
Status Uploader


Jan 26th 2013, 8:25:07

This is an automatically generated thread. If you are an expert feel free to provide advice. Please follow all of the rules listed in the sticky thread. Respect the anonymity of this player's country: deducing and posting the country number of this country is a bannable offense. Further information about the player and the country:

Country owner:braden
Country strategy:Casher
Player experience:Experienced
Best finish:1
Total finishes:136

braden Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 8:27:38

hm.. i remember it showing an op of my country.. ?

anyways, at this stage of the game, how much more am i realistically interested in exploring / interested in cashing out turns

i can not for the life of me do the math for X turns cashing with +20% compared to X turns exloring to Y acreage and cashing from turn Z at 20%+ onwards.. this is where i miss certain alliances / alliances mates ;)

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 27th 2013, 18:02:16

As a casher I usually stop exploring with 400 or so turns remaining. Farmers or inidies can explore longer.

braden Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 5:11:20

i think i stopped at about 500 to go, but had to take a retal so that cut into my stock. i generally aim for that, too, but without landgrabbing, as a rep, what do we all agree might be the optimal acreage slash what do we think about tech starts, as a whole?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 14:50:39

When tech is <$3000 cash starts are far superior to tech starts. It is hard in express to coordinate 3 good allies for a tech start. You are also behind on turns quite a bit.

The best all-x Republic Casher I ran was a cash start to 1900 acres with a 58 BPT. Batch explore to 3800 acres and then explore and build from there until 14,000 acres. I just took corruption during the stocking and sold tech in the last hour. I made some mistakes along the way, but I think I could repeat that almost every set for $24-$25M finish. If I cut out all of the mistakes and with a good casher set it can finish easily over $25M.

Kingme Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 14:52:49

I agree with what AndrewMose just said.

I've always done a cash start and have finished consecutively in the top 10 as an all-x.

I tried Rep Casher this last set, and had a pretty solid finish and I made quite a few mistakes. Still managed over 22m.

CX LaE Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 19:44:05

Yep, this last set I ran a cash start Rep Casher. Cash started to 1900A w/ a 60 bpt and reached 137% bus/res; bulked to 3.9k, build, buy tech, repeated the explore/build to 13.5kA.

I would tweak a couple of things: I didn't sell tech in the last hour; I stocked ~35m food and never had more than 2.3b cash on hand at once; and, I camped for cheap military in the last 24 hours. <---- I'd play around with those aspects.

But 24.1m NW... I'll take it.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 20:34:01

I have found that not playing for 24 hours before your jump is most effective. That way most of you're units bought are tanks and troops which have the best $/NW. Just put in orders to buy enough food and tech so you don't depend on the market in the last hour.

A few minor tricks are to sell tech after you run turns, sell all your spies before you run turns and cancel your relations when you sell spies.