'testing it out' will help find some sort of middle ground were a majority can still play the game, but why start at the extreme of one side were you cant do much more than PvE test run it and not roll out something more in the middle? (and change it mid set)

I hope you think of something better than forced PvE

If the only reason some players play is to hit LaF.. it might be time for those players to take a break. No game can survive if the only reason people play it is to grief others. Nor is it reasonable to expect that other people will play simply so that you can have the satisfaction of griefing them. Some people seem to think that this is the case, and laf would allow it rather than just stop playing, but this a delusion, since laf very much did stop playing when this happened.

No, your leadership failed diplomacy, created enemies and you know what, that's how the cookie always been PvP and diplomacy was essential to clan servers, the server's community self regulated it to a point that if your leadership sucked at diplomacy....wars would start.... survival of the fittest was the regulator, if a clan kept sucking at diplomacy....well eventually all members one by one would leave and join another alliance, it's how it was and it worked great, LaF ruined the server by manipulating devs to change the code to fit their playing suck at diplomacy, fall apart like many clans have done in the past....I don't know....26 years, or get people that know how to diplomacy, you don't get to change the code to fit your gaming style without backlash nor aren't as kool as you think you are, you are now the laughing stock of earth empires, suck it up!

You fluffed up LaF.

That's not what happened, you guys just enjoyed the camaraderie of starting another ALC because your clans were falling apart. The rest is just rationalization on top of a base of jealousy. It's really very sad. While it felt good and fun for you, it's already too the point where your starting to feel worse than you did before. We don't envy you, we pity you. A cautionary tale told about what not to be and what not to do. LaF ends up stronger and those who have made themselves our enemies weaker, as your members feel the specter of guilt and quit far faster than one at a time.

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 13th 2023, 11:41:25

I think the other side pities LaF because despite all of your cheating and manipulating you still had to get the developer to come in and blanket protect you by ruining the game and doing away from the PvP mechanic that made this game Earth2025.

You say LaF ends up stronger? Do fail to recognize that LaF is actually weaker because your “enemies” are mostly ex-LaF players? now your stupid countries can get away with playing with 0 expenses and 0 spies and 0 military becuase you continue to ruin and bastardize a once good game so that you can continue to farm your precious bots.

The other side is weaker you say because they quit due to guilt? Have you considered that Everyone who has quit the game decided that they did not want to play this BS LaF version of earth?

Personally I’d love to see the financial metrics of the game after these changes. How much financial support and ad revenue has the game lost by having LaF chase off so many players in the last months.

Hopefully you 20 LaF guys are buying up tons of paid statuses and coins to compensate QZ for bowing down to LaF and creating LaF2025.

Edited By: SuperFly on Oct 13th 2023, 11:48:09

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 14:15:56

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Shweezy:
Originally posted by Tertius:
If Declare War works, I think that helps a bit - it prevents an individual griefer from hitting players in all alliances and chaining their land and cash to doing more damage (well, at least by limiting their targets to 1 per declare war period, if they survive). From a war perspective, you can declare, do your kill run, and move to the next target so diplomacy is still required.

Theyll (LaF) wont allow for this, they (LaF) will be killed one by one, qz wants to conserve the LaF players (which is understandable, Im sure he wants us all here) but to do so requires a complete overhaul of the game mechanics, and thats driving away those who oppose LaF, and those who dont enjoy playing this game like farmville..

The idea of more bots, more land, is ridiculous aswell all it grants is a one route to winning, FFO endless bot farming. I understand 'testing it out' will help find some sort of middle ground were a majority can still play the game, but why start at the extreme of one side were you cant do much more than PvE test run it and not roll out something more in the middle? (and change it mid set)

I hope you think of something better than forced PvE

If the only reason some players play is to hit LaF.. it might be time for those players to take a break. No game can survive if the only reason people play it is to grief others. Nor is it reasonable to expect that other people will play simply so that you can have the satisfaction of griefing them. Some people seem to think that this is the case, and laf would allow it rather than just stop playing, but this a delusion, since laf very much did stop playing when this happened.

No, your leadership failed diplomacy, created enemies and you know what, that's how the cookie always been PvP and diplomacy was essential to clan servers, the server's community self regulated it to a point that if your leadership sucked at diplomacy....wars would start.... survival of the fittest was the regulator, if a clan kept sucking at diplomacy....well eventually all members one by one would leave and join another alliance, it's how it was and it worked great, LaF ruined the server by manipulating devs to change the code to fit their playing suck at diplomacy, fall apart like many clans have done in the past....I don't know....26 years, or get people that know how to diplomacy, you don't get to change the code to fit your gaming style without backlash nor aren't as kool as you think you are, you are now the laughing stock of earth empires, suck it up!

You fluffed up LaF.

That's not what happened, you guys just enjoyed the camaraderie of starting another ALC because your clans were falling apart. The rest is just rationalization on top of a base of jealousy. It's really very sad. While it felt good and fun for you, it's already too the point where your starting to feel worse than you did before. We don't envy you, we pity you. A cautionary tale told about what not to be and what not to do. LaF ends up stronger and those who have made themselves our enemies weaker, as your members feel the specter of guilt and quit far faster than one at a time.

You guys, I wasn't part of it, I was on the outside, an observer, I only played in two alliances in 1a and your rivals weren't any of them, I'm what you'd call "neutral party", the reason they kept coming is because of what I pointed out in the post you quoted me on, failed diplomacy, instead of fixing your leadership you opted to manipulate qz to change the code, you're all a disgrace to this game, stop making excuses for your failures, if LaF ended up stronger then there wouldn't be a need to change the code to make it a safe space, stop it already, you sound silly LOL

Edited By: KoHeartsGPA on Oct 13th 2023, 14:18:55
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 14:52:52

TC pulling a BHole just blindly guessing what clans people are in. Only about half of us loudly opposing these changes supported the war, some of which were on your side, chief. You can stop with the "you people" anytime. We're a bit more diverse than that, bud.

At this point, there's maybe 2 or 3 people who supported the war left posting. Most have quit/quit posting already.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 13th 2023, 15:01:14
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 15:09:43

Here I'll make you a cheat sheet.

Of people who still occasionally post, only SF and Coalie were involved in the war and openly support hitting LaF. I was involved to catch up with old friends but openly opposed the merits of war, despite bad politics by LaF. Mdevol also came back to the game during the war to hang with pals, but didn't care about politics/saw LaF fail at diplomacy. KoH is neutral. Happy, Leto and Doug are all PDM. Farmer and major are both STONES who were on your side of the war. BEM is newly returned after the war.

Only about 2 people left for you to argue with about this, dude. The rest of were on your side of the war, neutral, or openly opposed it. All of us, however, recognize bad politicking got you killed.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Oct 13th 2023, 15:14:55

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

You guys, I wasn't part of it, I was on the outside, an observer, I only played in two alliances in 1a and your rivals weren't any of them, I'm what you'd call "neutral party", the reason they kept coming is because of what I pointed out in the post you quoted me on, failed diplomacy, instead of fixing your leadership you opted to manipulate qz to change the code, you're all a disgrace to this game, stop making excuses for your failures, if LaF ended up stronger then there wouldn't be a need to change the code to make it a safe space, stop it already, you sound silly LOL

It doesn't matter if you played or not. Your effectively echoing talking points written by others, for the reasons I listed above.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 15:58:37

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

You guys, I wasn't part of it, I was on the outside, an observer, I only played in two alliances in 1a and your rivals weren't any of them, I'm what you'd call "neutral party", the reason they kept coming is because of what I pointed out in the post you quoted me on, failed diplomacy, instead of fixing your leadership you opted to manipulate qz to change the code, you're all a disgrace to this game, stop making excuses for your failures, if LaF ended up stronger then there wouldn't be a need to change the code to make it a safe space, stop it already, you sound silly LOL

It doesn't matter if you played or not. Your effectively echoing talking points written by others, for the reasons I listed above.

Talking points he there's no talking points here, this is pure 100% observation and analysis from a person who's been in this game since 1997, but you go ahead and tell yourself what you need to feel validated and enjoy your safe space 👍
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:43:01

TIL: Facts are also talking points.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:51:49

For some reason tho, KoH, I had you in LaF in my brain when little brother Mr Clear (aka Vic) was Don and IgnitionCWG was war-min. Maybe you were just in the warchat when MD100 declared on the server lol.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:52:53

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
TIL: Facts are also talking points.

Pretty sure he's got alternative facts....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:54:13

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
For some reason tho, KoH, I had you in LaF in my brain when little brother Mr Clear (aka Vic) was Don and IgnitionCWG was war-min. Maybe you were just in the warchat when MD100 declared on the server lol.

No I always used this name, from day 1, Death Knights was my other Alliance before joining LaF.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:55:14

Thaaaats right. My point was that you were an ex-member of one of the tags in the war technically....that tag was LaF lol.

You've never played our side tho unlike most ex-LaF who seem very keen on killing them.