
bart Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 13:30:48

I think the spyops success rate should be changed:
in FFA NBK did a lot of spyops with countries less than 10k spies on countries with over 500k spies and because of the sheer number of spyops they did they got enough successful attempts to lower that countries' break enough to kill it.

Even though the strategy was very successful for NBK and would have turned the tide in the war against AODT if the set lasted longer, I don't think this is the way it was intended.

My suggestion would be make the success rate 0 when spying a country with less than 1/10th (could be a different ratio) of your spies/spal. Or just like with lemming do not allow it when the number of spies (or spal) of the target country is higher than Y times your number of spies (or spal).

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2010, 14:31:40

any time we have complaints about spies being both too overpowered and underpowered says it might be on the right track

demo and CD are two of the most powerful ops

Detmer Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 14:57:22

CD is a good one, demo is a good one.

The rest of the harmful ops are pretty much worthless.

Are you talking about attack intel centers bart?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2010, 15:33:12

he means that aodt tag killed nbk

then nbk restarted and started killing off aodt's restarts/inactives

eventually nbk had so many more turns than aodt that using say tyrannys doing 33 hits a day and 50 spy ops even though the success rate was low even 1 out of 50 demos going through on a country at humanitarian limit is pretty effective

i would have thought they could grow a lot more but instead they chose to stay low growing only enough to kill the bottom aodt countries

of course with CD they could have killed a lot more by having more themselves instead



Jul 23rd 2010, 16:13:23

no one is complaining that spies are too powerful

read his post carefully

he is saying that a huge spy country was beaten by a small spy country

the formula on this site discourages the building of high SPAL countries because they can neither spy on low SPAL countries nor can they withstand repeated spy ops from low SPAL countries

i succeeded in spying on a country in express when my spal was 1% of theirs that can not be allowed to happen

i think until we get this figured out we should just go with highest spal wins with some dr percentage added each turn

otherwise no one will build large spal countries and a large vibrant part of this game that holds many players here will be gone

the success rate has got to be changed it is insane

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 23rd 2010, 16:17:59

the formula on this site discourages the building of high SPAL countries because they can neither spy on low SPAL countries nor can they withstand repeated spy ops from low SPAL countries

negative, high spies on average land for high spal will win very consistently, however spy DR will kick in after about 10 or 15
Finally did the signature thing.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 23rd 2010, 16:18:09

and yes we're redoing this....
Finally did the signature thing.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2010, 16:18:22

offensive compared to defensive is a seperate issue to whether high or low spies is better

some people run high spies for defence not offence too

i consider the turns cost huge, especially since most of the spying ive been doing lately has been with techers, and building spies is very expensive for techers too

if your a farmer and your happy to spend 50 turns to get 1 op sure you can have low spal

bart Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 14:22:27

yes, what I meant is that defending against countries with low amount of spies is impossible as long as the attackers have enough turns to do the spyops.

It is not like with attacks where you are not allowed to hit someone when you send less than ~1/6th of his troops/turrets/tanks/militairy strength.

With spyops you can just spy on someone when you have 1 spy and if you spend enough turns you will get what you wanted to do with your spy op; demo a country, CD it down, SR his pop away, etc.
Ofcourse this is easier in FFA where everyone can run 16 countries and thus have 800 spyops available per player per day.



Jul 24th 2010, 14:26:11

now there is an idea

if you hve 1/10th of the target's spal something bd happens to u and u dont get to spy

like with how bioterrorism now backfires

isnt it funny how no netter ops ever backfire?
u never try to research agriculture and find out your scientists killed all ur crops

the netters would go nuts if they got a taste of that medicine
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game