
major Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 0:50:40

i hate AB attacks. nevertheless, i think this should also be an attack with the ability to kill, not only maim... i believe the old argument was that the tanks coming into the country were slow, thus giving civilians time to flee... i argue that if the civilians have fled, then they have left the country. and therefore, its a population loss just the same...

what do all think?.. i believe it would add a new dynamic to the game.... and also, it just seems realistic.

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 3:47:06

If ABs also cause a loss of population, how would ABs be any different from BRs, other than the fact they use different units? It would in fact be less dynamic, since now you have 2 attacks that do exactly the same thing.

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 15:37:09

i prefer ABs to remain as they are. they destroy more buildings than BRs and have their uses in the game. we dont want all 3 attacks to be the same.

Atryn Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 15:31:28

AB's should have a chance to cause missiles to detonate in their silos, causing damage.