
mazooka Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 23:30:13

I was thinking how to make this game more fun for new players and less discouraging.

First idea is this.
explore- have a country only have 5k acres available total to explore.

ie: starting country @ 100 acres can explore 40 acres a turn and has 5000 "available acres" to explore
you explore 1 turn for 40 acres. your country now has 4960 "available acres"

when a country is land grabbed, land is deducted from "aa", building/military loss stays the same.
when a country runs out of "acres available" 5000 acres have been explored, it regenerates like PM regen, x amount per turn gained. "available acres" would also regen when a country landgrabs another country.

country has 0 "aa". makes one land grab for 200 acres. country also now has 200 "aa"

so, of course a new tech for "aa" would be nice. or a gov bonus maybe?

i think something like this could be good for everyone. gives noobs a chance to grow a bit and figure stuff out. it gives big countries some protection from "suiciders". could still grab through someones "aa" if your intentions are to harm.

big change i know. i have another suggestion as well but i'l see what kind if any response this gets.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 23:52:15

So you're suggesting that as long as there are "aa" then the actual country doesn't lose land when attacked? Interesing idea. I feel that might encourage farming of untags though since the first many hits would be "free"

mazooka Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 23:58:16

farming is already happening detmer. this is not meant to be free but add a cushion. building,military,cash,food,tech losses still.

the idea being, fb people attack the fluff out of each other but dont do any damage really to other people. even if you kill someone, they come back alive when they start playing again. only noticing they died because they have another death in the total deaths box.

Edited By: mazooka on Jul 13th 2011, 0:02:27
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 0:57:54

Farming would happen way worse if there was more land available. If people could get more 100 acre grabs there will be more people grabbing.