Apr 4th 2021, 12:55:24
1) this is a question of tempo, it has to be low or wars are over way too quickly and FS has too large an advantage, if formal war start times came in then it can be a bit higher since both sides will be on
2) i dont think the time is the biggest issue, but throttling attacks is possible, perhaps just 1 per second might make a difference, its probably worth trying, but the change i want to see first is capping SDI tech losses so you can get 'enough' sdi then 'extra' sdi wouldnt cause you to lose more, just 1% of enough, or i guess you can drop loss down to say .5% from 1% and see what happens, the insane cost of buying 'extra' sdi currently for low benefit leads to more land dropping which isnt great
3) id lean towards a protection if kills are done too fast, or that needs to be broken before the real kill run giving time to get online, but throttling an option, something like 5 minutes to get online could be worth testing, it would need to be expensive enough such as 25% of the hits to kill so that you wouldnt want to do it on many targets without commuting, then once that time is up maybe limit it so that no more than 10% of the hits to kill could be done in 6 seconds perhaps, the goal would be more about slowing down the end than the start
4) its counter productive to make killing take less turns because then wars become unbalanced much quicker, and FS advantage becomes much higher potentially going from around a 40% country:kill ratio if everything is perfect up to a crazy 80% if it was just made twice as easy to counter falling numbers, and if you make it take more turns then you cant run multiple kills in a day which forces either a larger war or penalises less active people, i guess one potential solution would be if all the NA joined one tag all the Euro another and the AZN a third but that doesnt seem practical
5) i dont know about ideal, its really hard to balance as things get smaller, id lean towards generally inverting walling efficiency at high and low pop which would reduce the point at which you lose critical mass of turns in a war and advantage 'offlining' compared to kill chats, if thats not doable then perhaps a buff to the way bioterrorism works particularly at very low pops could be interesting, apart from that nerf pop regain when DR is high is something id look at, ideally to halve the effectiveness of walling at low pop and see what happens
6) the size of wars getting smaller has to be the biggest problem, if you get down to 15v15 how many warchat leaders and overall leaders is each side going to have? are you going to run 1 chat a day only? at the start of a war with 120(120) things can look fine, but as you have a lot of your countries dead, and turns start running low, particularly for people that try to hit multiple times a day wont be showing up with 80 a chat, youll get more variability as the people who miss a day will come with 120, normally you need 7 people for a kill and if some are dead that drops you under 2 kills a day really early in the war, and you have constant arguments between the people who want to hit at warchat time so people can know when to show up and not hang around for ages and the people who want to hit as soon as they show up or as soon as enough turns, especially when the warchats cant start on time because of enough turns and so people would have to wait around then anyway
it seems current response to wars being over very quickly is to start very late
to stop one side just being unable to kill id like to see offlining stronger but im not sure that would be fun or good