
BlackMamba Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 1:48:44

How about disabling special attacks on individual servers: tournament, express and primary UNLESS: you have been attacked or spied on by that particular country.

I don't know how complicated that would be to program but it would be a very helpful random suicider prevention method. I have no problem with countries getting ABed or receiving missled if they attack someone or if they spy on someone and it might indicate that they will attack in the future.

The thing I'd like to minimize a little is destructive attacks with no benefit to the attacking country, when it is performed on countries that didn't do anything to them. This would only be in place for the individual servers where there isn't any reason to do special attacks on someone unless they have attacked you or spied on you (IE possible threat).

BlackMamba Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 1:55:09

I don't have a problem of people getting retribution, even if they do overdo it. My problem is with people who ruin other peoples efforts for no reason and with no individual benefit to their own countries. If they landgrab someone for land or commit espionage that's understandable. What I think should be eliminated though is random suiciding by countries done on the last few days of the solo servers, where countries are suicided on for no reason by countries that never attacked or spied on them. Where it is obviously a harmful attack with no benefit for the attacking country.