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DR is my medical tech.
If they wanted to instantly make MED TECH useful, they could make it so that an attacker would be penalized up to -33% attack gains, when attacked; but, that would probably change the dynamics of the game too much.
Maybe implement that idea and remove DR all together.
DR is around for a very important reason, medical tech would not replace DR. And with warster around on express now, I would watch yourself with the DR.
Uhm, what is your message implying? I can't retal those while at war with another country?
The whole DR thing is stupid on EXPRESS. Basically, if you have a strategy to top-feed players, then you better hope nobody wars you, because if they do, then that's assumed as cheating. I guess you technically could get anyone deleted who is an aggressive LGer by provoking them to war you.
Country A - aggressive LGer
Country B - instigator
Country A LGs C, D, E, F, G, H...
Country B LGs A x3.
Country A LGs B x2
Country B commits GS x20.
Country A can no longer LG any country now because everyone will accuse him of using DR as a shield, thus effectively destroying Country A.