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But when you get your 12 hr bonus could be dependent on the 18 hr one. When you get the 18 hr bonus both timers reset
No they don't. What you failed to understand that the 18 hour bonus is 3 turns, not 6 turns. If you got 6 turns, that means you actually got both bonuses, and slipped at least 6 hours on the 12 hour bonus.
Example: You just got 6 turns bonus. So both have just reset. You login 13 hours later (get 12 hour bonus). You login again 5 hours after that (get 18 hour bonus). This doesn't reset the 12 hour timer, you next get it 7 hours later.
I understand it's 3 and 3. But it does reset both, I thought it was the way you were saying too until I reread QZ's code example carefully. If 12 and 18 hour are completely decoupled you'd have 600 possible bonus turns vs what it is now and before which is 480.
IF(country gains a turn)
bonus_to_give = 0
IF(logout_timer_12 WAS SET more than 12 hours ago)
bonus_to_give = bonus_to_give + 3
SET logout_timer_12
if(logout_timer_18 WAS SET more than 18 hours ago){
bonus_to_give = bonus_to_give + 3
SET logout_timer_12
SET logout_timer_18
Line 9 to 12: if 18 hour bonus is reached, add 3 turns to existing bonus_to_give variable (existing variable can possibly 0 or 3 depending if 12 hour timer was reached or not on this login). Then reset BOTH timers.
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Play turns at midnight. (no bonus)
Country play 18 hours later (gets 6 turns from 12h & 18h bonus)
Country plays 4 hours after that (gets no turns)
Country plays 8 hours after that (gets 3 turns from 12h bonus)
Country plays 6 hours after that (gets 3 turns from 18h bonus)
Country plays 8 hours after that (gets no turns)
Country plays 10 hours after that (gets 6 turns from 12h & 18h bonus)
Country plays 72 hours after that (gets 6 turns from 12h & 18h bonus)
Country plays every 2 hours for 24 hours, gets 3 turns at 12h and 3 turns at 18h.
Technically, if you play every 6 hours all set, you end up with an average of 8 turns per day, over a 72h cycle.
6th event of the example qz gave.. if they are completely decoupled there should be 3 bonus turns there since it's been 16 hrs since the 12 hr bonus was last awarded. Having them both reset after the 18 hr bonus is given is also what makes it 8 turns per day avg over 72 hr cycle.
Like I said, QZ should just simplify things to X bonus turns every Y hours.