
highrock Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:21:39


Edited By: highrock on Oct 20th 2011, 19:36:12
See Original Post
formerly Viola MD

crest23 Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:57:52

Retarded. See Wiki for Military Strategy tech.

This thread is now closed.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

highrock Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 6:18:10

why? discuss.
formerly Viola MD

UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 8:51:08

A building that does the same thing as a technology? Preposterous!

*builds farms and buys agri tech*
-take off every sig.

caffeineaddict Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 10:48:57

farms do not do the same as agri tech.

If I have 0 farms and 0 unused land I will not benefit from agri tech.... however if you had made the comparison with bus/res tech and ent/res buildings then you'd be right. ;-)

It would make playing mbr more interesting as an early game strat. What sort of extra returns are you talking about? 20%? 30%?

Would make a fully teched tyranny or dictator mbr explosive at accumulating acres.

diez Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 14:22:44

crest, give highrock a break, this is in fact a Bugs and Suggestions forum!

crest23 Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 15:36:55

He didn't categorize it as a bug or a suggestion.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Marshal Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 21:03:02

buildings increase production mostly and if mbs would increase lg returns then it would lower production until starts grabbing which is delayed so breaks are higher etc.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

trainboy Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 21:26:42

also has one of the top rated players his opinion should be valued
much more than your dismissive approach

highrock Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 19:42:05

It would surely make an MBR strat more interesting. As of now, MBs are only good for destocking basically. Here are some possibilities:

Make returns to attacks a function of the % of land built as MBs. Obviously this needs tinkering, but for example, let's say that the % of MBs built = % increase in returns.

1. A full MBR would double the returns from LGs and attacks. Of course, a full set MBR would be hard to sustain.
2. A dict MBR/farmer would be a killer war strat. Cheap military off PM + higher returns to attacks.
3. A dict MBR/farmer would also be a great netting strat with increased returns to grabbing and cheaper military.
4. A casher can go 29% MB during the grabbing phase to save on military costs while having access to cheap military.
5. A commie indy with 29% MB would save on military costs. This would be offset by lower public market military prices due to many more people buying off the private market. However, the increase to LGs would benefit commies the most early on as they will be able to expand more quickly than others.
formerly Viola MD

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2011, 21:12:23

I don't think Commies need to expand any more quickly than they already do, considering they get on top early and dominate for solo servers.

I doubt cashers would build 29% MBs considering res/ent are dependent on percentage of land and I can't imagine them having enough military costs to warrant their loss in income.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 21:59:18

Why would military prices drop? With reduced military expenses indies would not need to sell as much if at all for a major stretch of the set.

Why are we still discussing this dumb idea?

What would be the diffence between a dict MBR/farmer and a dict farmer with high military/ and milstrat tech?

Wait a minute, why are we discussing this dumb idea?

A commie indy with 29% MB is 29% behind a commie with 100% indies. can save on military costs by buying military/bus/res tech.

Again, why oh why are we discussing this dumb idea?

MBs are dependent on the percentage of the land dedicated to them so for it to be worthwhile I suspect 29 percent won't cut it. With each increase you choose to make, you rainbow yourself even more.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 22:02:16

Originally posted by trainboy:
also has one of the top rated players his opinion should be valued
much more than your dismissive approach

Glad to read the ideas from your mentor.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

highrock Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 22:09:33

I'm mostly thinking about this from the alliance server perspective. The MB bonus would be in addition to the tech bonuses rather than replace them. The main reason why one might go rainbow-ish early on with military bases is because of the added returns to LG bonus from them, which may surpass the loss from being slightly rainbow for the early stages of the reset. Once you finish grabbing and start stocking, you would destroy the MBs.

This possible change would help warring strats and possibly add a new dimension to netgaining. It might not be worth it. But I think it's at least worth entertaining.

Why don't you learn how to netgain and finish top 10 somewhere before you call other people's ideas dumb?
formerly Viola MD

crest23 Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 23:02:32

It is good entertainment, I can give you that.

Explain how your idea differs from the military strat/ military techs is all I'm asking.

1. No one plays MB all set long.
2. Is the same as a dict high on mil and strat techs.
3. See my number 2.
4. Is a casher with military tech,.... also see GHOST ACRES.
5. See the post by Tertius.

So you "invented" a new MB destock, on alliance no less, pfft!

Do this, play a CI and build 29% of your land as MBs and max out your military strat tech and tell me how that works for you. You can even try it out on alliance server, again, pfft! Then you can recommend MBs to increase LGs.

Come play a solo server (WHERE YOU CANNOT GET FA) and get top 10, then I can pay some attention to you.

Edited By: crest23 on Oct 21st 2011, 0:58:37
See Original Post
The Nigerian Nightmare.

highrock Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 1:55:46

I have never received any FA in any of my finishes.

The point is that MBs with a CI CURRENTLY would not work. But MBs with increased returns might work because you would have 29% more land than a 100% CI.

The point is that the MB returns bonus would be IN ADDITION to any current tech bonuses, so a dict with high strat/mil tech + MBs for increased returns would do better than a dict with just strat/mil tech.

I've proven way more than you have in this game.
formerly Viola MD

diez Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 1:56:04

I played MB all set long. Rockman did too.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 2:12:53

Originally posted by diez:
I played MB all set long. Rockman did too.

Did you finish better than you would have otherwise?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 2:13:37

Originally posted by highrock:
I have never received any FA in any of my finishes.

The point is that MBs with a CI CURRENTLY would not work. But MBs with increased returns might work because you would have 29% more land than a 100% CI.

The point is that the MB returns bonus would be IN ADDITION to any current tech bonuses, so a dict with high strat/mil tech + MBs for increased returns would do better than a dict with just strat/mil tech.

I've proven way more than you have in this game.

I've only been back about a month. Give it time :-)

And I still want to know which solo server you got top 10 in. WITHOUT FA!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

highrock Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 2:21:57

I don't play in solo servers. I only have time/patience to play one server. But I never get FA when I get top 10 in alliance.
formerly Viola MD

crest23 Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 2:24:55

Originally posted by highrock:
I don't play in solo servers. I only have time/patience to play one server. But I never get FA when I get top 10 in alliance.

Sure,...whatever you say, but let me get off your thread. I think we may have gone off point on it.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

bakku Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 5:43:07

i think this suggestion has potential despite mr. know-it-all's comments

trainboy Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 21:26:01

ive never played with highrock i only know of highrock due to his top10 finishes. tell us when you hve seen an omega FA to the top10 cheating thread like laf and evo where they flame each other.

i find it interesting that rather than suggusting a new building or a new miltary, he suggusts tweaking one to encourage less experinced players such as yourself to play it.

Diez, highrock and rockman have or are potentially all capable of playing a fullset mbr due to their patience and commitment with mathing things out on spread sheets and trying to make a strat 99.9% efficent.

now dont get me wrong i agree with you he is kind of suggusting a super dict, BUT for the strat to work it needs to be a super dict. MBRs need the land to generate net especially before end set where there isnt large margins in reselling.

potentially what may work better is % of miltary bases to total land, generating increased miltary effectiveness and strength and decreased costs. You cant argue this out too much because it helps warrers and netters. Realistically most people wouldnt carry them but they could help.
potentially tweak it so that if you had 20k buildings 2k MBs would give you a 1.15 boost. So you would take 15% more land 15% stronger and 15% cheaper. that might be viable