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Huma Abedin:
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Blow Cow:
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Blow Cow:
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Blow Cow:
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Blow Cow:
I might be blow cow but at least I didnt fail as a marine.
Please explain your proof. I know you are dumber than my pet rock blow cow, so I am really interested in how you came to this conclusion.
Got me there unless I know what is on your DD 214
Oh well we all have our opinions
So clearly you are full of fluff. I work @ a very large defense contractor, what do you think it says on my DD 214? I also have used my GI BILL, VA home loan, federal government worker, and appointee within the department of defense and state. I know you will have to use all of the capacity for your autistic brain, but you can do it!
Autistic probably who knows. Your opinion again. That's awesome you used all the benefits that you deserved. But I am still entitled to my opinion that you are a crappy marine. Regardless of what the DD214 shows. If you can have your opinion on me then I can have my opinion on the way you present yourself. Now you can say I hide behind a fake nick, but you also hide behind a fake nick when you trolled jayr. So I guess we are the same.
Half of the server has fake nicks to troll jayr.
I am still looking for some kind of proof now that you are backpedaling. If you are relying on oppionion, it is worthless. You are a garbage human being.
That's interesting tell me more about your opinion, and why I should change my opinion towards you based on how you act towards other players on these boards.
No need. It is a well known fact that you are garbage.
if i were a marine and i had to share that distinction with scotty there id be ashamed to call myself as such.
i doubt he was a marine because, honestly, i cant imagine somebody so dedicated to country being such a little fluff girl. but i have seen gi jane, so i know women are allowed not to ask or to tell..
Shut your hole Braden. You would have to be sober for longer than 10 minutes in order to even attempt it...
who the fluff is braden? why do people always talk about him, is he really that popular and interesting? if by public demand hes clearly wanted back, why does the game continue to ban him?
some of us started after he was banned and we kind of feel like we're missing half the game- half the fun of it, at least- being left here to hear about and ask about him, but as it is any new folk, who started after he was banned, we just miss out. you ban him yet punish us..