
farmer Game profile


Feb 22nd 2020, 3:28:12

They should not be tied to your buildings as to how many you destroy, if you want to make it specific to a building type have it so you select a building type you can chose res business to tech what ever just one at a time even BPT, a bomb or shell destroys building indiscriminately.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2020, 7:13:42

Ahem... I got this one guys:

"Building returns from all SPECIAL attacks (BR + AB) are based on 10% of attacker's total built acres, not 10% of each specific building. This should mean that any country that has built the majority of its land will get regular returns for buildings."


You almost made it to the right forum, but you didn't. Get learned.
- Premium Patron Member