
sac7mary3 Game profile


Jun 2nd 2014, 10:17:12

ANy suggestions for the percentage of each military asset for a country that will be exploring and keeping to itself, little if any attacks?

How about an land grabbing country?

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2014, 10:34:53

If you have GDI you can't be attacked with GS or AB's so there is no point in having any troops or tanks at all. The most effective defense in terms of cost and minimal bushels used is turrets. So if you are all explore just buy turrets and weapons tech.

If you are grabbing, just grab each country only once so you don't break GDI. And once again, no troops or tanks, just use jets.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 2nd 2014, 20:22:20

50% jets 50% turrets, if you are grabbing land.

100% turrets if you are all-explore, and have no intention to retal.

Make sure to join GDI before attacking anyone.

ingle Game profile


Jun 2nd 2014, 21:18:58

I would advise not listening to Xin and get some spies too :)

tellarion Game profile


Jun 3rd 2014, 2:27:28

Always start with a strong foundation(of tanks) and apply lipstick liberally

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2014, 2:36:53

Originally posted by tellarion:
Always start with a strong foundation(of tanks) and apply lipstick liberally

I knew you was a whore!!!!!

*runs off quickly*
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

silentwolf Game profile


Jun 3rd 2014, 2:38:35

Xin is right.

If ur not running indy strat, always.i repeat... always have some industry buildings to make spies.. Dont want to be an easy target.

Decide ur strat.. And talk to the ppl here.. Almost all are willing to help.

h2orich Game profile


Jun 3rd 2014, 3:11:41

50% jets 50% turrets wont make it.

Run 80% jets, 10% turrets and 10% spies from turn 400-600
Run 40% jets, 52% turrets and 8% spies from turn 600-800
Run 20% jets, 75% turrets and 5% spies from turn 800-1200
Run 100% turrets from turn 1200-1400
Run 100% jets from turn 1400-1800

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2014, 3:16:00

Originally posted by h2orich:
50% jets 50% turrets wont make it.

Run 80% jets, 10% turrets and 10% spies from turn 400-600
Run 40% jets, 52% turrets and 8% spies from turn 600-800
Run 20% jets, 75% turrets and 5% spies from turn 800-1200
Run 100% turrets from turn 1200-1400
Run 100% jets from turn 1400-1800

/me takes notes

Thanks, h!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2014, 17:48:36

i usually go like 20 spies 50 turrets 30 tanks and hope somebody dt's me so i can ab the fluff out of them
wasn't me...


EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2014, 18:49:50

Originally posted by h2orich:
50% jets 50% turrets wont make it.

Run 80% jets, 10% turrets and 10% spies from turn 400-600
Run 40% jets, 52% turrets and 8% spies from turn 600-800
Run 20% jets, 75% turrets and 5% spies from turn 800-1200
Run 100% turrets from turn 1200-1400
Run 100% jets from turn 1400-1800
This is actually such good advice that I usually don't reveal things like this haha. Just like CX talking about logging out for a long time, I like to give the basic hints but keep that stuff closer to the vest :D
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2014, 21:43:30

The Noobs are coming for you blid.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 14:43:52

Hey h2o, my 50%/50% is talking about military in country.

Not the production percentages.


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2014, 16:17:39

A lot of that is basically ideal military in country too.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.