Game Development
Dec 31st 2010, 18:28:56
Typically information about deletions remains private between moderators and players, but if JJ23 is going to make accusations towards the express moderators then I'm going to defend them.
The deleted pair was once again JJ23 and his "roommate". I guess that JJ23 figured that IP matches and cookie matches were flagging him, so he started playing the other country on a laptop/cell phone while playing his main from the same location. That way there wouldn't be any IP or cookie matches.
The roommate only plays while JJ23 is playing and apparently exists to serve JJ23. Shady stuff from this round alone:
-roommate puts JJ in DR and gets farmed by JJ, then they ally up
-roommate does tons of spy ops for JJ, including ally ops and defusing missiles
An example:
-roommate spies country X
-JJ23 grabs X
-roommate grabs X
-JJ23 farms roommate
-roommate GSes JJ23 to put him in DR
This particular example happened over a period of around 20 minutes.
You've been found guilty of cheating three times JJ23. And you never successfully appealed because "you know you're innocent". You're not innocent. The two express mods and the three game admins aren't all plotting against you. The admins of this game like to see players finish well and to push what is possible. The admins hate to see cheaters like JJ23 win. I apologize to the server for not giving moderators the tools to catch this type of cheating earlier.
If you try to cheat again you'll likely be banned from playing the game permanently.
By the way, in case anyone is curious about JJ's amazing records:
56 1 N O I T A N I M O D Y N D I (#58) 27,162 $32,050,000 CG
55 1 RachelsEhhButCarrieUnderwoodsOMG (#23) 19,388 $33,112,000 RG
54 4 Dont Think That I Cant Love You (#33) 11,111 $21,579,764 HG
53 3 Find Out Who Your Friends Are (#40) 11,111 $21,989,900 HG
52 1 Cuz You Should Be My Lady (#33) 18,321 $26,000,000 RG
51 1 Baby Jebal Geuui Soneul Japjima (#29) 16,585 $24,494,000 RG
50 3 Retaling LGs In My Wedding Dress (#54) 10,202 $22,131,450 HG
JJ's roommate didn't play in resets 53 and 54. Amazing how he finishes with 10M NW more when his roommate plays, isn't it?