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as a fresh country we would get 99 turns to build up our country and remaining military wouldn't be eating our resources, as a 1st gen restart having like 40k turrets and 10-25k jets and tanks means that income is ~50k negative (at least) and bushels production can be also negative so with 15 turns player will need to get either tax revenues or bushels production positive and if accomplishes last then its not much more than 2-300 bushels per turn and if accomplishes 1st then gets maybe few k income and as turns are spent (either growing or attacking) pop gets higher and either money source gets better.
You know you CAN sell all those "40k turrets and 10-25k jets and tanks" to your private market and have all the positive income (and tons of spare cash) right?
You know you CAN drop all the extra restart land down to 100a if you wish right?
You know building costs is constant until you exceed 750a right? (After 750a, it starts rising with land size.) You can drop to 750a, if you wish too.
Your restart is in no way worse than a fresh one out of the box.
If an enemy wants to waste 70 attacks to kill your restart, that's good for your clan, it is 70 attacks they aren't doing on a bigger and better country.
Wars will always reach a critical point, once you go past that, the losing side has no hope of making a comeback (without an allied clan joining in), the restart bonuses actually delay this critical point. It is at this point where the losing side should stop restarting and stop providing free land.