Mar 30th 2017, 14:46:35
Gerdler, the problem is that they are no-risk free land, it requires no player:player interaction, and it's now the *only* way to win on this server, as well as the alliance server, the largest server, arguably the driver of this whole website. I remember a couple years ago, on alliance land trading with other players was the primary way of getting a top 10. That wasn't ideal either, but at least it meant everybody had to work together, and it was a much more fun and social game. I made a lot of friends in other alliances that way, and people developed mutual respect. And at least there was usually a non-land trader or two in the top 10 mix as well.
Since bots were introduced, the player base has unequivocally gone down. It is boring. I know they made me not want to play anymore. Then a couple sets after the oil sham was introduced, I quit once dropping all your land, combined with hitting bots, became the only way to get a top 10 on alliance. Now that I'm back and the situation is even worse there, I'm almost positive I'll never play on that server again.
Not that getting rid of bots would necessarily fix it at this point. They need to carry more defense, offense, and warfare tech, in order to be able to fight back against abusers, like a competent human would.