
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2011, 13:00:33

So I was thinking of a way for the developers to introduce more land / grabbing targets for the alliance server. I realize AI countries could be a lot of work and take time to implement...

Here is an easy way to get the same results:

Put a copy of countries from primary on the alliance server. For example lets say we have Country A that plays on primary. Country A is duplicated and each day that country A plays turns on primary the same country is duplicated on the alliance server. Country A wouldn't be able to control the duplicated copy on the alliance server but each day Country A plays turns and grows in primary it is replicated on the alliance server... So if country A plays primary and gains 1000 acres, the country that is duplicated on the alliance server gains 1000 acres. same with military, tech, etc...

It might be a bad idea but at least it's a suggestion.
- Premium Patron Member

Rockman Game profile


Oct 29th 2011, 13:28:28

Why do we need more land on the alliance server? Isn't there already too much there?

We already have a game mechanic that doesn't kick in until 12 million networth (increasing gov switch penalty), and a game mechanic that doesn't kick in until 2b cash (corruption). Why not put in a game mechanic that triggers after a certain landsize?

Why do we need to keep making it easier for people to get high networths? Aren't networths already getting pretty ridiculous?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2011, 14:07:09

Well my idea does have an effect on NW but the main point was to maybe add more fun into the game. I don't know about you but it was always more fun for me to land grab. Primary is tons of fun right now because you can actually do some LGing. The Alliance server is a different ball game, as it should be.

Since you think adding a "mechanic" that triggers after a certain landsize is the way to go, are you going to offer a suggestion or rather criticize and offer nothing?

If you're going to criticize you should at least offer an alternate solution otherwise you're counter productive and wasting your time posting. Don't be so jaded.
- Premium Patron Member

Juusto Game profile


Oct 29th 2011, 14:19:36

*creates a country to primary server and farms it...

heh easy land ;)

Rockman Game profile


Oct 29th 2011, 14:50:55

Originally posted by Requiem:
Well my idea does have an effect on NW but the main point was to maybe add more fun into the game. I don't know about you but it was always more fun for me to land grab. Primary is tons of fun right now because you can actually do some LGing. The Alliance server is a different ball game, as it should be.

Since you think adding a "mechanic" that triggers after a certain landsize is the way to go, are you going to offer a suggestion or rather criticize and offer nothing?

If you're going to criticize you should at least offer an alternate solution otherwise you're counter productive and wasting your time posting. Don't be so jaded.

Actually, I have partly done that. I made a suggestion to weaken the 0 military base private market destock, which for the most part would weaken 30k+ acre countries, while having little effect on smaller countries who can go MBR, or destock on public. It doesn't specifically trigger after a certain landsize, but it overwhelmingly affects large countries while having a much much smaller effect on countries which do not grow to sizes at which landtrading is more effective than bottomfeeding. Although it doesn't weaken the Commie Indy landtrader at all.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2011, 17:13:21

that change was halving replenishment?

it didnt seem like it would make much difference to me

if you want to make landsizes smaller then just make building costs rise faster, the mechanics already there and is the main factor at the moment in when you want to stop rather than can you get the land

crest23 Game profile


Oct 29th 2011, 19:40:51

Remove or significantly reduce ghost acres.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

bertz Game profile


Oct 31st 2011, 5:09:35

Larger DR for ghost acres not removing it.