
Rockman Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 16:09:07

There are three reasons for my retirement.

#1 The atmosphere here sucks, the killing of all-explore countries and players over single taps should not be accepted, but it is. You guys are driving new players away from the game.
#2 I hate how much time it takes up. I don't like putting that much time into one country. If my country wasn't doing so well, I would have quit in the middle of the weekend
#3 I don't think I could top the performance I had last weekend, and I don't want to try.
There's my only country ever on Express. I just boosted your land record by 10k acres. You're welcome.
And if you want to know what I named my country after - watch that video. And yes, its work appropriate. Its Cannonball Adderley feat. Miles Davis - Autumn Leaves

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 17:03:51

I was #55 last set. I was not in GDI, I grabbed a bunch of people (nobody more then once), didn't get suicided on. Stop complaining and play :) Oh and nice ammount of land, but I'm more impressed with networth. I wanna get 30M+!
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Kingme Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 17:05:43

HeadHunter, you got abnormally lucky.

You should buy a lottery ticket.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 17:09:36

I think most of the people who get suicided on either double tap or more, or they grab once every 12 hours or something, or they do harmful spy ops or they must be recognized from previous resets through their country name or something.
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Kingme Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 17:12:52

Negative. I've known numerous people who have been all-x countries and been killed or crippled for no reason. (private game profile).

That includes myself!

I've also seen and been a victim to only hitting people once and being AB'd into a parking lot. (GDI fixed this)

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 17:28:24

Damn, well in that case I was pretty lucky hehe. I don't get the point in killing all-x all defensive countries
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 18:27:50

You did get extremely lucky HH.

That really is the sad part about express. There so many hot heads who are willing to go over the deep end to ruin someone's (usually along with their own) set over something insanely trivial.

Rock isn't the first of the really skilled netters to leave the server over stuff like this - and I think the vacuum it's creating in skill level is really dragging the server down.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 19:07:11

Originally posted by NOW3P:

Rock isn't the first of the really skilled netters to leave the server over stuff like this - and I think the vacuum it's creating in skill level is really dragging the server down.

There definitely is a void when I can get a top 10 every set with minimal effort :P

bakku Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 20:58:15

Originally posted by Kingme:
Originally posted by NOW3P:

Rock isn't the first of the really skilled netters to leave the server over stuff like this - and I think the vacuum it's creating in skill level is really dragging the server down.

There definitely is a void when I can get a top 10 every set with minimal effort :P

i've finished in the t5 3 sets in a row playing an all-ex CI. that shouldn't be possible

Edited By: bakku on Jul 11th 2011, 21:00:43
See Original Post

bakku Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:00:08


Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2011, 21:02:12

Doesn't GDI prevent the senseless killings? Why are people still complaining about this?

Kingme Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:17:17

It's pretty easy to forget to join GDI right away. Unfortunately, there are people waiting for countries to get to turn 101 and not be in GDI, just to kill them.

I know I got screwed once because I was doing really well and only hitting people one time. I came online late one night and accidentally hit someone for the second time in that set. (probably for less than 100 acres each time).

That one freaking country out of close to 50 decided they got a boner from AB'ing me. Yes that was my mistake, but it really is pretty sad.

And bakku, I did the same thing earlier this year with Theo Casher I agree completely. In fact I think I talked to you about it a bit once in game.

Edited By: Kingme on Jul 11th 2011, 21:19:36
See Original Post

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:28:17

aye I had a commie indy 2 sets ago, all ex, had I played my turns the last 2 hours I'd finished top10.

But I still like the server, I like the fact that it starts over every week and well I think this was my 4th or 5th reset, still have not gotten suicided on. It could be that every single person who has gotten suicided on comes here and posts about it making it look like everybody is getting suicided on.

I just browsed all the way back to the first express reset. Except for the first 3 resets, it's been 100-200 players pretty much every reset, and lately it looks like it's been going up so I don't know about this server dying...

Edited By: HeadHunter on Jul 11th 2011, 22:09:04
See Original Post
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

gambit Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 22:17:05

i dont know what you people are doing to deserve being hit... but i have had minimum problems with suiciders ever since the new gdi was put into place... and i will finish in the top 10 with an all-ex every set if i play all my turns

i dont see where this server takes anymore time to play than any other one... so dont know where thats coming from

and you can always get better... doesnt matter what youre doing

"I don't want to try."

is the key part of this whole post... nobody wants to have to work for anything anymore... they think that they are special :P

Edited By: gambit on Jul 11th 2011, 22:20:29
See Original Post
Natural Born Killer

Kingme Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 22:44:47


I'm not arguing the fact that all-x is easy with the new GDI. In fact I completely agree, if you are decent you can and should get a top 10 quite easily.

All this is true if you remember to join GDI (which trust me I make sure to do now)

I just think it's a huge turn off to new players if they are even the slightest bit misinformed with how this server and GDI work. How would you feel about getting hammered at turn 101 all because you forgot GDI or didn't know about it?

And idk what strat you normally play, but there is quite a bit of time involved if you are playing the market. And even more time if you grab (it sounds like you don't). Try grabbing and then make the argument about not much time being involved.

If you don't, "try" why would you even play? That seems kinda silly to me.

braden Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 22:52:05

i remember kingmes theos, some of those were rather nicely run.

often out performed my rep casher handily (but that is more the player than the strat i think :P)

Rockman Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 23:22:28

No one commenting about how awesome that song is? C'mon guys, its great music!

braden Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 23:31:10

as a fan of jazz in general, i thought it was quite good, yes.
big band, as well, and ella fitzgerald singing those gershwin tunes (and of course dizzy gillespie). music used to be awesome.

gambit Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 23:52:00

i either play a rep casher, demo farmer, or theo techer... and i will say a theo does take more time to play, but if you are that strapped for time, then play something else

and i did get hit at the beginning of this set because i played my first 300 turns or so and forgot to join gdi before logging out... and i was behind on turns the whole set, and finished with 30 turns left in storage... still finished 6th

everything is not going to go the way that you want it to... its how you adapt and move on thats important
Natural Born Killer

Jiman Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 0:04:40

I was top 16, and only made retals last set.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 0:45:26

If a double tap (thereby voiding GDI protection) is grounds for getting ab'ed/killed/missiled, you won't find many skilled players looking to stick around very long.

Besides, why exactly do you think Express' version of GDI hasn't been implemented elsewhere? Because it works so flawlessly?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 12th 2011, 1:40:22

It has been implemented elsewhere and as far as I can tell player numbers and winning NWs have been slowly increasing over time.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 4:42:58

#1 You're speaking for new players now ? Cause u aint one :p
#2 Other than telling everyone you're a quitter, which we already know, this line serves no purpose.
#3 Ok u still live with your parents cause u're afraid of the world, whats new ?

Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 5:16:44

I stand corrected on the GDI comment. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, really.

I would be hard pressed to say that increased numbers or increased top NW's are an indication of more quality players. The latter, I would say, is likely more related to people learning how to tweak strats more efficiently to the duration of the server and taking advantage of its specific dynamics, and the former seems to be mostly comprised of newer players who I'm hoping to god don't think that the way things work here are the way they work on other servers....mostly for their own sake.

WH Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 14:13:32

less skilled netters more wins for me!!!

Fatty Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 16:54:29

This post = poor.



Farming alliances since 2002.

Pain Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 18:58:23

actually the express GDI DOES work flawlessly. theres no reason you need to double tap someone its not like youre stuck in a 45 country tourney. if you cant win by just hitting single targets once, or arent skilled enough to build a bullet proof country that allows you to multitap people then youre not that good anyways.
Your mother is a nice woman

Kingme Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:03:21

Originally posted by Pain:
... or arent skilled enough to build a bullet proof country that allows you to multitap people then youre not that good anyways.

Really? Surely you can't be that silly. I guarantee you that if someone wants to cause harm to you they will. There are so many turns in a quick amount of time that they could find a singular weakness and exploit it with 350 turns.

There is no such thing as a bullet proof country.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:07:59

Originally posted by Pain:
actually the express GDI DOES work flawlessly. theres no reason you need to double tap someone its not like youre stuck in a 45 country tourney. if you cant win by just hitting single targets once, or arent skilled enough to build a bullet proof country that allows you to multitap people then youre not that good anyways.

I got my land record without hitting a single country more than once. You are correct - there's plenty of land out there for single-tappers :)

One of the problems with express GDI is that it forces you to 1:1 retals on jetters if any of them go all jetter to topfeed you.

Originally posted by Kingme:
Originally posted by Pain:
... or arent skilled enough to build a bullet proof country that allows you to multitap people then youre not that good anyways.

Really? Surely you can't be that silly. I guarantee you that if someone wants to cause harm to you they will. There are so many turns in a quick amount of time that they could find a singular weakness and exploit it with 350 turns.

There is no such thing as a bullet proof country.

That's correct. With 360 turns, only the tiniest and weakest of countries will be unable to produce enough military to find and exploit a weakness in your country's defenses.

Pain Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:23:49

like i said, you can either single tap people and be safe or you can farm people and try to build a country that can outrun any chance of retal (ive seen it done). if you cant do well with one or the other, youre probably not good at this game. i didnt say you have to be able to build a country that cant be touched, you just have to at least be able to do good with the other technique.

if the only way you can do well is to be able to farm people, but need GDI to protect you, maybe youre not as good as you think.
Your mother is a nice woman

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:24:48

I gotta agree w/ kingme - there is no such thing as a bulletproof country. I will be happy to demonstrate this to anyone who doesn't believe it - build your best, I guarantee I'll break it and find a way to screw up your set.

Besides, what is express? 140'ish countries or so now? Given that 20 or so of those never run past turn 200, another 20 or 30 are noobs that barely have enough land to be worthwhile (especially for a single tap), and the Indies that you'd have to be a tool to grab, there's a pool of maybe 30-40 actual targets....which you are sharing with another 30-40 or so grabbers. Not exactly a plentiful landscape of targets.

This is not to say that GDI is at fault for either of these issues - but it is how things are in Express at the moment.

Pain Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:30:30

Nowie not all players are created equal. you or i could build a country to ruin thier set, but could every single player on the server?

maybe its not so much about how well youre building but how well you choose?
Your mother is a nice woman

Kingme Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:38:27

We shouldn't be debating destroying countries... that's one of the reasons this thread was started. :P

That's another one of my points Pain, you can't determine which of the countries you hit (1 time), is going to go bat fluff crazy and spend 360 turns (or more) and go all-jetter and retal.

If they convert to dict and get weapons tech they can break anything.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:40:09

It doesn't take every single player on the server to suicide on you though, Pain - just one.

And with how quickly you can convert a country to something completely different in this server, choosing well is important, but certainly is nowhere near a guarantee of not getting bent over for something stupid and trivial.

and lol - apparently kingme and I are sharing a brain on this issue....your edit to your post was made at exactly the same time I posted the same thing :-P

Kingme Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 19:52:25

I think from personal experience :)

If you've played this server as much as I have, i'm sure you've come across similar circumstances.

HeadHunter Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 21:43:26

This will be my sixth reset. I see you've played like 60 resets or something Kingme. I will reserve my opinions until I've played some more. I must say though this thread is starting to sound like a bunch of wining and complaining. I started playing Earth around 98 and there has always been suiciders, multies, idiots, you name it. It's kind of part of the charm to me. You can have the admins remove missiles, special attacks, harmful spy ops, restrict grabbing to 1 maximum per 24 hours. THEN you'll kill the game for sure.
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

Kingme Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 21:55:05

Originally posted by HeadHunter:
This will be my sixth reset. I see you've played like 60 resets or something Kingme. I will reserve my opinions until I've played some more. I must say though this thread is starting to sound like a bunch of wining and complaining. I started playing Earth around 98 and there has always been suiciders, multies, idiots, you name it. It's kind of part of the charm to me. You can have the admins remove missiles, special attacks, harmful spy ops, restrict grabbing to 1 maximum per 24 hours. THEN you'll kill the game for sure.

I never suggested we remove anything from the game ;)

and yeah i've played express quite a bit, some resets more succesfull than others. Some plagued by idiots, others worked out rather well. I'm well aware how this game started, was, and is.

I've been here since the beta (of earth 2025), it's crazy there are still some of us that have played that long. :)

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 1:36:23

I know I'm certainly not a fan of removing the ability to suicide/missile (I AM against multies, though) - you are correct that it's an integral part of the game, and one that, if used properly, can keep folks honest. I have been known to relieve a clan or three of acres and stock when they over-stepped their bounds, and I hope that more new players can work up to that point.

With that said though, when it takes on a "because I can" mentality instead of a "this is justice" mentality, the effect can be very detrimental to a community. This isn't just an Earth related observation - it's just a broader truth about life that happens to apply here now.

Walding Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 8:17:02


I thought I posted on this thread.

Walding Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 8:18:11

ha nm

it was another

iNouda Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 11:58:19

Yet another stupid thread by rockman.

#1. Bullfluff. If you're in GDI you're not going to be killed for single taps. Most people including (me) don't mind single taps since we'll either retal or just ignore it.

#2. Express (as in fast, whoosh whoosh, vroom vroom) - What part of that didn't you understand? Games that run faster require far more activity on the part on the players' parts. You hate it? The don't play on it.

Anyone who doubletaps runs the risk of being suicided upon. Most people don't mind so much if its a random tap here and there but a continuous string of hits is just a bad idea. I kill people for making >= 3 taps in a row or for being general douches who don't know when to lay off.

Rockman Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 16:23:40

Originally posted by iNouda:
Yet another stupid thread by rockman.

#1. Bullfluff. If you're in GDI you're not going to be killed for single taps. Most people including (me) don't mind single taps since we'll either retal or just ignore it.

#2. Express (as in fast, whoosh whoosh, vroom vroom) - What part of that didn't you understand? Games that run faster require far more activity on the part on the players' parts. You hate it? The don't play on it.

Anyone who doubletaps runs the risk of being suicided upon. Most people don't mind so much if its a random tap here and there but a continuous string of hits is just a bad idea. I kill people for making >= 3 taps in a row or for being general douches who don't know when to lay off.

#1 I never claimed that.

#2 I never claimed it was unexpected. Thats why I avoided playing it for so long, in fact.

And why did you participate in killing those 3 all-explore countries last set? Which did they do, did they triple tap or more while being all-explore? Or were they general douches who didn't know when to layoff ... hitting the explore button or something?

Rockman Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 16:27:07

Originally posted by iNouda:
Yet another stupid thread by rockman.

#1. Bullfluff. If you're in GDI you're not going to be killed for single taps. Most people including (me) don't mind single taps since we'll either retal or just ignore it.

#2. Express (as in fast, whoosh whoosh, vroom vroom) - What part of that didn't you understand? Games that run faster require far more activity on the part on the players' parts. You hate it? The don't play on it.

Anyone who doubletaps runs the risk of being suicided upon. Most people don't mind so much if its a random tap here and there but a continuous string of hits is just a bad idea. I kill people for making >= 3 taps in a row or for being general douches who don't know when to lay off.

Those 3 countries were all-explore when you participated in multi-country kill runs on them.

braden Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 16:28:16

don't quit, rockman, i want to farm you into the ground with my explore button. something like a thousand turns? you'll never survive.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 13th 2011, 16:53:17


NOW3P Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 5:58:45

lol - nice Rock

You really should stick around though - this server needs some skilled players to keep it interesting.

Iovan Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 7:41:46

How did you do so well if your experience playing was so bad? Kind of hard to understand. I love express and I have yet to run into serious fights on it. Primary is another story though. Does this mean I'm saying express lacks what you claim? No. I just haven't experienced it. I also haven't seen a lot of red names on the scores list (though I'm near the top most of the time so...).

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 10:39:04

I don't think you have to enjoy playing on a server to do well on it. I have posted top 20 finishes on all but Alliance server, but really only enjoy Team and Alliance because of the community atmosphere.

Iovan Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 14:56:51

However if your complaint is that people screw it up for others by being fluffs then your doing well kind of puts doubt on your complaints...

iNouda Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 14:31:09

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by iNouda:
Yet another stupid thread by rockman.

#1. Bullfluff. If you're in GDI you're not going to be killed for single taps. Most people including (me) don't mind single taps since we'll either retal or just ignore it.

#2. Express (as in fast, whoosh whoosh, vroom vroom) - What part of that didn't you understand? Games that run faster require far more activity on the part on the players' parts. You hate it? The don't play on it.

Anyone who doubletaps runs the risk of being suicided upon. Most people don't mind so much if its a random tap here and there but a continuous string of hits is just a bad idea. I kill people for making >= 3 taps in a row or for being general douches who don't know when to lay off.

Those 3 countries were all-explore when you participated in multi-country kill runs on them.

Though seriously, two of those were camped kills. I didn't kill them from the start. They were put out of their misery by a benevolent soul who just happened to be watching the news at the time.

Edited By: iNouda on Jul 15th 2011, 14:33:30
See Original Post