
Heretodie Game profile


Jun 14th 2013, 13:26:18

Spy op reports his Dictatorship having 160 CS and a build rate of 63 BPT

The Basics

Turns Left 7
Turns Taken 822
Turns Stored 0
Networth $2,111,171
Land 6839
Money $95,271,040
Population 78,163
At War No
GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution

Enterprise Zones 176
Residences 177
Industrial Complexes 159
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 5262
Farms 251
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 160
Unused Lands 654

Current Status

Tax Revenues $601,582
Tax Rate 35%
Per Capita Income $21.99
Expenses $435,141
Net Income $166,441
Cashing $286,757
Food 314,533
Production 1595
Consumption 4285
Net Change -2690
Oil 73,614
Production 0
Building Rate 63
Explore Rate 16
Tech Rate 1586

oldman Game profile


Jun 14th 2013, 15:00:46

you must be a theo yourself, that's why the BPT says 63 (160/4*1.4+7 gives you 63). What the op shows is actually based on your own govt bonuses and not the govt of the person you spied on.


EE Patron

Jun 14th 2013, 15:13:52

yeah, this needs to be fixed.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.