
mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 3:24:39

Perhaps a change in the grabbing rules in that retals disregard DRs if taken in x amount of time, just so players cannot hide behind DRs while top feeding other players.

This would apply to countries in heavy DRs hitting a GDI country that did not hit them in the reset.

It would also strengthen the GDI option and make very worthwhile to get, especially when looking at a situation where 2000 acres is taken and at best a retal would yield 200 acres under the current game mechanics.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 3:31:38


Time Attacker Defender Type Result
2015-05-30 03:00 mFrost (#64) Ascending Dawn (#6) SS 105A (+4A) <----
2015-05-30 02:33 Gem (#20) Ascending Dawn (#6) PS 171A (+7A)

2015-05-30 01:18 Ascending Dawn (#6) mFrost (#64) PS 1,308A (+741A) <---
2015-05-29 23:04 Ascending Dawn (#6) Requite (#15) PS 925A (+368A)
2015-05-29 20:50 Ascending Dawn (#6) play ground (#11) PS 801A (+484A)
2015-05-29 17:53 Ascending Dawn (#6) Pallas (#103) PS 796A (+429A)

2015-05-29 17:47 Pallas (#103) Ascending Dawn (#6) PS 93A (+4A)
2015-05-29 15:59 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) PS 49A (+3A)

2015-05-29 15:43 Ascending Dawn (#6) Blitzville (#62) PS 1,006A (+616A)

2015-05-29 13:56 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS Defended
2015-05-29 13:56 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 558C/257F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 587C/175F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 604C/176F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 621C/176F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 639C/176F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 790C/66F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 813C/66F
2015-05-29 13:54 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 889C/33F
2015-05-29 13:51 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS Defended
2015-05-29 13:51 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS Defended
2015-05-29 13:51 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 943C/35F
2015-05-29 13:51 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 970C/35F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 981C/327F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,010C/328F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,039C/328F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,069C/328F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,100C/328F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,131C/328F
2015-05-29 13:49 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,164C/328F
2015-05-29 13:46 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS Defended
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,444C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,486C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,528C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,572C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,617C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,663C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,711C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,760C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,811C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,862C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,916C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 1,971C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 2,027C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 2,085C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 2,145C/33F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 2,206C/34F
2015-05-29 13:45 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) GS 2,269C/34F

2015-05-29 13:44 Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) PS Defended

2015-05-29 13:39 Ascending Dawn (#6) Durmark (#37) PS 114A (+78A)

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 3:56:50

As noted on a different thread- this player wasn't top-feeding. [ #6 ] LGd all players below his net.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

braden Game profile


May 30th 2015, 4:08:13

nw doesnt define a topfeed. it is the returns between the two grabs, which granted, is tied to nw..

i have always been a fan od the idea where if youre in ten dr and hit somebody that hasnt hit you, your returns are given at the same diminishing rate as the retal will be (assuming of course he doesnt rake further hits.. so yea.. this likely wouldnt curb the problem alk too well..)

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 4:10:04

Top-feeding is when a smaller country attacks a much larger country (and usually gains much more land than the defender will be able to gain back on a single retaliation).


All of #6s attacks have been to players *smaller* not *larger*.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

braden Game profile


May 30th 2015, 4:47:51

a ten million nw country on two thousand acres hits a nine million nw country on forty thousand acres.. his nw was higher, not a topfeed?

i;m asking in general, nothing at all to do with #6

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 5:33:21

Back on track I'm looking to have the mechanics of a retal changed so that a country hitting other countries cannot abuse or utilize a small side war with another player to take advantage of other countries around them.

However if this is truly how the game was meant to be played then allow me to step right up and AB a player for 1 or two turns, so they can guerrilla strike me for 40 or so turns right before going on a land grabbing spree. Meanwhile I will sit back laughing at the community for not quite understanding this is how they are supposed to be playing the game.

just let me know so I can adjust my game play accordingly!!

Edited By: mFrost on May 30th 2015, 5:36:16
See Original Post

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 5:42:38

The example you gave Braden is almost impossible; but, yes, that wouldn't be a top-feed. The sizes *larger* and *smaller* are defined by networth, not land size.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 5:52:32


It always looks greener on the other side. You could have recovered more of your land had you PS and not SS for starters. Players who are hit with multiple GS'd lose not only their production for a minimium of 70 turns, they also lose a significant amount of $ per turn for expenses because most of their civilians are dead.

In total, a player loses almost 150 turns worth of growth, which is roughly 12hrs. That's about the 2/3 of the length of time needed for the DR to wear off. All you had to do was wait for the DR to wear off, but you foolishly attacked without checking the news first. That's why now, you're pissed off.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 5:54:55

DR has a purpose. If players were able to get full retal ablities after a player got hit hard with special attacks, then that player would never be able to recover. It works both ways.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 6:01:28

allow me to reiterate, this has to do with the abuse or potential misunderstanding on my part on how a player is supposed to take advantage of the game mechanics to take land away from other players.

If the game's intention is to get as deep into DR as possible prior to going on a land grabbing spree then i do stand corrected and will need to apply this mechanic in the future for my own benefit. If it has a tendency to drive other players away it will just be their problem for not understanding how the game is supposed to be played.

Perhaps as a favor to the community i will write up a few strats explaining the game mechanic to all the players so that they can also enjoy the deep DR advantages the few players who seem to understand this enjoy today.

It would be pretty basic, run with very few troops and pick another country with very few troops, put them into heavy DR, and cross your fingers they understand the favor you just did for them and return the favor. Do this every 24 hours or so and enjoy the netting reset as an all-x with a land heavy country that no-one can get any land off of.

maybe i just name the country "Need Heavy DRs" or "Please GS Daily"

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 6:11:38

Originally posted by Celphi:

It always looks greener on the other side. You could have recovered more of your land had you PS and not SS for starters. Players who are hit with multiple GS'd lose not only their production for a minimium of 70 turns, they also lose a significant amount of $ per turn for expenses because most of their civilians are dead.

In total, a player loses almost 150 turns worth of growth, which is roughly 12hrs. That's about the 2/3 of the length of time needed for the DR to wear off. All you had to do was wait for the DR to wear off, but you foolishly attacked without checking the news first. That's why now, you're pissed off.

actually I would beg to differ because with land grabs above 1000 acres per the pop recovery was astronomically very fast. ie. 5852 acres in 4 hits, and you want to tell me his pop did not recover for another 120 turns??? What you say might make sense on a country that is all-x.... but not on a country using the GS as a methodology of keeping the land.

the same 120 turns are now usable to grow the country out of range, by having a very safe land heavy country producing much more than its neighboring countries. The other countries looking to have proper defense are also operating at a much higher cost per turn.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 6:16:40

If you reread the news feed for #6, he was grabbing 95% of his net from the very beginning. You're twisting facts. A player does not control the ability to go into DR by another player. Your entire agrument is based on the premise that #6 coordinated this DR scheme. Which is false.

2015-05-29 02:15:06 PS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 689A (974A) <----------------------------- ROR
2015-05-29 01:48:16 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 619A (911A) <--------------------------------RETAL
2015-05-28 23:39:21 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) TarTar (#51) 566A (931A)
2015-05-28 23:19:57 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) gaddanggreekpasdard (#28) 587A (834A)
2015-05-28 21:14:11 SS First tier (#91) Ascending Dawn (#6) 112A (226A)
2015-05-28 19:54:25 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) Redblade Jack Black (#66) 166A (227A)
2015-05-28 17:40:24 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) Schneeky Marquis (#87) 269A (381A)
2015-05-28 15:08:43 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) Redblade Jack Black (#66) 204A (296A)
2015-05-28 14:00:20 SS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 85A (168A) <---------------------------------- LG
2015-05-28 10:47:57 PS Ascending Dawn (#6) Walker Seagull (#57) 377A (497A)

That's when you see a bunch of ABs:
2015-05-29 02:29:35 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 77B
2015-05-29 02:29:30 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 78B
2015-05-29 02:29:28 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 78B
2015-05-29 02:29:28 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 79B
2015-05-29 02:29:27 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 81B
2015-05-29 02:29:26 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 84B
2015-05-29 02:29:25 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 85B
2015-05-29 02:29:23 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 11B
2015-05-29 02:28:00 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 87B
2015-05-29 02:27:59 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 88B
2015-05-29 02:27:57 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 88B
2015-05-29 02:27:56 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 89B
2015-05-29 02:27:54 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 91B
2015-05-29 02:27:53 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 94B
2015-05-29 02:27:51 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 96B
2015-05-29 02:27:09 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 100B
2015-05-29 02:27:05 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 102B
2015-05-29 02:25:43 EM Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 8152MU
2015-05-29 02:25:39 NM Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 330A
2015-05-29 02:25:38 NM Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 348A
2015-05-29 02:25:29 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) DH
2015-05-29 02:25:28 AB Ascending Dawn (#6) Last Exit (#97) 114B


Followed by GS: (All of which were not successful).
2015-05-29 13:56:47 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) DH
2015-05-29 13:56:45 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 558C 257 F
2015-05-29 13:54:43 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 587C 175 F
2015-05-29 13:54:42 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 604C 176 F
2015-05-29 13:54:41 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 621C 176 F
2015-05-29 13:54:40 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 639C 176 F
2015-05-29 13:54:39 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 790C 66 F
2015-05-29 13:54:37 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 813C 66 F
2015-05-29 13:54:15 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 889C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:51:38 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) DH
2015-05-29 13:51:06 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) DH
2015-05-29 13:51:05 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 943C 35 F
2015-05-29 13:51:03 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 970C 35 F
2015-05-29 13:49:28 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 981C 327 F
2015-05-29 13:49:27 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1010C 328 F
2015-05-29 13:49:26 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1039C 328 F
2015-05-29 13:49:25 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1069C 328 F
2015-05-29 13:49:24 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1100C 328 F
2015-05-29 13:49:23 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1131C 328 F
2015-05-29 13:49:21 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1164C 328 F
2015-05-29 13:46:16 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) DH
2015-05-29 13:45:53 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1444C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:52 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1486C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:51 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1528C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:50 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1572C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:49 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1617C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:49 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1663C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:47 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1711C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:47 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1760C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:46 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1811C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:45 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1862C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:40 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1916C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:39 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 1971C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:39 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 2027C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:38 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 2085C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:37 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 2145C 33 F
2015-05-29 13:45:36 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 2206C 34 F
2015-05-29 13:45:34 GS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) 2269C 34 F
2015-05-29 13:44:24 PS Last Exit (#97) Ascending Dawn (#6) DH

However, you just take one snippet of information and twist it to make it seem you're the victim. When all you had to do was wait. If you think about it, it's BETTER to wait.. Because 1, he's going to have more land for you to retal later. But you kneejerked retal'd and you got garbage back as returns. If you examine the other players who were LG'd, they are all mostly waiting. It's only Sat, it would have wore off sometime today.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 6:20:47

You might want to relook at the population recover again. When you're gaining 40 population a turn and you have to get to 180k, that's going to take awhile. He might get 4k land,.. so what? That's not even 5k bushels when you're under 80% population.

You underestimate the dmg done; but, try it out yourself since you're so confident.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 6:48:23

Originally posted by Celphi:
You might want to relook at the population recover again. When you're gaining 40 population a turn and you have to get to 180k, that's going to take awhile. He might get 4k land,.. so what? That's not even 5k bushels when you're under 80% population.

You underestimate the dmg done; but, try it out yourself since you're so confident.

with that few GS , and that much land being taken the pop return should be much higher than the simple 40 pop per turn which sounds more like cashing the turns and not growing. If the country is near death then maybe you would have a point.

but with that much land growth i'm pretty sure his recovery rate was way above 40 per turn, i can explore 10 acres for ten turns or 100 acres and get initial pop growths of 100+- per turn toward the last explore turn.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 6:49:38

BTW in my book GS are the easiest attack to recover from.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 7:10:50

It's one of the hardest to recover from. You're also assuming that there were only GS atks and not SPY OPS.

It's impossible to gain more than 40 civilians during the first 30 turns. You could start off with max RES tech & 10000000000000 RES buildings, and you'd still gain 40. You can only gain a maximuim % of your current population.

max population formula = Min(BioFactor*Trunc(Round((MaxPop-CurrentPop),0)/3,0),BioFactor*Max(40,Round(0.03*(1-Taxrate)*CurrentPop),0))
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 7:16:29

I did the math for it some time ago:

Population growth look sorta like this:

As your current population get's bigger so does the amount of civilians who left that can come back. It's a long process, which can make a 20k country produce like a 5k country produces.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 7:38:38

Originally posted by Celphi:
I did the math for it some time ago:

Population growth look sorta like this:

As your current population get's bigger so does the amount of civilians who left that can come back. It's a long process, which can make a 20k country produce like a 5k country produces.

In the GS he lost what 46K civies out of about 120K civies ... leaving roughly 75K civies still standing
so based on the formula and the land hits he was recovering 1365 - 1463 pop per turn... so about 33 turns he's back to max .. leaving 90 turns minimum assuming no stored turns of high DR land heavy play where they can run low military and land grab at will.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 7:50:10

You're assuming there were 0 SPY ops.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 7:51:30

SPY OPS alone can drop a player's civilian population to 1/5th its size.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 7:54:40

I predict next reset we see lots of countries guerrilla striking each other, roughly 15-20 or so guerrilla strikes every 12 hours between turns 500 and 1200 ... just so they can keep their all-x land which should be close to 10-12k acres :)

forcing those who landgrab to make decisions like bots only, break gdi, or just play on lower land country.

after turn 1200 they would need to think about the benefit of striking countries with decent def, is it really worth it to move that many jets. maybe the game becomes more fun for everyone :)

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 7:58:13

Originally posted by Celphi:
SPY OPS alone can drop a player's civilian population to 1/5th its size.

that is a different discussion, and ditto for making troops flee a country, which is a powerful tool in truly damaging a country and leaving them vulnerable to a kill run.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 8:05:20

I didn't say troops. I said civilians.

Stir Rebellions This operation sends your agents into opposing countries to try to convince their citizens to emigrate from their empire. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Cause Dissensions By discouraging your target country's military, you can try to make a portion of their troops to flee from their standing army.

Edited By: Celphi on May 30th 2015, 8:11:28. Reason: [ Irrelevant ]
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 8:06:05

Stir Rebillions = Current population / 25
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2015, 8:10:54

What you're suggesting has happen several times before. It's never successful.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 30th 2015, 8:45:36

then I say just fix the DR rule so it cannot be abused... I'm pretty sure the people playing the server will ultimately be smart enough and prevail, at some point the pendulum swings in the other direction.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 20:52:33

I am replicating this here for sake of visibility:

Declare @offCountryID as INT
Declare @defCountryID as INT
Declare @warHit as INT
Declare @lgDR as INT
Declare @fullDR as INT
Declare @drCalc as INT
Declare @defLandGrabCount as INT
Declare @offLandGrabCount as INT

/** check for war hits made by offense **/


Select @fullDR = fullDR, @lgDR = lgDR from countries where offCountryID=@offCountryID

if exist(Select ah.defCountryID, ah.attackType
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

SET @warHit=1 -- is true
SET @drCalc = @fullDR

if not exist(Select ah.defCountryID, ah.attackType
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

SET @warHit = 0 -- is false



count of LGs between offense and defense country
if the two counts are equal then offending country landgrab is considered a new landgrab
if defending country made more LGs against offense country then LGs until equality is reached are considered retal
@defLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against offense country
@offLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against defending country
@defLandGrabCount - @offLandGrabCount = 0 -- current land grab is consider new

@defLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against offense country
@offLandGrabCount = 3 -- these are landgrabs against defending country
@defLandGrabCount - @offLandGrabCount = 1 -- current land grab is consider retal


If @warHit = 0 -- the following does not apply to countries a player is at war with!!

-- (count of LGs made by defending country against offense country)

select @defLandGrabCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@offCountryID
where ah.defCountryID=@defCountryID and ah.attackType in ('SS','PS'))

-- (count of LGs made by offense country against defending country)

select @offLandGrabCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('SS','PS'))

/** (count of warhits made by defending country against offense country this is to close the loophole of countries using warhits instead of LGs, and possibly thinking these cannot be retaled. A player can technically turn this country into a personal landfarm as long as they do not war hit them back until equality is reached. NOTE: this is inside the @warHit=0 for the offense country meaning the offense country has not attacked defending country with warhits. This advantage disappears as soon as @warHit = 1 or true) **/

select @defWarHitCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@offCountryID
where ah.defCountryID=@defCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

-- if less than or equal to zero then it is considered a new landgrab defending country does not have outstanding retals owed

if (@defLandGrabCount+@defWarHitCount) - @offLandGrabCount <=0
SET @drCalc = @warDR

-- if greater than zero then it is considered a retal defending country has outstanding retals owed

if (@defLandGrabCount+@defWarHitCount) - @offLandGrabCount > 0
SET @drCalc = @lgDR

Print 'drCalc = ' + @drCalc


just a quick rough draft at a SQL Stored Procedure to calculate the DRs -- would need to be tested/debugged and realigned to actual tables and fields. -- but it provides the basic psuedo code to make it a reality.


Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2015, 22:29:13

EE is programmed in PHP.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


EE Patron

Jun 5th 2015, 22:37:11

Good god celphi red herring much????? Who cares if its a topfeed or if the GS huert the player. The problem is unsuspecting player can lose 1000 acres with no recourse because retal gets them nothing because of DR flaw. I want to beat you with a hammer

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 22:56:46

Originally posted by Celphi:
EE is programmed in PHP.

If I'm correct PHP can call stored procedures, according to what I'm aware of this is not some limitation in PHP. As a matter of fact I think it is actually encouraged for security reasons. At the very least the transaction code is processed on the server side where the data resides.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 23:02:15

Besides the stored procedure above would have just one output -- the DR #, which could be plugged into the existing front end variable without any modification other than the call to the SP passing in two country numbers as input.

of course the country table would probably need one new column to keep a record of the current land grab DR and a function to maintain this field.

why the heck are you so afraid of this simple change in the game mechanics ???

Edited By: mFrost on Jun 5th 2015, 23:04:31
See Original Post

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2015, 23:59:35

I'm not afraid. I'm just stating your assistance is in the wrong programming language.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2015, 0:03:06

I don't think he converted to PHP5 yet, so most likely can't use MS SQL either. If I remember correctly, he uses MYSQL.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 0:30:56

lol, I'm pretty sure MYSQL has SP support as does PHP

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2015, 0:34:08

That's PHP 5 mFrost, as I just said.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 6th 2015, 0:44:15

Fascinating thread!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 1:32:45

Originally posted by Celphi:
That's PHP 5 mFrost, as I just said.

Version 4.3.7
03 Jun 2004
Fixed handling of return values from stored procedures in mssql_execute() with multiple result sets returned. (Frank)

well according to the above PHP has been handling Stored Procedures just fine since at least Version 4.3.7 or jun 2004, and probably much sooner...

google is your friend

the following goes way back to 2000 ... however the following shows it is actually possible to connect PHP 4.3 to a SQL Server and run an SP ;)

mramirez at star-dev dot com
01-Mar-2005 01:23

Hi, I was trying to execute an stored procedure with
PHP 4.3.10 and MS SQL Server 6.5 using PHP function
"odbc_exec" and ODBC.

The problem was that it returned an ouput parameter
and didn't know the right PHP functions and SQL
syntax to call it.

Finally after looking elsewhere, it worked this way:




$server = 'myservername';
$database = 'mydatabasename';
$username = 'myusername';
$password = 'mypassword';

$connection_string =
'DRIVER={SQL SERVER};SERVER=' . $server . ';DATABASE=' . $database;

$connection = odbc_connect($connection_string, $username, $password);

$sql = "BEGIN ";
$sql .= " declare @MyOutputValue int ";
$sql .= " execute MyStoredProc @MyOutputValue output select @MyOutputValue ";
$sql .= "END ";

echo '<form>' . chr(13);
echo '<table border="1">' . chr(13) . chr(13);
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><b>Valor</b></td>';
echo '</tr>';

$query = odbc_exec($connection, $sql);

echo '<tr>' . chr(13);

// "odbc_result" = "FieldByNumber(Index)",
// "Index" starts with 1 not 0 !!! :
$returnvalue = odbc_result($query, 1);

echo '<td>' . $returnvalue . '</td>';
echo '</tr>' . chr(13);
echo chr(13);

echo '</table>' . chr(13);
echo '</form>' . chr(13);






Good Luck.

ebert00 Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 22:44:18

I second the motion that Dr abuse is rampant. If a country land grabs you first you should be able to retal free of special attacks dr.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 7th 2015, 2:49:50

Originally posted by ebert00:
I second the motion that Dr abuse is rampant. If a country land grabs you first you should be able to retal free of special attacks dr.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 6:43:26

Let new DR = nDR & assume player has dr = 30. Now,

If player retals, then nDR = DR - 1


If player attacks, then nDR = DR - 2


Player's nDR = DR - 1 every hour

Edited By: Nerrus on Jun 9th 2015, 12:12:51
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

DruncK Game profile


Jun 9th 2015, 13:10:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by ebert00:
I second the motion that Dr abuse is rampant. If a country land grabs you first you should be able to retal free of special attacks dr.


I second that emotion! If you feel like... Wait, what?