
iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2010, 0:02:40

nice. 30m nw 2nd place is awesome as well!

I finished 8th barely :-/
EE Developer

Spear Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 0:03:28

Yeah, that was quite a set. NW totals have skyrocketed since the new GDI changes.

mrford Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 0:07:51

So much for fasc being a weak strat to play huh Gregg?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2010, 0:31:55

Farmers can switch governments just like any other strategy, why is this so difficult to understand?

synoder Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 0:35:20

a Fascist finished #6 JJ.

mrford Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 1:07:56

Drinks did, and he was grabbed multiple times towards the end
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 6th 2010, 2:27:09

Thats awesome Dantzig. Highest score ever

dantzig Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 4:45:12

There was little theory in the strat the I played. I might have stumbled upon something very effective and/or just got lucky with the right market conditions. I'm interested in how the #2 finisher's strat differed from mine--he obtained a very similar result more efficiently.



Dec 6th 2010, 20:26:36

you had 39 LGs and only one pang
that is fantastic play

you deserved the record

dantzig Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 21:45:07

What I did last round:

Commie indy start to ~3k acres/70 bpt, mostly all-x.

Short tech phase at 3-4k acres: bus/res first, then military/weapons/mil strat, then industrial. Total ~175k points. I was only able to acquire 1 research ally for this phase but he was nice enough to stick with me for the entire round which was a significant help.

Converted back to indy at about the same time that tech prices plummeted. Started grabbing aggressively but selectively. GDI is a game-changer in that it allows you to maintain only turrets, jets, and spies as long as you never attack another country more than once. Huge efficiency boost there. Fatal mistakes that I've made in previous rounds are knowingly attacking a country more than once because I didn't think they would retal and accidentally attacking a country more than once (that was the set when jajajajajajaaa turned me into a parking lot lol). In order to maximize efficiency, I always sent all of my jets out before playing turns. After making 1-2 PSs, I would switch to turret production, build on the new land, and explore/build more.

I only sold enough to buy tech, play turns, and build on new land. I kept high amounts of military, business, residential, and weapons tech and near maxed industrial tech. I didn't stock anything except for turns until the very last hours when I sold 15+ million turrets to play my final turns and buy out troops and tanks on my private market. The high public market prices definitely helped me but I sold most of my turrets for 149-159 on the last day, not the crazy high prices they were going for all set. I think the low tech prices helped me at least as much as the high military prices. Most of my NW was from my own military production during the last 12 hours.

It seemed a little wrong to be able to grab so aggressively without any real fear of retaliation. A couple people DH'd on me but that was really all they could do since I kept up on playing my turns and had good tech and allies. (I never had significant stocks of money or food to steal and had a decent SPAL anyway.) Maybe most of them deserved it for building countries with insufficient defenses OR maybe they should have been able to pull out all of the stops and reduce my readiness in order to retaliate. I'm really torn. This strat definitely wouldn't have flown before the new GDI. I know because I tried it LOL

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2010, 22:58:09

market was completely bought out in last 10 mins. my overpriced jets/tanks were last to sell. got me another 1.5m nw and into teh top 10 :-)

if there were more hard core cashers, u could have sold even higher at end game
EE Developer

Drinks Game profile


Dec 7th 2010, 23:48:45

I had to log off 30 mins before set end.

So didnt get to benefit from the high market prices. But am happy with 6th. And as mrford and synoder said i was a fasc farmer. So it is still a viable strat. Could only have gotten like 23m nw. So its definently not a strat for finishing with 30m nw (in my opinion)
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

dantzig Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 2:11:30

Drinks--you did very well considering how much you got grabbed! I'm really surprised how successful F has been in the hands of you and Slag.

One note after reading JJ's locked thread. I told people that I would be teching intensively for one day when requesting alliances. When I stopped teching, I immediately notified my allies so they could drop me if they wanted. I did say that I would appreciate it if they kept me on until they found someone new. Having research alliances when you're not a techer isn't against the rules unless it's with your "roommate" and it's not even a sleazy move unless you intentionally deceived other players into thinking you were a techer.