Mar 1st 2021, 13:24:24
Problem with indy in long servers is the expenses formula. Just change the way expenses scale with NW either to a higher divisor(2 minute effort) or make expenses inversely affected to by the log of NW or some such thing(might take 20 minutes).
-50% expenses as bonus don't really matter when expenses increase per unit increase 200-300% while jumping. It not only screws netting indy but it also ruins non-oil destocks in high turn servers, and punishes you for building a good country in war lol. :)
Current: Expenses ~ (1+NW/(2*10^8)), made sense I guess when NWs were lower.
Quick fix: Expenses ~ (1+NW/(5*10^8)) OR even (1+NW/(2*10^9)), would be a quick fix that more or less doesn't affect any server other than FFA and alliance(slightly primary, but it affects strats equally there).
Good fix: Expenses ~ 1/(0.2+ln(NW+1)/20), this would make expenses slightly higher than now below 5.3m NW and lower above that, which makes total sense at this point. Reward people for playing well, and don't punish them so hard for defending themselves.
-50% expenses as bonus don't really matter when expenses increase per unit increase 200-300% while jumping. It not only screws netting indy but it also ruins non-oil destocks in high turn servers, and punishes you for building a good country in war lol. :)
Current: Expenses ~ (1+NW/(2*10^8)), made sense I guess when NWs were lower.
Quick fix: Expenses ~ (1+NW/(5*10^8)) OR even (1+NW/(2*10^9)), would be a quick fix that more or less doesn't affect any server other than FFA and alliance(slightly primary, but it affects strats equally there).
Good fix: Expenses ~ 1/(0.2+ln(NW+1)/20), this would make expenses slightly higher than now below 5.3m NW and lower above that, which makes total sense at this point. Reward people for playing well, and don't punish them so hard for defending themselves.