Nov 21st 2019, 0:57:52
Basically I want spy ops to complement other means of warfare but not be great on their own. So the mechanism of CDing someone then killing him is fine, albeit too strong atm imo. But the fact that you can destroy so much value with CDs, bomb airbases, bomb structures or steal so much tech with espionage or completely wreak a casher with a few bioterrors is not how I feel it should work.
I would change bioterrors to be better against a turn-waller and worse on its own. I have posted about this before more in detail.
I like very much your suggestions of #3, and I dont mind 1 and 2, I would just ask that they are not so damned strong. I like it if you have a plethora of options and none are great by themselves but depending on what else you do they are important and possibly essential - same like the DR+GS combination, just weaker.
I would perhaps change your Investigate Enemy Intelligence Agency to show outgoing ops only, so that you can learn what your enemy is up to in war. This can be periodically important, and worthless at times. Maybe it should give Spy DR as well?
I like this one as a new op:
News spy: you get a report that covers all of the reset in incomming news in one random category Defending(which contains also the exact DR number)/Ally(shows ally news)/Spy(defending spy news and current spy DR)/Market(the market news)/Aid(the incomming aid news for this country)
Historically aid and spy news have caused a lot of conflict because its hard to prove anything so people can get away with tech stealing, aiding into war, aiding to take top ranks etc. having this op in the game allows you to know for certain at the cost of a few turns what takes hours to get a somewhat plausible answer to currently.