Feb 27th 2013, 18:56:40
There should be a mechanism in place to punish attacking countries that attack people without provocation. The idea isn't all that simple, because you need to define an acceptable behavior and then figure out how to punish the offenders.
Here's an example: Country A starts farming Country B (lets be nice and say +2 hits). The big bully's population should riot, causing people to leave, burn buildings, lower productivity, etc. Make them 'random' events, but more likely to happen if the player is exhibiting bullying behavior. Make the bad events happen worse if the behavior doesnt improve. Basically the goal would be to make farming people not worth it. But then...
In the case where you have Tag A and Tag B at war, these problems should go away, perhaps even give a small bonus when land is gained- a way of your people supporting the war effort. Problem is, there is no mechanism for Clans to formally pact or declare war on one another in-game.
Its a simple problem with a not so simple solution to implement.