Nov 29th 2012, 17:17:23
New players normally do not know how to properly arrange their buildings.
I suggest that we have someone create 4 sample countries on FFA with an open profile, and then have links put to these 4 countries for new players to see what a country should look like. When clicking on a sample country, you'd be brought to look at that country's status page. The links would be called "Sample Casher country" "Sample Farmer country" "Sample Indy country" "Sample Techer country".
We can already view the statuses of past countries, but those statuses often are very poor guides for players on how to run a country. For example, if they looked at the best country last set on alliance that had an open profile, they would see:
They'd see a country with all military bases and unrealistic military amounts (and no construction sites). A country like that would not be useful as a training tool to guide players on how to properly setup a country.
The countries linked to should be reasonably small countries with reasonable tech levels for growing, none of this huge 20k acres or 175% bus/res techs stuff.
Something like a 4k acre casher with 1.8k enterprise zones, 1.8k residences, 200 industrial complexes, 200 construction sites, 40k each of business and residential techs, 10k weapons tech, and reasonable military amounts for a 4k acre country. The Farmer, Indy, and Techer countries would be similarly put together. I'd suggest Republic for Casher, Fascism for Farmer, Communism for Indy, and Theocracy for Techer.
You'd put the link to seeing sample countries as part of the tutorial that people can turn on or off. That way new players would have a chance to see what countries should look like, and would know that people don't use every building.
I'd say the most important places to put a link for new players to click saying "click to see some sample countries" would be on their own country status, and on their buildings page. And it would link to the country status of the sample country.
On the page with the 4 links to sample countries, you'd also have one or two sentences describing how countries use the public market to purchase goods that they do not produce, and to generate cash by selling the surplus of what they do produce.
This should give an increase in the retention rate of totally new players to the game. Having links to common strategies in a strategy game will make players more likely to keep playing, if they actually feel they are following a strategy with their country, rather than them feeling like they are playing a new game without any guidance. I know that I personally am much more likely to keep playing a game I am new to, if I feel that I at least have some clue what I am doing.
I suggest that we have someone create 4 sample countries on FFA with an open profile, and then have links put to these 4 countries for new players to see what a country should look like. When clicking on a sample country, you'd be brought to look at that country's status page. The links would be called "Sample Casher country" "Sample Farmer country" "Sample Indy country" "Sample Techer country".
We can already view the statuses of past countries, but those statuses often are very poor guides for players on how to run a country. For example, if they looked at the best country last set on alliance that had an open profile, they would see:
They'd see a country with all military bases and unrealistic military amounts (and no construction sites). A country like that would not be useful as a training tool to guide players on how to properly setup a country.
The countries linked to should be reasonably small countries with reasonable tech levels for growing, none of this huge 20k acres or 175% bus/res techs stuff.
Something like a 4k acre casher with 1.8k enterprise zones, 1.8k residences, 200 industrial complexes, 200 construction sites, 40k each of business and residential techs, 10k weapons tech, and reasonable military amounts for a 4k acre country. The Farmer, Indy, and Techer countries would be similarly put together. I'd suggest Republic for Casher, Fascism for Farmer, Communism for Indy, and Theocracy for Techer.
You'd put the link to seeing sample countries as part of the tutorial that people can turn on or off. That way new players would have a chance to see what countries should look like, and would know that people don't use every building.
I'd say the most important places to put a link for new players to click saying "click to see some sample countries" would be on their own country status, and on their buildings page. And it would link to the country status of the sample country.
On the page with the 4 links to sample countries, you'd also have one or two sentences describing how countries use the public market to purchase goods that they do not produce, and to generate cash by selling the surplus of what they do produce.
This should give an increase in the retention rate of totally new players to the game. Having links to common strategies in a strategy game will make players more likely to keep playing, if they actually feel they are following a strategy with their country, rather than them feeling like they are playing a new game without any guidance. I know that I personally am much more likely to keep playing a game I am new to, if I feel that I at least have some clue what I am doing.