Aug 25th 2010, 18:28:47
For those of you wondering why HWCNG has turned 137 different threads into a forced homosexual act on the face of four or five different wiser men and why he is compelled to write with his phallus rather than his brain:
It is a fascinating case study of the interaction of a homoerotic orientation with a deep seeded inferiority complex re: his lack of education and inability to engage in meaningful dialogue. This dynamic interaction is compounded by a rage at his father for the older man's inability or refusal to fund HWCNG's college education. A good clue that it was a refusal rather than an inability is the poor boy's compulsion to end 137 threads rather than merely three or four with the same homoerotic act. If it were just three or four threads or only one or two different men then maybe we could help the poor victim. The pen, the universal symbol of erudition symbolizes for him his lack of learning. He must replaces it with his phallus which he uses in a vain effort to eject his rage onto his father figure to subject this man to corruption. Note also that the homerotic climax is always on his superior's face never anywhere else and it is never consensual. It is worth considering that rather than working to fund his own education he harbors his rage and explodes onto his father's face. This shows a subconscious awareness that even if he completed his degree he would still have a devastating inability to converse on an equal status with those who represent that man who failed him.
He will continue to write with his pen-is not because he wants to or because he thinks its fun, but because he has to do so. What will happen if he is no longer allowed to post with his pen-is and no longer able to exact his corrupt vengeance on this father's face? Oh, man. The admins are wise to allow it as long as they possibly can but lets have the white coats standing by.
It is a fascinating case study of the interaction of a homoerotic orientation with a deep seeded inferiority complex re: his lack of education and inability to engage in meaningful dialogue. This dynamic interaction is compounded by a rage at his father for the older man's inability or refusal to fund HWCNG's college education. A good clue that it was a refusal rather than an inability is the poor boy's compulsion to end 137 threads rather than merely three or four with the same homoerotic act. If it were just three or four threads or only one or two different men then maybe we could help the poor victim. The pen, the universal symbol of erudition symbolizes for him his lack of learning. He must replaces it with his phallus which he uses in a vain effort to eject his rage onto his father figure to subject this man to corruption. Note also that the homerotic climax is always on his superior's face never anywhere else and it is never consensual. It is worth considering that rather than working to fund his own education he harbors his rage and explodes onto his father's face. This shows a subconscious awareness that even if he completed his degree he would still have a devastating inability to converse on an equal status with those who represent that man who failed him.
He will continue to write with his pen-is not because he wants to or because he thinks its fun, but because he has to do so. What will happen if he is no longer allowed to post with his pen-is and no longer able to exact his corrupt vengeance on this father's face? Oh, man. The admins are wise to allow it as long as they possibly can but lets have the white coats standing by.