


Jan 26th 2011, 16:28:12

on all the fora the originator is displayed
on the help forum there is no need to do that because the originator is always the bot
so instead of listing the originator
use that space for a description of the country e.g. Rcasher

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jan 26th 2011, 16:55:13

could do something like that eh
Finally did the signature thing.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2011, 15:07:51

i think the idea is good, but not very practical. there are a few reasons for this.

1. A lot of users accessing the help link(if not now, in future) will potentially be rainbows when they first access it and should hopefully be taught specialisation. their country's thread would be forever dubbed rainbow.

2. Some other players post either as a daily record of their country or to ask pointers in regards to their play. these players may switch strategy at least two times. i know that when i play ttr, i always do a mon-indy with a very early switch to theo startup. my thread would always be dubbed mon-indy even if i played ttr and even managed to switch to tmbr at the end.

3. what about those players who aren't confortable playing a pure casher, as in they keep some farms and indies layin around. are they casher/farmer/indies? Rainbows? Etc?
EE Developer

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2011, 15:52:46

Double Rainbow all the WAY!
Finally did the signature thing.



Jan 27th 2011, 16:29:04

true enough zarcon

the new express forum has already generated some debate and revealed some really bizzaro theories which have been entertainging if not informative

it has also already generated a fair number of closed threads
some of which are worthy of study
i am thinking in particular of the D,R and F farmers of set 59
the balance between these farmer gov types should change after the new oiler rules hit in early february

i think keeping those threads open would be advisable
obviously someone would have to decide which threads should stay open, which should be closed and what to title each of the various countries

i would volunteer to do that for the express help forum if you think it is worthwhile

since i sometimes become embroiled in contentious debates perhaps i am not the right person for the job



iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2011, 17:12:07

the threads are auto closed. if u had access to open them, they'd just close again. and, its good to close them i feel.

EE Developer