
sinistril Game profile


Feb 11th 2018, 21:58:20

Currently wars are often over in the first strike. Frankly, if you're going to lose most of your top hitters and their stock you don't really stand much of a chance of winning a war unless some other clan jumps in and saves you like you're Princess Peach fallen prey to the hands of Bowser.

But what if this wasn't the case? What if first strikes were not a guarantee of a won war? There would be some deterrence between clans that want to net and warring clans, wouldn't there? Well, how about giving players within a clan the option to give up the autonomy of their missiles to the defense of their clan. Should the clan be first striked by another clan (over a certain threshold of attacks), the missiles will automatically fire at a random opponent within the opposing clan (ie. all chems go to one target, all nukes go to another, all em's go to another), and if that country is killed, it picks another random target and so on. This will cost the defending clan no turns (and maybe the missiles will get some bonus) and force a clan doing the attacking to spend valuable turns either diffusing missiles (which may provide a fs warning) or at least taking some damage.

Since it will be optional, clans with set wars can just turn it off to preserve missiles for more efficient uses.

Just a thought and the idea obviously has some flaws that can be tweaked, but I think it will at least be better than the status quo of getting annihilated in a FS with zero recourse.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

drkprinc Game profile


Feb 11th 2018, 22:06:58

and add official pacts to the game so any FDP's will have their missiles launch as well.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 12th 2018, 11:02:45

I think the defending clan should have the FS. It is possible to create a mechanic for this with an option to make the FS mutual.

Declaring war could be an actual game function, in which the aggressor would be unable to attack for 36 hours, but are open to all types of attacks. 36 hours would give the defending alliance time to use the turns that the blindside aggressor has already saved up to diffuse missile and/or get some modest SDI, spend stock on military, gearing up spy production ever so slightly as well as scoring a few kills before the war stocked aggressor comes in at full force.

DruncK Game profile


Feb 12th 2018, 15:45:38

I like it Gerdy. But wouldn't that come down to waging war untagged?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 12th 2018, 16:57:57

Special attacks, missiles and harmful spy ops could be only available by TAGS that are at war with each others or as retals after something like 3 unreciprocated landgrabs in a short time frame or 10 unreciprocated landgrabs during the reset(so that untagged can still suicide people who farm them but not for a landgrab).

sinistril Game profile


Feb 12th 2018, 21:24:23

I'm mainly talking about unplanned wars not mutual wars so at least in an unplanned war the defending clan does some damage back so a mutual FS is not possible. This would also deter suiciders. Any suicider that attacks your clan will be immediately killed before doing much damage, which will improve the game environment. (Definitely agree it should be unrecipricated so a suicider unfairly picked on has a chance for revenge)

I do think the clan with the FS should still get an advantage, but this should cut into that advantage and prevent it from being an automatic win.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Raymond Carver

New Member

Feb 12th 2018, 22:25:46

Two options:
1) Your clan admin presses the declare war /fs button against said tag; by doing so you negate your alliances sdi and his automissile idea is kept.
2) players agree to shame tags who do not do this before fs. Like, if you fs, and then start to lose and call in an ally, you get mocked. That might not be the greatest example, but I think you see where I'm going there..

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 12th 2018, 22:43:18

No one will enforce that. No one enforces anything except for themselves.

but like this:
For war to be declared two tag admins must simultaneously(within 30 seconds of one another) press the declare war button after typing which tag to declare war on. When this is done your generals are given orders to fuel up the jets and shave those marines. Only problem is that either one of your generals is a mole or defects at the news of the war or another one is really drunk at an international conference and he spills the beans to the other clan. This always happens, at which point those peoples and militaries rally with enormous speed and manages to get the first strike and a 36 hour advantage due to the demoralization within your ranks upon that news.


The missile idea is interesting except a couple things, some of which could be overcome with modifications to warfare tech and missiles I guess:
1. would not provide a truly blindsided target any protection as they would be carrying 2-5 missiles per country lategame if they were netters with no plan to fight, that wont make a difference.
2. making an automated script for using missiles effectively would be very difficult as there are too many considerations.
3. part of the skill of war is removed when a part of it gets automated away from the players. picking missile targets, picking sabotage targets etc are aspects that would be partially lost.

sinistril Game profile


Feb 12th 2018, 23:02:16

Originally posted by Raymond Carver:
Two options:
1) Your clan admin presses the declare war /fs button against said tag; by doing so you negate your alliances sdi and his automissile idea is kept.
2) players agree to shame tags who do not do this before fs. Like, if you fs, and then start to lose and call in an ally, you get mocked. That might not be the greatest example, but I think you see where I'm going there..

1. Doesn't work. You'll lose half your clan by FSing a clan that you might have a legitimate reason to go to war with. The point of this concept is to give a slight change to the current situation to give clans a defence when attacked, not to make it so a clan like LaF or IMP who have 1.5x the members of any other clan can just abuse the hell out of everyone and if they get hit everyone that attacks them dies. Also, this isn't meant to just be a thing to deter clan wars but a way to deter suiciders. Say a random guy decides to AB Omega for no reason and Omega is carrying a lot of missiles... suddenly, the suicider is dead without doing much damage and Omega can net in peace.
2. I think that would already be the case :P

1. True. I'm hoping that clans will keep more missiles on hand to deter suiciders (as that is the alternate function of this concept)
2. Yeah, I have no idea how hard it would be to code. I'm hoping since they said they're making a new interface they can find an easy way to do it but that's way over my head.
3. Agreed. That's why I made it so it'd be an individual option whether to donate your missiles rather than a clan option. I think in an ideal situation it would be much better to save your missiles for ideal targets and this would open the doors to the doomsday machine picking a terrible target (say a full SDI demo).

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Raymond Carver

New Member

Feb 13th 2018, 1:44:40

You both raise sound arguments.

But hey, we're having a discussion!



Feb 13th 2018, 7:34:45

I see demo sdi tanked suicides

Max sdi and little acres tanking missiles before a clan fs.
Dev encouraging it