Feb 5th 2011, 20:22:45
it is no more counterproductive to the server than farmers who deprive the server of food by selling it on the private market
or guys who use NMs to deprive the server of land
or guys who deprive the server of food with GSs
or guys who dump their tech at set end by selling to the autobuyer at $999
no one says to them, "hey do not destroy the server's tech"
or "do not destroy the server's food"
this concept of retalling to get back one's land is the reason most often cited for blocking people's ability to drop land.
it is a flawed concept, an errant notion, an LaEan thought
in a real life battle, one can recover one's land because each acre is a discrete, distinguishable unique parcel,
but at express land is fungible, nondiscrete.
one acre of express land is indistinguishable from another.
one can no more retal/recover one's land than one can get back a particular bushel of food or a particular dollar bill
there is no rule that the country who received $1M and 30k bushels in an LG can not spend that money or eat that food until after the target has had a reasonable chance to recover that food or recover that exact dollar. why not? the argument that one should be allowed to recover one's money is just as reasonable as the idea that one should be allowed to recover one's nondiscrete acre. if you can not drop land until the target has a chance to recover it, let us make a rule that you can not spend the proceeds of an LG or eat the food so obtained.
that new rule would be preposterous, so is the no drop land rule.