Jul 19th 2014, 20:08:02
In the recent advent of defending countries getting a sizeable amount of stock back based on the # of defends they were able to record. Maybe we should reward attacking countries for a succsessful kill.. As I imagaine it, thogh the base numbers can be easily changed, 25% of the stock (both on and off market) of the dead country should be distruibed evenly to attackers bassed on attacks made per country in the last 24 (or X) hours. So if country A hit 50 times in a kill turn that took 200 hits, country A sould get 25% of the 25% of the stock that will be divdied up. To reward kill shots, if country A got he kills shot, a bonus 25-50% of the share can be added on. Such grants would only take place upon the defending countries death and maybe only distruited at 00:00 game time.
Your base is mine!