
MorTcuS Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 4:07:44

It's hard to explain my idea. Suppose a map with territories and clans have 5-6 days to war another clan for posession of a territory. Turns would work faster than express and restarts would start with full turns and full stored at any time of the set, so it wouldnt be advantageous to kill stuff OOP but later in the round.

I made this exemple :

I think an image map or some java could permit this.

Rules :

-Clans can have a maximum of 10 members
-Clans are forced to do atleast 1 attack per week
-10 points per territory held, 20 for a town
-Must posess atleast 2 territories before you can bid on a territory
-Map reset every few months or so, leaderboards by points, by player and by clan maybe.

Who wins? Since clans are small, all spoils (attack gains) would need to be pimped accordingly so less energy need to be put into killing a single country. Kill count would be the way to determine the winner. Stats like kill count average (per week) death count average and kill:death ration could be tracked.

Any comment or counter suggestion is welcome.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 5:52:16

You could do a more EE style rendition of that and just use the points system to score conflict. 1 country = 1 territory, 1 clan of 10 = 1 town.

Only issue I see with this is that essentially the first team/clan/whatever that can round up 10 people and start raping and pillaging endlessly will likely dominate the entire set up, and at some point a tipping point will be reached where it's numerically impossible for any other team to overcome the difference.

I guess it would all come down to how points were traded, but there would be some definite equilibrium issues to work out.

MorTcuS Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 6:08:06

ok then allow a clan to face 2 other clans at once if they (the clan that is dominating) have already grabbed 4 territories. The attack gain for the 2v1 matchup could be adjusted perhaps to the 2 clans dealing 1.5 times less damage each.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 6:48:27

I was thinking more along the lines of once you obtain X territories, you suffer a %XX attrition (mil strength only, for simplicity) bonus to attackers when defending, and perhaps using some sort of efficiency in resource production rating penalty for teams that have conquered > X territories.

My biggest fear though, now that I've digested the idea a bit, would be this idea going the same route as the Team server, where multiple tags/teams work in unison to dominate the server. There's just no fighting/deterring the human pack instinct.

Unfortunately, I'm thinking this idea would require a huge amount of redesign in the game engines, and would be more viable for a spin off game. I like the idea, it may just be a little too far beyond EE's current capabilities.

MorTcuS Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 7:10:17

Originally posted by NOW3P:

My biggest fear though, now that I've digested the idea a bit, would be this idea going the same route as the Team server, where multiple tags/teams work in unison to dominate the server. There's just no fighting/deterring the human pack instinct.

Unfortunately, I'm thinking this idea would require a huge amount of redesign in the game engines, and would be more viable for a spin off game. I like the idea, it may just be a little too far beyond EE's current capabilities.

Clans would be requiered to attack every week so there would be fighting going on. And yeah its beyond what ee can do atm, was just trying to give my vision to anyone whom that might interest.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1



Jan 18th 2011, 6:03:58

I like the "Risk" Idea!

start me off with half of china, and see what I can do!
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

spawn Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 14:36:53

lol, i had a similar idea a couple of days ago ^^

i havent worked out the details yet else i would have posted it already.

had the "risk idea", with ~6 teams battling for the world. teams are completely random though. i was thinking about something like battling for territories for 2 days, after that the higher NW determins who would get/defend the territory
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

MorTcuS Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 16:55:29

nice counter idea spawn i like it. Its just sad this would requiere tremendous amount of work to get this thing going.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

spawn Game profile


Jan 20th 2011, 10:33:27

ttt imo
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 20th 2011, 21:37:33

There would have to be some pretty intricate battle multipliers/attrition penalties to make this work, I think.

I'm kind of against the random teams idea, though. I played Utopia a couple of times, and quit every time because the folks I got randomly assigned to were either freaks, whiners, or n00bs. I got one good assignment, and they kicked me out because I had no idea what I was doing...

Just doesn't seem to bode well for the whole player experience aspect of things.