Feb 21st 2018, 16:14:55
This is a longstanding bug, incepted around the same time as the bots. Ever since the bots came online, the market feeds are buggy. Before bots, every single market transaction appeared in the IRC market channels, and the marker feeds. Now, they frequently don't. I think it's because the FFA transactions are overloading the system. I've noticed that sometimes, in the midst of an ffa bot buying spree, you can for instance buy bushels on team and it won't show up in #market.team. This means that all the market tools are inaccurate as well, eestats, Market Central, or any others. I doubt it's a papercut, but it's definitely something that should be fixed in my opinion, and since there's been a spurt of activity by the devs I thought I'd post this.
Edited By: qzjul on Mar 8th 2018, 21:33:51
See Original Post
See Original Post