Oct 8th 2020, 17:43:21
That's like the only issue with discord and why irc is elite tho. There isnt the one second lag. Discord clocks all the bots into a lag like this. I have seen it. Otherwise warclans would be running war bots on discord by now. It accepts a far greater range of programming languages for bots and stuff, but until reporting is instant, news and warbots are useless there.
You can see on IRC news during a kill or whatever that bot reporting is not clocked at all on IRC. So if the server is clocking the data reporting, it is only specifically clocking this one bot, but none of the news or warbots. That seems unlikely to me.
I think it is collecting all the data and reporting it slowly, but this problem did not exist when I was playing 8 months ago, so I'm almost certain it is a bug with the bot and not the server.