
joedro Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 17:07:10

Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 4566 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $220,522
$-456,434 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
4,373 bushels
+56,806 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
Your research teams made a Cruise Missile!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 827 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 4323 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $216,955
$-436,752 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
4,271 bushels
+56,908 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 843 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 4094 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $215,564
$-415,899 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
4,174 bushels
+57,005 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 859 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 3877 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $214,182
$-396,027 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
4,083 bushels
+57,096 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 876 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 3671 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $212,808
$-377,092 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
3,998 bushels
+57,181 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 893 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 3477 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $211,444
$-359,048 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
3,919 bushels
+57,260 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 911 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives destroyed 3 missiles, rendering them useless!
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $210,089
$-344,851 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
3,861 bushels
+57,318 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 928 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 3184 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $208,742
$-328,342 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
3,790 bushels
+57,389 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 946 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 3016 spies.
Tax Revenue:
Net Change: $207,402
$-312,568 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
3,725 bushels
+57,454 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 965 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies.Your operatives were unable to complete their mission! You lost 2857 spies.
Tax Revenue:
if you could keep this from happening

Net Change: $206,073
$-297,539 Food Produced:
Food Consumed:
Net Change: 61,179 bushels
3,664 bushels
+57,515 bushels
Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Population gain: 984 people.
You Produced: 261 Spies
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

spawn Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 17:10:17

/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Fooglmog Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 17:31:43

So don't send 10 ops at once? Especially not when you don't have enough money to play the turns.

Guy with no clue.

joedro Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 18:16:46

i know what a blunder, but i remember i thread here where some one asked to make it to when you ran out of cash or food, it stops the ops
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

Pain Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 22:51:43

bigger question is why are you trying to run that many ops when you failed 90% of them?
Your mother is a nice woman

dantzig Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 0:35:44

What percentage of your country was left after that? Lol that really sucks

Id love to see a confirmation before running turns that would make you run out of money or food

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 0:52:42

Couldn't you just have posted "Stop batch send turns on cash/food shortage" instead of that wall of unformatted text? :-P

joedro Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 3:22:19

probably would have been better huh
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 21:17:12

At the very least, it would have given me less to yank yer chain about ;-)

llaar Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 0:05:16

i've done that soooooo many times

2025 worked that way too