OK sinistril you are terribly wrong about two things:
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Reducing the number of bots is only really good for those who hit at the right times or get to bots first.
I think a vast misunderstanding about landgrabbing formulas is the foundation for this sentence which has no connection to reality. DR is a smooth function, NW-modifier is a smooth function, bots play at random times. C:C DR is a smooth function. Further, the difference between a great grabber and an average one is so much bigger than the slight variations that occur on an hourly basis. Because grabbing is all built on smooth functions without brackets or asymptotes ( if DR is between ~1.97 and 13 that is), camping targets is not a useful/necessary practice anymore.
As I said DR is a smooth function inside the range 1.97-13, which is my main arguement for keeping the bots in that range: outside that range, you got a balanced game mechanic that is no longer in play, and that is the situation we find ourselves in a lot of the time since the bot increase to 250.
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I mean if the only goal is to protect landfat netters and not to re-balance grabbing in general then let's at least be honest about that.
Nope thats not what its about at all. If you have read anything I wrote you know that is not the truth. I want to discourage toxic playstyles that are detrimental to the game as a whole.