
DruncK Game profile


May 14th 2020, 17:30:56

Would it make sense to be able to withdraw only a certain set of goods from the market instead of all of them?

Example: My turrets aren't selling, but jets are. Why can I not ONLY recall the turrets?

Same for different sets of techs n fluff

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 18:11:43

I would like that.

- Premium Patron Member

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2020, 18:37:28

If you are talking about changing the recall to 1 batch per 3 turns and no 'recall all'-option that is a terrible idea for everyone. I dont think I need to elaborate on that...

If you are talking about a 3-turn recall for all of one goods type, then that could work. It could work either if the 'recall all' option still exists or if it doesn't. There are a number of ways one could do that to make it nicer for the user than it is now.

Could be a checklist thats auto-marked on 'ALL' goods, and you can change it to only include say troops and bushels, or only 1 type of goods. That would be kinda neat I guess, tho I'm not sure how important it is for me.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 19:16:29

I think he is talking about the option to only recall one type or recall all types or any combination thereof. That was my interpretation at least and is the interpretation that I give a +1 for.

So 3 turns for recall and you choose what batches you want to recall (or all).
- Premium Patron Member

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 20:25:55

even if it was less turns for less goods recalled that might not be a bad thing

or let you recall 50% if you want

heck even give a 'bad' gov better recall opttions if you wan

DruncK Game profile


May 14th 2020, 21:07:13

Ya, I'd say leave recall all the default but if we don't want to recall jets give us the option not to.

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 22:15:45

Yes I planned on doing this in the new UI, the old UI only uses an array of data that gets sent, and to break that up would a pain in the ass.

So maybe look forward to that on the new UI. as for adding free-recall to a government i kinda like that idea.. or perhaps make it a bonus point thing.

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 22:28:09

a communist or fascist or some government that would have control of the market a perk could be free recall.

I like the idea of picking and choosing what you want to recall. 3 turns per recall regardless (save government bonus if added, though.)

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 22:47:27

yeah i would lean towards Fas or commie because its often their stuff stuck on the market also..

DruncK Game profile


May 14th 2020, 23:30:05

Honestly any government can have that issue depending on strat. I like bonus point idea

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 15th 2020, 12:58:15

Any strat that sells on the public market which includes every government!
- Premium Patron Member

braden Game profile


May 15th 2020, 18:48:17

/marshal post

if bushel price is lower on public than on private then farmers sell with no tax and make profit over public

(no matter how hard I try I can't quite reach his ineptitude.)