Oct 4th 2013, 3:06:44
Team Fix- team wide GDI AKA United Nations / DOW it will serve as a way to support 5 man game play and nerf coordination between multiple tags.
The proposed rule set is as follows:
--Tag Admin has option to join United Nations must be done within the 1st 72 hours of set before any attacks are made.
---To join the UN you are required to have 3+ members in tag, Once UN is joined the tag is locked and no new members may join.
--Minimum time is the whole length of the set.
--Cost is 2$ per acre per country. (ex. 5 man tag with 100 acres each, protection would cost $1000 per turn)
---Add bonus that would reduce the cost by 10% per 8 bonus points spent, max 2 per country but cumulative for tag (i.e. A 5 man tag where each country spent max points in reduced UN cost would be able to achieve -100% UN cost as a whole but a 3 Man tag would max out at -60% UN cost)
--Members of tags in the UN will only be able to do standard strikes, planned strikes, spy, spy on alliances market spy and military spy to tags which have not done at least 5 tag wide attacks or 10 offensive spy ops towards them.
--Members of tags not in UN attacking Members of tags in the UN will only be able to do standard strikes, planned strikes, spy, spy on alliances market spy and military spy unless the tag in UN has made 5 or more tag wide attacks or 10 offensive spy ops towards them.
--Declaration of war new option available to the tag admin only after 5 or more tag wide attacks have been made against them.
--It will be available to either side of the conflict only if one side is a UN member.(i.e. UN vs UN available to either side, NonUN vs UN available to either side, NonUN vs NonUN not available)
--Only one tag involved in the conflict may use the declaration of war function.
--Once a declaration of war is made the 2 tags involved are protected from being attacked from the outside (similar to how humanitarians work now.)
--The side who declares war will receive +10% military strength +10% attack gains while the side being declared on receives -5% military strength and -5% attack gains.
This will serve 2 fold. It will deter tags from baiting because if they start the process, the tag they are trying to bait will have the option of DOW 1st assuming only 1:1 exchanges take place. (It will also add more risk if trying to enforce L:L for the same reason). It will also discourage mid to late set farming by tags due to giving who they are farming more of a fighting chance and ability to cause more damage.
--While in a state of war ghost acres are halved but normal land gains are doubled. (Removes the option to abuse DOW for the purpose of organized and 100% safe land trading)
--The tag admin of the winning side will have the option declare peace, but it will only be given after a tag kill is achieved.
It would be much like the GDI of express but be adapted for team gameplay. It will basically require tags to do 5 or more attacks before all-out war can start between them. Tags would need to opt into this protection, if opt in large groups will no longer be able to randomly kill tags that haven't attacked them enough to warrant it. It would not completely remove the ability to play in larger groups for those who desire because outside of the UN the server would not change.
The proposed rule set is as follows:
--Tag Admin has option to join United Nations must be done within the 1st 72 hours of set before any attacks are made.
---To join the UN you are required to have 3+ members in tag, Once UN is joined the tag is locked and no new members may join.
--Minimum time is the whole length of the set.
--Cost is 2$ per acre per country. (ex. 5 man tag with 100 acres each, protection would cost $1000 per turn)
---Add bonus that would reduce the cost by 10% per 8 bonus points spent, max 2 per country but cumulative for tag (i.e. A 5 man tag where each country spent max points in reduced UN cost would be able to achieve -100% UN cost as a whole but a 3 Man tag would max out at -60% UN cost)
--Members of tags in the UN will only be able to do standard strikes, planned strikes, spy, spy on alliances market spy and military spy to tags which have not done at least 5 tag wide attacks or 10 offensive spy ops towards them.
--Members of tags not in UN attacking Members of tags in the UN will only be able to do standard strikes, planned strikes, spy, spy on alliances market spy and military spy unless the tag in UN has made 5 or more tag wide attacks or 10 offensive spy ops towards them.
--Declaration of war new option available to the tag admin only after 5 or more tag wide attacks have been made against them.
--It will be available to either side of the conflict only if one side is a UN member.(i.e. UN vs UN available to either side, NonUN vs UN available to either side, NonUN vs NonUN not available)
--Only one tag involved in the conflict may use the declaration of war function.
--Once a declaration of war is made the 2 tags involved are protected from being attacked from the outside (similar to how humanitarians work now.)
--The side who declares war will receive +10% military strength +10% attack gains while the side being declared on receives -5% military strength and -5% attack gains.
This will serve 2 fold. It will deter tags from baiting because if they start the process, the tag they are trying to bait will have the option of DOW 1st assuming only 1:1 exchanges take place. (It will also add more risk if trying to enforce L:L for the same reason). It will also discourage mid to late set farming by tags due to giving who they are farming more of a fighting chance and ability to cause more damage.
--While in a state of war ghost acres are halved but normal land gains are doubled. (Removes the option to abuse DOW for the purpose of organized and 100% safe land trading)
--The tag admin of the winning side will have the option declare peace, but it will only be given after a tag kill is achieved.
It would be much like the GDI of express but be adapted for team gameplay. It will basically require tags to do 5 or more attacks before all-out war can start between them. Tags would need to opt into this protection, if opt in large groups will no longer be able to randomly kill tags that haven't attacked them enough to warrant it. It would not completely remove the ability to play in larger groups for those who desire because outside of the UN the server would not change.
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