
clintonista Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 0:02:40

We all seem to agree that randomized mayhem is not good for the game. On Express with its huge turn storage rule, a person can get randomly killed or as happened in this last set can decimate a player who deserved a top ten finish.
Several people have indicated they agree with my proposal, but several people have indicated that they do not understand exactly what I am proposing so I will do this one last thread. Last one.

Under the current rules, the solution to prevent random attacks is built into GDI.
I propose we take it out of GDI altogether. Just like generals will not launch an attack in the last half hour of Express, so to they can fail to launch a GS, BR, AB or missile attack against someone who has not hit the target country. If a player picks a country at random and tries to GS that nation, they will be unable to do so. Random mayhem is banned.

By taking the suicide prevention out of GDI, we can restore GDI to its regular use like in tourney, only it could be optional.

The beauty of this proposal is that it brings troops, tanks, missiles and spies back into the game. The complexity of this wonderful game is restored.

One possible downside to this proposal is that it gives all-x countries an advantage in that they need not worry about any special attacks while people who have attacked have to have some concern about being special attacked.

That is it, simple. Ban random acts and restore GDI

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2016, 0:26:55

Your suggestion requires a ton of coding and only changes the current GDI rules from:

> 1 attacks
> 0 attacks.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

tarkas13 Game profile

New Member

Feb 8th 2016, 1:08:03

So if someone grabs a country one time then that country can save turns and killnor maim the country? I don't see how that is better than just joining GDI

MountainYeti Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 1:29:43

Gdi isnt changing i thought you came to that realization on your last thread.

Work on ideas to give incentives to play non gdi. You might be able to convince players and win that battle. However your 1st proposal of extra turns and government changes was way to much. I dont know what the correct answer is but look at adjusting numbers slightly(more explore acres,more gains,less costs,etc)

the Temple


Feb 8th 2016, 3:15:37

Just join the GDI

the Temple


Feb 8th 2016, 3:36:16

Al this is is a suicider's charter. Which is all you've wanted all along, so isn't much of a surprise.

On a 360 turn server it doesn't matter how many tanks, spies or troops you have comparatively when you attack. There's no judgement at all, it's guess work. That's because anyone I hit can out produce me in either tanks, spies or troops and decimate me. There's no defence.

I go all jet to retal early strikes often enough. That's easy enough, and it's chasing a turret target. To do it with troops or tanks would be child's play. I could destroy the finish of everyone who hits me once under your bright idea.

The only other thing you'll promote is farming, because it won't make sense to hit multiple players once each, it'll only make sense to open yourself upto one set of ABs or GSs. You pick one target and land farm him until he can't retal.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 3:42:38

the idea is not to write a suicider's charter
the idea is to bring back some of the game's fun complexity

I regret the current rule set's blandness

the Temple


Feb 8th 2016, 9:58:27

Nah, you regret not being able to suicide a grab. That's it.

This doesn't make anything less bland, it just makes hitting anyone who's not a bot a set ending lottery.

Untagged Hunter


Feb 8th 2016, 12:20:52

Originally posted by clintonista:
We all seem to agree that randomized mayhem is not good for the game. On Express with its huge turn storage rule, a person can get randomly killed or as happened in this last set can decimate a player who deserved a top ten finish.
Several people have indicated they agree with my proposal, but several people have indicated that they do not understand exactly what I am proposing so I will do this one last thread. Last one.

Under the current rules, the solution to prevent random attacks is built into GDI.
I propose we take it out of GDI altogether. Just like generals will not launch an attack in the last half hour of Express, so to they can fail to launch a GS, BR, AB or missile attack against someone who has not hit the target country. If a player picks a country at random and tries to GS that nation, they will be unable to do so. Random mayhem is banned.

By taking the suicide prevention out of GDI, we can restore GDI to its regular use like in tourney, only it could be optional.

The beauty of this proposal is that it brings troops, tanks, missiles and spies back into the game. The complexity of this wonderful game is restored.

One possible downside to this proposal is that it gives all-x countries an advantage in that they need not worry about any special attacks while people who have attacked have to have some concern about being special attacked.

That is it, simple. Ban random acts and restore GDI

stfu and enjoy the game

mrford Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 16:39:38

Your apparent level of butthurt over a single grab is disturbing.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

clintonista Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 19:01:50

Transference is an amazing mental aberration.

Xninja Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 19:26:24

As is denial....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

clintonista Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 20:44:34

As is echolalia...

the Temple


Feb 9th 2016, 5:28:50

Since you mention it, this is a bit like talking to a small child.

DancingBear Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 8:36:00

just for consideration, a possible tweak to gdi that would leave things much as they are, but allow for some kind of reprisal ...

allow a grabbed player exactly one attack of any type against the attacking player without respect to either player's gdi status

this allows a sharp retort for a grab, but gdi still prevents suiciders and the rest ... probably just means that you'll catch a NM or CM for each country you grab, so that might give an advantage to all-x, but it might feel more satisfying as a war game ...

with respect to giving non-gdi some kind of compensating advantage, maybe just award 4 to 8 bonus points per day ... i think this would be enough to push players to delay gdi as long as possble, perhaps opening up the game a little


Edited By: DancingBear on Feb 9th 2016, 8:38:37
See Original Post

drkprinc Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 9:00:45

or just join GDI and don't double tap it will always come down to this in every argument about this.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

clintonista Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 15:14:43

That canned, concrete, cretin response assumes that we who seek to improve the game do not join GDI. The problem is not that we do not want to join GDI, the problem is partly that playing as a GDI member is B O R I N G compared to what it once was and can be again.

Some people have suggested that we go play alliance or go play team, tourney or some other server, when those servers get a turn every four minutes, we will. Express at it's best is a fast paced exciting swirling complicated hot mess not a game you check in once every 24 hours and click cash 200 times at the end for the "win". To those who say they can not play every four hours on Saturday and Sunday, I say a game that rewards people for not playing has an internal flaw.

Edited By: clintonista on Feb 9th 2016, 15:28:45. Reason: Add a thought
See Original Post

the Temple


Feb 9th 2016, 17:08:20

Is that a Royal We? And are you Cable in disguise? The level of cognitive dissonance and butt hurt seems about right.

Even if you could cash out 200 turns and win, which you can't, what's that got to do with your crusade against the GDI?

As to Dancing Bear's solution, I'll play 99 turns of start, then go 360 (360) and only then join GDI. Thanks for the 16 free turns. And the free GDI I'll take from the bonuses along the way.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 18:20:09

Had I been using the royal we it would have been capitalized. I mean the host of people who agree with me both on the forum and in private messages, hence no capitalization. Cable who? I do not hold contradictory beliefs.

I am not on a crusade against the GDI, that would be foolish. I am trying to lift the game from its diminished state.
That includes replacing this creativity crushing GDI with legitimate GDI, the inordinately long DR, and other rules which turn chess into checkers.I hate that when we should be playing a game as complex as chess we are reduced to playing a game as simple as checkers.

Xninja Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 18:29:45

Originally posted by clintonista:
That canned, concrete, cretin response assumes that """we""" who seek to improve the game do not join GDI. The problem is not that """we""" do not want to join GDI, the problem is partly that playing as a GDI member is B O R I N G compared to what it once was and can be again.

Hmm, we who? I see you making mad postings but I have not seen much support... I see stronger unification between PRO GDI players.

To declare playing as a GDI member boring, is a matter of personal opinion. If it was truly as boring as you claim it to be, I find it astonishing there are still so many people who do play and as a GDI member.

I played non GDI to prove a point. I was targeted not by just 1 random fluff, but 2. I did absolutely nothing to either country, yet almost had my country killed twice... What is fun about that? You sound like the communist scum who play mars2025 express who can't hack it against others and can only win by killing all the competition.

I guess your not as bad as them though, to my knowledge you have not been found to run multiple accounts....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

clintonista Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 19:36:09

mars2025 express?

Xninja Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 19:43:16

Originally posted by clintonista:
mars2025 express?

Ya, poorly coded old e2025 clone...

Turn per minute, 500(500), no relations, no public market, "Normal GDI"

Play a set or 2 there then come back and complain :-!

Might need to wait a month for the lazy bastards to reset it, but I promise, you will find what it is you seem to be looking for. Constant carnage without reasoning....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

clintonista Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 20:20:47

I hope that I have been suggesting constructive change and not complaining. As I have said many times, I love this game and appreciate everyone's hard work to run it.

Xninja Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 20:24:37

I think changing the current GDI would further hurt Express rather than make it better...

I really can't see through your eyes what it's taking away from the game....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 9th 2016, 23:16:06

I see no problem with GDI either. DR could use an overhaul though.
Just shut up and have another beer

Xninja Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 23:34:05

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I see no problem with GDI either. DR could use an overhaul though.

I won't dispute that.
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Packrat203 Game profile


Feb 10th 2016, 3:26:08




Feb 10th 2016, 3:45:07

didn't make it to the top ten... but i deserved it. ... lol, hang on, I'll call the WAHHHHHHHmbulance.

DancingBear Game profile


Feb 10th 2016, 6:39:12

@ temple- yes, your plan effeciently uses the proposed bonus point reward for delaying joining gdi ... and maximizes gdi cover for the duration of the set. but it pushes you to adopt a strat that works well when starting as late as possible. if that seems unfair, just tweak the proposal to only give extra bonus points once you leave protection ... and/or reduce the amount of bonus points (clearly, the bonus point reward would need reduction on other servers)

with respect to allowing a one time, single reprisal attack of any kind after being hit by SS or PS, i do think it would add strategic complexity, it would allow some measure of satisfaction for players that are routinely grabbed, it would change the relative value of warfare and sdi tech, and it would definitely improve the netting chances of true all-x-ers versus land accumulaters


the Temple


Feb 10th 2016, 7:07:32

Originally posted by DancingBear:
it would allow some measure of satisfaction for players that are routinely grabbed

Buy more turrets.

High Priest Game profile

New Member

Feb 11th 2016, 4:00:09


Relax lah Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 13th 2016, 8:17:47

DancingBear has some interesting points.
I'm not bringing anything new to the table, but I think there must have been some equal level of debate back in the days when the GDI rules were implemented. lol

it's not all that boring
want some drama = non gdi
want some peace = gdi

drkprinc Game profile


Feb 13th 2016, 12:44:47

let me fix that for you lah

"want some peace & drama = GDI + Double tap"

you forgot the third option.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP



Feb 17th 2016, 0:14:22

just missle them

Scott Game profile


Feb 17th 2016, 3:36:02

Missles dump ba donka donks. He loves it.

myerr21 Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 23:20:25

The only reason I play express is to kill people before they can buy troops tho.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Xninja Game profile


Mar 11th 2016, 18:55:29

Originally posted by myerr21:
The only reason I play express is to kill people before they can buy troops tho.

Scrubbish... For what gain? Just to blind side some fool? What an appropriate means of time management....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 11th 2016, 19:18:30

That's why GDI is a necessity in express.
Just shut up and have another beer

Xninja Game profile


Mar 11th 2016, 21:28:40

I am generally a proud member of the GDI :-P
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

clintonista Game profile


Mar 11th 2016, 21:33:14

another top ten gets randomly killed

mrford Game profile


Mar 11th 2016, 22:37:26

top 10 on a friday? what a baller!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford