
NOW3P Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 22:42:42

There is a "simple" fix to make this server viable again, but unfortunately most folks that play here don't seem to be capable of's called grow the fluff up and play nice together instead of spending your overly abundant free time trying to figure out how to screw someone over who committed some minor offense against you like a grab or two... or in deerhunter and gregg's case, folks who haven't done anything at all to you,.



Sep 18th 2010, 23:06:37

There are the guys that like farming people. Those guys should pay the price.

Spear Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 23:23:44

Yes, those evil farmers. Trying to maximize their land and NW by *gasp* attacking others! Why can't we all play nice? Personally, I feel that attacking should be taken out of the game entirely. Also, spy ops can be quite destructive. Spies should be the next thing to go. But then, you'd still have those degenerate souls that send mean messages. We'll have to eliminate the in-game messaging system as well.



Sep 19th 2010, 0:11:42

i see HWCNG whining once again

when he says play nice together he means run each others multis like earlier this year
when he says play nice he means dont attack your clansmen like it used to be when they all wore their LaEx names
when he says play nice he means never accept responsibility for your actions


neither will i cheat lie and whine like five year olds, i guess there will never be peace with LaEx

once again i have been special attacked countless times
but i whineth not
i could have done better if i had run three countries
but i do not cheat
i could have done better if i had lied
but i am not now nor will i ever be in LaE


A-Rod Game profile


Sep 19th 2010, 0:20:13

blah blah blah my opinion is more important than yours so i'm offended. thats what i got out of this thread.

everyone is going to do what they want. and if you can on this server, then do. farm, retal, kill, whatever.

personally i disagree with the whole if you multi tap your lazy. i've done it both ways. you get suicided just as much for single taps as multi. and you can get a LOT more land multi tapping and keep it than the other way around. there are not enough countries to safely lg and single tap.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 19th 2010, 1:03:43

I haven't been grabbed or had any attacks done on me at all this set, so you would be incorrect in assuming I'm complaining. Nor have I been attacked almost at all in the last few sets. If someone farms me, I retal my land back and go on with my life - no harm, no's how the game is supposed to be played, after all.

I'm simply stating that as long as you choose to use this server as an excuse to use exaggerated retals, attack netters who have not attacked you, and generally act like the five year old you so happily compare others to in reacting to someone taking your land the player base will continue to drop.

Play however you like, just be aware that you likely haven't fully considered the inevitable consequences of the current style of play here, or been here to see the past president that has been set in similar circumstances under different administration of the game.

Also, please understand that there is a BIG difference between grabbing and please stop using the terms interchangeably, you're just confusing yourself.



Sep 19th 2010, 2:10:38

president???? what a scream

you have got to love this guy
he tried to write like gregg and ended up talking about past presidents

LaEx is a never ending source of astonishment

Spear Game profile


Sep 19th 2010, 3:45:32

I too was wondering what James Monroe and Herbert Hoover had to do with this conversation. Perhaps both strongly opposed the farming of fat republics?



Sep 19th 2010, 4:51:25

maybe llaar will instruct him on the proper word


we know he will never admit i am right

its kind of unfortunate that his first ever attempt to write with something other than his pen-is resulted in such an hilarious disaster
i especially love the ironic twist about interchangeable words
with radically different meanings

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 19th 2010, 8:25:00

omgzorz! kall teh gramer puleese! And it's PENIS, say it with me now....PEEEEEENIS.

This coming from the guy who uses a keyboard with broken shift keys and no period button.

You're so cute when you're petty gregg.

Hash Game profile


Sep 19th 2010, 9:27:49

#37.. DEAD for ABing someone that didnt so anything on him and for using missles against my country even though I didnt even try to spy him..



Sep 20th 2010, 17:00:32

why is your primary concern that he ABed KSF?
your claim that you didnt even spy him is demonstrably false
given the news that you LGed him which is far more than spying on someone

your post is entirely fictional

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 0:08:19

so are your aliases, but we allow you your fantasies none the less.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 24th 2010, 21:29:56

Just reviewing the past history of the board here, being new to them. There are a few gems on this thread!

Lincoln said: "welcome to the express forum, spear
he is one of many with reading disabilities" Ha Ha ha!

NukEvil said: Pot, meet Kettle.

Kingme said: "This thread makes me laugh." Have to agree!