
Alin Game profile


Nov 25th 2013, 0:03:42

I have a surprise for you. Stay tuned!!!

Alin Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 8:16:25

What i meant with this thread is that you are a blatant cheater that use your friends market help to beat the really good netters in this game.

Whomever got spot 2 in the sets when CX won, should consider his country a winner!

Alin Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 8:24:03

This is for whomever will ask what the hell happen.

There was 65k business tech valued @ 9383 on the market, in the last minutes of last reset.
That attracted some attention and some people looked into it.

<Market>: Nov/24/2013 23:42:34 -- Business -- $9,383 -- 12,546 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 53,179 Business
<Market>: Nov/24/2013 23:42:59 -- Business -- $9,383 -- 28,685 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 24,494 Business
<Market>: Nov/24/2013 23:43:37 -- Business -- $9,383 -- 547 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 23,947 Business
<Market>: Nov/24/2013 23:45:14 -- Business -- $9,383 -- 118 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 23,829 Business
<Market>: Nov/24/2013 23:48:30 -- Business -- $9,383 -- 23,829 -- SO: No -- Remaining: 0 Business

total sale after deducting 6% market comm = $579,695,814.5

That means someone got 576 mil cash coordinating the market with his friends. As you can notice in the last set ranks, 576 mil could have done the difference btw rank 5 and rank 1.

People have looked into it, i have talked with several express netters and winners of the game
( which names i would not put up ). CX have been found to be responsible of this.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 26th 2013, 10:39:59


EE Patron

Nov 26th 2013, 19:50:33

I talked to qzjul, he was helpful. Anyway he said this about CX LaE:
if he asks us to confirm/deny it publicly, i could probably do that

So, clear your name CX!
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 20:08:49

Wasn't his country profile open previously? Hmmm. It would seem that everytime someone shows up and does "amazing" things in Express, they are more often than not cheating.

JJ23, Viva, Seth,....

I'm willing to bet you won't here from him again, he would later claim to have started his sabatical and didn't log in again.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 20:12:43

He was smart enough to preemptively create his excuse, albeit, a month to early.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Alin Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 20:57:15

Originally posted by crest23:
Wasn't his country profile open previously? Hmmm. It would seem that everytime someone shows up and does "amazing" things in Express, they are more often than not cheating.

JJ23, Viva, Seth,....

I'm willing to bet you won't here from him again, he would later claim to have started his sabatical and didn't log in again.

Yes his country profile was open until the point i made this thread and he sent me a private message.

TDA101 Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 21:29:00

I'm quite disappointed.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 26th 2013, 23:01:46

Its pretty fluffing sad. Sounds from the lack of any defence by the accused that the detectives have it right. :(

Xinhuan Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 23:50:21


smlandau84 Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 2:27:54

If you're gonna cheat at least beat my $40somethingmil legit record

silentwolf Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 3:23:40

why this witch hunt ?

Alin Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 7:01:39

Is not a witch hunt! And believe me, CX is not doing this first time.

I rejoin this server 2 months ago to find here just another express "Guru". I got suspicious, 1 month ago, when he managed to beat my 31.5 mil Theo with a poor 19k commie and i put him under my radar ( however i am not obsessed with this game to start following folks around - but he made the mistake of pm-ing me in-game almost every reset ). I just knew he was doing something fishy

Nevertheless, pure math just got him last reset.

P.S: "Smlandau84" and "legit" should not be ever placed in the same sentence.
It`s like "drugs+prostitution" and "church".

CX LaE Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 7:52:59

Oooookay, I think this has gone on long enough, and to those of you who PMd me and asked me what was up, thank you for not coming to the boards and fluffing and crying like .. one of you did.

So I'll cut to the chase: The purchase(s) in question involved MY tech. That much is true. Congrats on your sleuthing. You have too much time on your hands. Go back to two sets ago - I put 60k res tech up @ $8888 and no one bought it. I wish this had happened two weeks ago so we'd move on. Why? Because as h20 pointed out earlier, it could be thought that whatever happened was not coordinated, which, unfortunately, is exactly the case.

Now why is this a bad thing? Well it would almost be better that I did coordinate something because then I could say so, but here we are with Alin huffing and puffing and snarling, and me denying it correctly in a lose-lose situation because Alin and whoever agrees with him will brush it off.

I mean really, this post means nothing because it will likely change nothing; half of you will keep huffing and puffing and half won't. But for fun, you want to know how you build a 30m all-x country?

13kA rep casher, standard set = 23-23.5m NW
Add: Oil reselling = +$160m cash
Add: Using SOs for tech instead of buying straight at 2400-2700pt = +$220m cash
Add: Dropping your entire food stock at an ACB of $52 after buying at an ACB of $37.3 = +$675m cash
Add: The tech buy in question: +$579m cash

Ending NW w/ an avg NW/$ of $249 = ~30m NW w/ a few million cash left on hand (not enough to surpass Viva though).

So, you can call the tech buy whatever you like to, fact is that I'm going to keep right on playing, and I might not throw in all the extra things (reselling, SOs, etc.) just so Alin can feel adequate.

Oh, and Alin -- I'm not in RD anymore. I was there for a grand total of 1/4 of 2 different sets. I think the only people who I talk to regularly are KingMe and Hammer - both who left as well I think. And I wasn't aware that PMing someone ingame to see how their set was going was reason to believe I was cheating LOL. I mean, if that's the case, then damn bro... Mose (when he played), Hammer, KingMe, TDA, blid, ingle, st0ny, shady.. man, they must ALL be cheating, lying scum, right? I mean, for your reasoning to hold based on your above post where you said,

"but he made the mistake of pm-ing me in-game almost every reset ). I just knew he was doing something fishy."

Right? Cuz, that's offensive. They're all stand-up players and people who I consider friends. You can slander me. I really don't care, but them? Nah man.

In any case, there it is. Take it at face value. I am playing this round. Alin, come find me. ;)
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Alin Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 8:23:07

Do whatever you must do CHEATER!!!

You really want me post additional info proofing you are a manipulator and a cheater ?

for the moment i`ll just demote the first 25% percent of your post. This is what i got from a respectable member of this comunity.

Well, yeah, but even before h2o posted that, I kind of started wondering. The score seemed high. In your opinion, is there any possible way someone could legitimately put tech for sale at $9k? Just say, "If no one buys this fine, but who knows, maybe someone will."

From: Alin
12 hours ago
To: *****
Nope. I was a techer and scanning the market @ that point. I was trying for over 2 hours to sell bus/res for over 1400 :). Batches btw 1100 - 1400 hit the market constatlly. Than somehow my 1499 business sells. Than my 1799 :0. I was - wtf. i am wining this :).

than i see 9383 price and figured what is really happening. Than i just start digging. CX stole one rank 1, 5 sets ago - when i had a 31.5 mil nw theo and he had a 19k fluffty commie, better placed.

I was chating with him, i was suspicious. - he told me some of his military sold at high prices
Sure!!! :)

remember - only my business sold ... not a point of residential over 1400.

It was clearly market coordination.

You better call this off. Stop getting fluff in. Stop trying to drag other good clean players into it and maybe i`ll let it go.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 27th 2013, 8:31:06

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2013, 8:36:37

Edited By: Jayr on Sep 19th 2019, 15:07:46
wasn't me...

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2013, 9:32:03

13kA rep casher, standard set = 23-23.5m NW
Add: Oil reselling = +$160m cash
Add: Using SOs for tech instead of buying straight at 2400-2700pt = +$220m cash
Add: Dropping your entire food stock at an ACB of $52 after buying at an ACB of $37.3 = +$675m cash
Add: The tech buy in question: +$579m cash

I agree with most of this. In the last set I reached 16.8k acres but it doesn't make that much difference between 13k acres because you need so much more res/bus tech to get to 178%. I bought enough oil for the whole set at $80 in the last set just before it jumped. I got that money from buying all the $35 bushels out and reselling them at $68. I fought for hours and hours with SO's to get res/bus at $1900. when a sale went though I played ten turns, bought up the rest if any that came on the market, then waited for the other half of the res/bus tech and made sure I got it. I bought up all my food, 13m bushels + 7m extra bushels, for the entire set, at $38 - 42 and used it while others were paying $55. Then I sold the extra 7m bushels on Sunday at $51. I played low spies and had to estimate a few grabs, I played low defence, because I got into early DR luckily. I lost a bit because someone did a late retal that bounced and someone stole $100m from me by bombing banks. I did everything right and got lucky to reach $25m NW

As CX said, "tech buy in question made +$579m cash". exactly. Thats how he beat me. And it seems likely that it was coordinated with someone who bought it at that ridiculous price.

Alin Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 11:20:45

Getafix, CX is giving advice on his country( which is something really tendentious to do in his situation ) but he forgets to take into account the market help. He is doing the market fluff at the start of the set too - not only at the end.

You think the cheap oil at the start of this set ( 21$ ) is a mistake? He is been fluffing around on this server for a long time, he pops up from nowhere at the end of the set and wins it ( with land-fluffy countries - and market coordination). I`ve been looking deeper into his wining countries in the last 3 months ( half of them are fluffty land - and only market help can make those winners) and i can tell you that : you CAN'T always have a friend helping you doing market coordination.

That`s why, I suspect him of running at least one more country - from a different IP. The perfect cheat which i am sure happens in Qz&Pang era too, but can not be detected.

Why i went nuts on his ass some of you might ask?

Well i don`t care to much for a character like Slmadau or however his name is. He cheated, get caught ... whatever. But CX attitude made me hunt his ass down.

For 1 month, when i run good countries he is PM-ing me in-game with sentences like :
"wow you are doing a great work, you will win this" to just come and cheat on my work at the end of the reset. He has double personality ... in course of developing his 3rd.
That was the X-factor that really pissed me off - and if any of you really believe his excuses it means you didn't encounter enough cheaters in this game in order to know how the "standard excuses" looks like.

Edited By: Alin on Nov 27th 2013, 11:31:30

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2013, 11:35:07

"Cheating on your work" is exactly the issue. I played that last set all out for 4 days. I didn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I tracked every threat after I'd done my land grabs. I worked hard, which is what you need to do to play this game well. And some sneaky asshole comes along and does it the easy way, cheating, and then bragging about how great they are. How many have we seen like that? You can see it right in the attitude. Up yours CX.

crest23 Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 14:55:49

That's the part that sucks, when people put in the effort and some asshole comes in and takes it away.

He didn't take on qz's request I noticed. And he conveniently put his profile private.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

st0ny Game profile


Nov 27th 2013, 16:58:02

Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

Hammer Game profile


Nov 28th 2013, 10:50:39

Glad to see that I am finally getting some recognition around here. I have been awake for thirty minutes and have already seen my name mentioned in two different threads....BOOYAAAH. Unfortunately, they were both due to my brief stint in RD, which makes me a cheater. *places label on forehead*

You know you have bad luck/timing when you join your first alliance since 1990's and it gets closed down a few weeks after you join.

Edited By: Hammer on Nov 28th 2013, 11:05:13
See Original Post