average price over the last 6 hours was $76 on alliance while the announcement post reads
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This is, according to Slagpits analysis, balanced such that a full TMBR ought to buy oil below $80 for reselling at end reset. Our working theory is that this will provide an alternate stocking market to bushels, bolster the oil market a bit, and potentially reduce destocking times for TMBR's. We shall see how it works in practise, but it sounds nifty :)
just about where it theoretically should be.
the price of oil would likely be directly tied to how much it regens the private market. either an increase or a decrease would change the bottom of the oil market. 10 times the power would make oil be worth stocking up to 800 and oilers would just laugh at everyone. imagine passive resource production that rivals tech. grabbing would be much more costly, not to mention war. can you even imagine spending 1bil just to buy the oil needed to break 5mil units? on the flip side you would have oilers making 752mil for every million barrels which are ridiculously easy to make.
the change suggested would completely destroy the balance of different strategies, and this was nothing more than a go away post to someone who doesn't read and only posts.