
ddd Game profile


May 15th 2016, 13:07:07

and that's a go

drkprinc Game profile


May 15th 2016, 13:10:01

Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks
Buy More Troops
Buy More Tanks

in that order >.>
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 16:38:47

Cable needs more tanks - he will be by to cry about it shortly

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 16:57:12

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0%
Residences 0%
Industrial Complexes 26%
Military Bases 0%
Research Labs 0%
Farms 0%
Oil Rigs 1%
Construction Sites 1%
Unused Lands 72%

Wonder whom that is...

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 18:46:36

From:  Tissue Vendor

12 hours ago

To:  Cable

  

You are the one who challenged me kid. Was waiting for you to break ground since you got all internet tough guy on forums.

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 18:56:12

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.
Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.

58, come get some fluff.

Love the triple post always a class act, next week post your number publicly or keep the same name. I didn't run a country this week but I will next week just to embarrass you

Sure thing bigot. All that fluff talk and you aren't even running a fluffry.

HAHA you call me a bigot, get over me and get a life. Your a dead beat loser who runs his mouth with 0 skills to back it up and country names like this Phuck your mother 58 13,327 acres $6,130,730 HG.

Like I said next week I will run a country and we will let the game do the talking, because all I hear is waaaaa your a bigot even though I start all the trash talking waaaaaa

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 18:56:26


Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 18:58:17

So after youre too scared to break GDI and was give FS you think you won because you ABed me?

lets go over some things here.
1) You have 200+ turn advantage Turns Taken 1801 vs 1582
2) You went from 7.4 million down too 2.9 I went from 7.5 too 4 million
3) Your doing everything you can to stop your country from imploding and losing more NW.

So who really lost? You think youre good because you needed FS to do anything, then you needed 4 hours after I broke GDI and 200+ turns to even do anything to me.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:00:43

Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:

Why you laughing any idiots with FS can AB someone else, youre just a worse idiots because you couldn't even stop a crippled country from killing you.

Those posts you copied and pasted are from 2 weeks ago, after I challenged you and then you were too stupid to respond till 18 hours before set end this week and last week. Keep on laughing little retard, your math is wrong in your posts above and your countrys been put to shame by my CS. Mabye next time when you get out of those panties and don't nees FS to do anything

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:02:19

Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0%
Residences 0%
Industrial Complexes 26%
Military Bases 0%
Research Labs 0%
Farms 0%
Oil Rigs 1%
Construction Sites 1%
Unused Lands 72%

Wonder whom that is...

Enterprise Zones 0
Residences 0
Industrial Complexes 3323
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 103
Construction Sites 116
Unused Lands 4056

Sick math newb, sounds alot to quote temple "that's cable math"

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:04:29

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:

Why you laughing any idiots with FS can AB someone else, youre just a worse idiots because you couldn't even stop a crippled country from killing you.

Those posts you copied and pasted are from 2 weeks ago, after I challenged you and then you were too stupid to respond till 18 hours before set end this week and last week. Keep on laughing little retard, your math is wrong in your posts above and your countrys been put to shame by my CS. Mabye next time when you get out of those panties and don't nees FS to do anything

Stop crying, please. You are embaracing yourself.

I am not even close to dead and you are so nub you cant understand what being spied out means...

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 78 buildings!

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness!

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

1.2 hours ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

1.2 hours ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:13:39

Land means nothing.

Lol - you still lost!

Why do I need spies? You spied me out. Ha Noob.

I love how you edited out the ops that go through, try harder.

The only thing youre right about is your country isn't dead, its just lost 4.1 million NW over 2 hours and you sold off spies to stay alive. I know exactly what being spied out is, and I know the difference between spy DR and being spied out. But keep on trying to talk, you prove the point every time. You couldn't stop a country with 3k indies from crushing you because all you know how to do is try and talk fluff and fail FS. Go take notes from Groggy atleast he knows how to win a war.

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:20:21

Originally posted by Cable:
Land means nothing.

Lol - you still lost!

Why do I need spies? You spied me out. Ha Noob.

I love how you edited out the ops that go through, try harder.

The only thing youre right about is your country isn't dead, its just lost 4.1 million NW over 2 hours and you sold off spies to stay alive. I know exactly what being spied out is, and I know the difference between spy DR and being spied out. But keep on trying to talk, you prove the point every time. You couldn't stop a country with 3k indies from crushing you because all you know how to do is try and talk fluff and fail FS. Go take notes from Groggy atleast he knows how to win a war.

Keep spinning fluff loser. Need a tissue?

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:25:35

From:  Tissue Vendor

6.5 hours ago

To:  Cable

  

No, I speak facts you don't like. More lies from you fluff sewer (mouth).

Go ahead, break hid punk

Whos spinning anything here little fluff? Im just pointing out the facts given quotes right from your messages. I think youre the ass hat that needs a tissue, Im having a grand time making you look stupider then I already thought you were.

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:27:52

Originally posted by Cable:

From:  Tissue Vendor

6.5 hours ago

To:  Cable

  

No, I speak facts you don't like. More lies from you fluff sewer (mouth).

Go ahead, break hid punk

Whos spinning anything here little fluff? Im just pointing out the facts given quotes right from your messages. I think youre the ass hat that needs a tissue, Im having a grand time making you look stupider then I already thought you were.

Says the guy who claims to be "winning" yet hasn't figured out he is losing.


clintonista Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:31:59

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express. [/quote)

If Express had moderators who did not charge $25 an hour to do their job, this in-game message would have warranted a deletion. Since there is no denial of the allegation that the missive was sent, we have admission by silence. The application of this legal doctrine is complicated and some of you will not understand its application in this case but so be it, go ahead and wave your ignorance around like a bloody tampon by insulting the messenger.
Warster, when you read this some time this summer, please ban the offending party from playing for a reset.
Thanks in advance for doing your job.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:36:34

Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

From:  Tissue Vendor

6.5 hours ago

To:  Cable

  

No, I speak facts you don't like. More lies from you fluff sewer (mouth).

Go ahead, break hid punk

Whos spinning anything here little fluff? Im just pointing out the facts given quotes right from your messages. I think youre the ass hat that needs a tissue, Im having a grand time making you look stupider then I already thought you were.

Says the guy who claims to be "winning" yet hasn't figured out he is losing.


46 Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) 7598 $4,008,823 CG
47 C R O A T I A (#48) 5166 $4,000,205 HG
48 Devil Dokohan (#68) 13,302 $3,957,971 R
49 Oenomel (#26) 10,357 $3,900,012 TG
50 UpSideDown (#19) 8404 $3,687,464 HG

51 Pacing the Paces (#91) 14,012 $3,627,504 H
52 khans of tarkir (#37) 11,136 $3,539,927 FG
53 Enrique Iglesias (#46) 11,452 $3,529,922 CG
54 Casdons Creators (#84) 10,780 $3,401,099 C
55 The Living Infinite (#2) 10,933 $3,145,759 FG
56 Count Gabriel Von wolf (#73) 12,600 $3,133,365 R
57 This Is Me (#36) 12,034 $3,001,395 M
58 Cable looks Here (#66) 5356 $2,989,259 CG

HAHAHAH even given FS

The definition of winning is losing 4.1 million NW to a crippled country and ending with less NW then the other guy.


Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:38:30

Still 3.5 Hours left


Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:40:33

Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Still 3.5 Hours left


Ill leave this here so when set does end we can compare, I suggest you take these next 3 hours to really think about what excuse youre gonna use to explain how you ended with less NW then a crippled country. and a 200+ turn advantage.

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:43:22

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Still 3.5 Hours left


Ill leave this here so when set does end we can compare, I suggest you take these next 3 hours to really think about what excuse youre gonna use to explain how you ended with less NW then a crippled country. and a 200+ turn advantage.

lol - and the guy who doesn't understand why a person spied out would sell spies to save expenses makes this claim. 200+ extra turns? Back to fibbing to substantiate your pouting?

lol - not hard to PS away 2.6M jets and hide them

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:58:23

Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Still 3.5 Hours left


Ill leave this here so when set does end we can compare, I suggest you take these next 3 hours to really think about what excuse youre gonna use to explain how you ended with less NW then a crippled country. and a 200+ turn advantage.

lol - and the guy who doesn't understand why a person spied out would sell spies to save expenses makes this claim. 200+ extra turns? Back to fibbing to substantiate your pouting?

lol - not hard to PS away 2.6M jets and hide them

HAHAHA I posted turns played vs turns played loser its not lie, whos spinning now? I PSed you a 3rd time before you even FS because youre so bad you couldn't even FS me in a decent amount of time after I broke GDI. If you wanted to wait even longer till my jets where home that was your choice to FS me when you did. CRY more about me PSing you a 3rd time

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 19:59:12

Originally posted by Cable:
So after youre too scared to break GDI and was give FS you think you won because you ABed me?

lets go over some things here.
1) You have 200+ turn advantage Turns Taken 1801 vs 1582
2) You went from 7.4 million down too 2.9 I went from 7.5 too 4 million
3) Your doing everything you can to stop your country from imploding and losing more NW.

So who really lost? You think youre good because you needed FS to do anything, then you needed 4 hours after I broke GDI and 200+ turns to even do anything to me.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:00:49

Re read
Point number one at the time you decided to run your mouth on this forum. These numbers are right out of the spy op and my advisor, and anyone who doesn't believe can check themselves becasuase you have 0 spies to stop someone from confirming. You could confirm vs your last op on me, and look and see I had 320 stored turns this morning.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:03:16

Turns Left XXXXXX
Turns Taken 1620
Turns Stored 221
Rank 46
Networth $4,121,126
Land 7598
Money $25,101,878
Population 67,053

The Status of the Communism of Cable looks Here (#66)
The Basics

Turns Left 0
Turns Taken 1816
Turns Stored 0
Networth $2,989,259
Land 5356
Population 25,987

Looking good with 40% the population of a healthy country.

Edited By: Cable on May 15th 2016, 20:05:33
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:06:44

Will you fluffes just shut the fluff up?

Cable - aren't you the guy that got allies removed in express because you were cheating? Go ahead, deny it, we know the truth.

You have zero credibility. The fact that we are seeing this still going on a Sunday between you and a FNG speaks volumes.

FNG does make a point. I haven't seen a post in over a year that you aren't crying about something.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:10:58

Originally posted by Scott:
Will you fluffes just shut the fluff up?

Cable - aren't you the guy that got allies removed in express because you were cheating? Go ahead, deny it, we know the truth.

You have zero credibility. The fact that we are seeing this still going on a Sunday between you and a FNG speaks volumes.

FNG does make a point. I haven't seen a post in over a year that you aren't crying about something.

Keep on sucking that guys fluff

As for I got allies removed that's cute, I have 0 idea where you'd even get that idea from because I dont have any purpled countries. Try H20s and Edberts profiles. (No offsense to you)

SO when you want to come back with some points as to why you think I got allies deleted you giver. I was one of the people who complained about players abusing allies, not the other way around. But you like your friend are incapable of deciphering the difference between your little realities and the truth.

Scott Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:13:45

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Scott:
Will you fluffes just shut the fluff up?

Cable - aren't you the guy that got allies removed in express because you were cheating? Go ahead, deny it, we know the truth.

You have zero credibility. The fact that we are seeing this still going on a Sunday between you and a FNG speaks volumes.

FNG does make a point. I haven't seen a post in over a year that you aren't crying about something.

Keep on sucking that guys fluff

As for I got allies removed that's cute, I have 0 idea where you'd even get that idea from because I dont have any purpled countries. Try H20s and Edberts profiles. (No offsense to you)

SO when you want to come back with some points as to why you think I got allies deleted you giver. I was one of the people who complained about players abusing allies, not the other way around. But you like your friend are incapable of deciphering the difference between your little realities and the truth.

More specifically telling people if they Retal that your allies would Retal and/or sell items at a specific amount for your benefit. If I am wrong, sorry, but I remember your name being associated with this practice.

Either way, stop crying.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:18:02

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Scott:
Will you fluffes just shut the fluff up?

Cable - aren't you the guy that got allies removed in express because you were cheating? Go ahead, deny it, we know the truth.

You have zero credibility. The fact that we are seeing this still going on a Sunday between you and a FNG speaks volumes.

FNG does make a point. I haven't seen a post in over a year that you aren't crying about something.

Keep on sucking that guys fluff

As for I got allies removed that's cute, I have 0 idea where you'd even get that idea from because I dont have any purpled countries. Try H20s and Edberts profiles. (No offsense to you)

SO when you want to come back with some points as to why you think I got allies deleted you giver. I was one of the people who complained about players abusing allies, not the other way around. But you like your friend are incapable of deciphering the difference between your little realities and the truth.

More specifically telling people if they Retal that your allies would Retal and/or sell items at a specific amount for your benefit. If I am wrong, sorry, but I remember your name being associated with this practice.

Either way, stop crying.

Heres the difference between crying and making someone look stupid.

"Whaaaa my country got wrecked whaaaa"

"Youre a loser who ABed me and still lost 4.1 million NW"

Ones a pointless statement, ones a pointed statement that said player sucks balls.

I did go after players who I disliked in Primary and continuously attacked my defensive allies, and in doing so cost me a great deal of NW loss and defensive unit loses. I also had a long standing history with that player, due to me disagreeing with his play style. So I went solo and attacked him multiple times. GALLERI purpled me and called it cooridation, and two weeks later unpurpled my country when she realized there was no messages between me and my allies, no help given. Just me doing the server a favour and attacking a mostly jetter.

Scott Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:19:57

I am specifically referencing your posts on 1a. Looks like crying to me.
Also appears the guys only goal is to get a rise out of you. Looks like he accomplished his mission.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 20:23:15

Originally posted by Scott:
I am specifically referencing your posts on 1a. Looks like crying to me.
Also appears the guys only goal is to get a rise out of you. Looks like he accomplished his mission.

If his goal is to get a rise out of me then he falls a little short, I like to troll as much as anyone else. But if you cant even stand on your own two feet long enough to back up your trash talk your just another punk. He runs his mouth saying hes better then me and raped me, and yet again finds himself on the losing end of another war.

My post in 1A was to get a rise out of the players there, lots of people dont like LaFs internal or extrernal trading so I found it amusing.

mrford Game profile


May 15th 2016, 21:08:58

Originally posted by clintonista:

If Express had moderators who did not charge $25 an hour to do their job, this in-game message would have warranted a deletion. Since there is no denial of the allegation that the missive was sent, we have admission by silence. The application of this legal doctrine is complicated and some of you will not understand its application in this case but so be it, go ahead and wave your ignorance around like a bloody tampon by insulting the messenger.
Warster, when you read this some time this summer, please ban the offending party from playing for a reset.
Thanks in advance for doing your job.

That message was on the alliance server, where there are no coordination rules.

Go misunderstand the simplest fluff somewhere else you tard.

Edited By: mrford on May 15th 2016, 21:11:56
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

drkprinc Game profile


May 15th 2016, 23:18:02

Originally posted by clintonista:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express. [/quote)

If Express had moderators who did not charge $25 an hour to do their job, this in-game message would have warranted a deletion. Since there is no denial of the allegation that the missive was sent, we have admission by silence. The application of this legal doctrine is complicated and some of you will not understand its application in this case but so be it, go ahead and wave your ignorance around like a bloody tampon by insulting the messenger.
Warster, when you read this some time this summer, please ban the offending party from playing for a reset.
Thanks in advance for doing your job.


LOL !!!! first of all that guy was looking to get LaF in trouble, we have no need to run landfarms we farm ourselves.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP



May 15th 2016, 23:32:45

so childish

Hammer Game profile


May 15th 2016, 23:46:30

My boy might have been on the wrong server, but he had the $25 right! lmao. He must have had a Warster-sighting there. Warster will enjoy this.

I thought there would be at least one post on here about the food issue.

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 23:57:42

Cable looks Here (#66)
Rank: 61
Networth: 3,683,498
Land: 5687
Successful Attack Percentage: 100%
Successful Defense Percentage: 20%
GDI Member

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 23:58:11

Tissue Vender is Free land (#59)
Rank: 52
Networth: 4,464,146
Land: 7598
Successful Attack Percentage: 89.47%
Successful Defense Percentage: 0%
GDI Member

Cable Game profile


May 15th 2016, 23:59:40

Just placing those here and waiting for the inevitable excuse about how given FS you lost out in NW too a country with 3k Indies. Keep on running your mouth till you find some traction tough guy.

"You lost"
"Theres still 3.5 hours left in set"

Tissue Vendor


May 16th 2016, 0:24:15

Originally posted by Cable:
Just placing those here and waiting for the inevitable excuse about how given FS you lost out in NW too a country with 3k Indies. Keep on running your mouth till you find some traction tough guy.

"You lost"
"Theres still 3.5 hours left in set"


Cable Game profile


May 16th 2016, 2:32:29

Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Just placing those here and waiting for the inevitable excuse about how given FS you lost out in NW too a country with 3k Indies. Keep on running your mouth till you find some traction tough guy.

"You lost"
"Theres still 3.5 hours left in set"


HAHAHAAHAH go play checkers kid, all that trash talk and even with FS. Im impressed you even had the balls to post on here again, ill give you that stupid is as stupid does.

Tissue Vendor


May 16th 2016, 2:50:06

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Just placing those here and waiting for the inevitable excuse about how given FS you lost out in NW too a country with 3k Indies. Keep on running your mouth till you find some traction tough guy.

"You lost"
"Theres still 3.5 hours left in set"


HAHAHAAHAH go play checkers kid, all that trash talk and even with FS. Im impressed you even had the balls to post on here again, ill give you that stupid is as stupid does.

Go eat your box of chocolates Forrest.

P.S. They are dingleberries.

the Temple


May 16th 2016, 3:32:00

Originally posted by Cable :

Sick math newb, sounds alot to quote temple "that's cable math"

Maths Cable, not math. We're not imbeciles.

Cable Game profile


May 16th 2016, 12:42:46

Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Cable :

Sick math newb, sounds alot to quote temple "that's cable math"

Maths Cable, not math. We're not imbeciles.

Maths? <----- Is that even an English word?

the Temple


May 16th 2016, 13:35:59

Originally posted by Cable:

Is that even an English word?

Wowsers. That explains why you struggle so much.

mrford Game profile


May 16th 2016, 16:41:20

Here in freedom land, we don't say maths. Math is already plural.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 19th 2016, 22:41:05

If you don't report messages using the tools provided then we have no grounds to delete.

Don't like the rules ??? Birch to martain or qz
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332