
xaos Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 19th 2011, 19:40:23

Like I said in IRC, Qz... people don't like to type stuff. I suggest buttons for auto-population of cells.

Things like:

Sell max tech/military
Send X amount of military
Explore/cash with all(or maybe in increments) turns
build BPTs of land

etc etc...

People, especially facebook gamers, dont seem to enjoy using their keyboard for anything. They're used to a lot of clicking, though.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 19th 2011, 19:47:41

do you have research findings to back this up? :p

it probably exists if you look for it!

I would suggest making this all run using JavaScript, but that may start issues with mobile devices not working right, and potentially, the mobile devices could be a place where this is needed more
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Apr 19th 2011, 19:48:01

haha. i can imagine it now. up and down arrows to increase/decrease units

"hm i need to send a 1million jet PS"
"hell with it"

xaos Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 19th 2011, 20:01:34

pang, yes, but it's mostly to do with seeing my coworkers, parents, friends, and sister incessantly clicking away at inane fluff in some FB game. I almost never see them touch the keyboard at all.

as for the JS thing, well, i dont see why that'd be necessary one bit... except for something like sliders for amounts, but that's a bit over the top, imo. before i'd want to see that, i'd rather see dropdowns with "normal" amounts: 10%, 25%, 33%, 100%, 10k, 100k, etc etc etc

spawn Game profile


Apr 19th 2011, 21:12:15

look for the greasemonkey EE script, it adds a lot of buttons
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Detmer Game profile


Apr 19th 2011, 21:33:28

I want it to recognize my mouse gestures for writing numbers!

Rockman Game profile


Apr 19th 2011, 21:43:54

I like keyboards.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Apr 19th 2011, 21:52:02

ya, I think we would have to do this as a sort of "add on" type of user flow

the way EE is meant to function, it requires a lot of exact numbers

we can water that down to a degree by making it more button/image based (which would be cool) but we need more graphic folks on staff to make that a reality in the short term :-/
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Drinks Game profile


Apr 20th 2011, 4:18:20

im with detmer.

I want to write with my mouse haha.

(Moves mouse around spelling HELLO!)
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 20th 2011, 20:34:48

lol@mouse gestures
Finally did the signature thing.

llaar Game profile


Apr 20th 2011, 22:47:42

i would prefer if i didnt have to use the mouse at all

if there were keyboard shortcuts that activated the links, and autofocus on first textbox on each page, i could play soooo much faster

im a big keyboard shortcut fan, i even make keyboard shortcuts for programs i run often (if you make shortcuts in your my docs folder, then doing windows->run and typing the name of the shortcut, will run the program)... like windows->run->n->enter runs notepad for me, and takes half a second to do that. 'calc' is a default one for running calculator already since it also runs files by name from your windows->system folder as well. i use the calc a lot when playing and calculating things such as breaks in attacks, dont need the mouse at all for that. :)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 20th 2011, 22:53:17

dumb the game down enough so that an ipad user is capable of playing it...
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.