Feb 24th 2025, 17:06:33
1 DbzIsCoolOrElse (#4) 47,179 $66,003,844 CG
2 The Day After Tomorrow (#5) 35,022 $62,320,342 HG
3 Richard Petty (#43) 45,298 $53,145,400 HG
4 Chicken Dinner (#81) 56,957 $49,358,885 HG
5 DifferentStrokesDifferentFolks (#47) 38,882 $41,567,162 HG
6 Decentralized (#72) 30,579 $35,539,741 HG
7 Groked Your ChatGPT (#16) 28,174 $33,975,045 TG
8 Vicnic (#91) 22,761 $25,262,568 H
9 29 (#29) 40,608 $23,976,376 HG
10 w h o p l a y s s u n d a y s (#82) 8103 $22,666,573 DG
Congrats to ssj4goku17 for the victory. You managed to just squeeze past Skol at the very end.
It's good to see both of you back after an absence, and already dominating with the 1-2 finish. It was nice talking to both of you during the set.
To Ratski, thanks for your normal bad play and trying to blame me for your antics with Link. Maybe next time, send the message intended for Link where you blame me... to Link... instead of the guy you're blaming. I guess it's hard to remember country numbers when you're playing two countries every set. And why Link? The guy literally never bothers anyone? He never hits human players, and minds his own business. I don't even see him posting or responding messages, so you can't even get your rocks off by griefing him.
To the mods... this is getting embarrassing for you all. It takes very little digging to see Ratski and his "neighbor" hit the same players some sets. How many posts need to be made? It's been reported as well. Not to mention the guy screws up most sets and sends messages on behalf of the wrong country. Again, there have been multiple posts on here about it here and it's been reported.
I don't care if he is using a VPN to try and mask it decently, the fact that "they're" hitting the same players should fall under the "teaming" rule. Especially when you can clearly see it happens most sets, and it's not a coincidence. It's one thing to be a crappy griefer and just want to ruin other peoples fun, but at a minimum that should be limited to one country. I think it deserves a legitimate investigation and a legitimate response from the mods.
2 The Day After Tomorrow (#5) 35,022 $62,320,342 HG
3 Richard Petty (#43) 45,298 $53,145,400 HG
4 Chicken Dinner (#81) 56,957 $49,358,885 HG
5 DifferentStrokesDifferentFolks (#47) 38,882 $41,567,162 HG
6 Decentralized (#72) 30,579 $35,539,741 HG
7 Groked Your ChatGPT (#16) 28,174 $33,975,045 TG
8 Vicnic (#91) 22,761 $25,262,568 H
9 29 (#29) 40,608 $23,976,376 HG
10 w h o p l a y s s u n d a y s (#82) 8103 $22,666,573 DG
Congrats to ssj4goku17 for the victory. You managed to just squeeze past Skol at the very end.
It's good to see both of you back after an absence, and already dominating with the 1-2 finish. It was nice talking to both of you during the set.
To Ratski, thanks for your normal bad play and trying to blame me for your antics with Link. Maybe next time, send the message intended for Link where you blame me... to Link... instead of the guy you're blaming. I guess it's hard to remember country numbers when you're playing two countries every set. And why Link? The guy literally never bothers anyone? He never hits human players, and minds his own business. I don't even see him posting or responding messages, so you can't even get your rocks off by griefing him.
To the mods... this is getting embarrassing for you all. It takes very little digging to see Ratski and his "neighbor" hit the same players some sets. How many posts need to be made? It's been reported as well. Not to mention the guy screws up most sets and sends messages on behalf of the wrong country. Again, there have been multiple posts on here about it here and it's been reported.
I don't care if he is using a VPN to try and mask it decently, the fact that "they're" hitting the same players should fall under the "teaming" rule. Especially when you can clearly see it happens most sets, and it's not a coincidence. It's one thing to be a crappy griefer and just want to ruin other peoples fun, but at a minimum that should be limited to one country. I think it deserves a legitimate investigation and a legitimate response from the mods.