
HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 20:51:17

I'm not sure there has been one this set but I just got curious, is this allowed, or does admins monitor this. I guess on one hand you can't really prove that somebody who buys bushels for $100 does it to aid the seller, they can argue that they just needed bushels badly.

You don't need to run multies or anything, just some friends/clan mates who stock and buy your stuff, practically FAing you. 1-2B cash makes all the difference here.

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Kingme Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 20:57:18

Well you said friends/clan mates, which would probably mean people other than your allies.

They mentioned before that working together outside of the game (ie. clan boards) is illegal.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 21:10:02

Well that's not really the point, I'm asking if the market is monitored for buyouts that are for the purpose of aiding one specific country.

It's obviously impossible to monitor friends who are cooperating, I would not expect admins to be able to do all the work that would be required to reveal cooperation like that. I spent a little time observing the news in express and I've seen examples where Country A farms country B and country C comes out of nowhere doing special attacks on country A. How could it be proved that country C is helping B and not just doing a random suicide or if he just feels like helping B out.

It would be different if the game made some real money and there were admins working fulltime on stuff like this.

But monitoring the market could be pretty easy, I'm guessing all the purchases are logged right now anyway since we have the market history tool (which is awesome btw!)
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