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Btw cronie, how about giving GDI to bots? Or would that disrupt the playing field as well?
Who cares if bots have GDI.
The only thing it does is maybe throw some bot farmers off in terms of bot hunting. But still, who cares?
Nobody, even the most bored of trolls, will bother KRing bots. Much more fun is derived KRing humans to troll them I'd assume. Bots don't need GDI. Bots are also there to be farmed to keep the heat off other humans, which is the driver for why people tend to get butthurt around here when they get LGed or multi tapped. So actually, putting GDI on bots, making it harder to bot farm, is actually detrimental to player count in that sense as the LG and multitap of humans will drive even existing players away.
The idea of adding GDI to bots seem to counter your objective of increasing or really, retaining, player numbers.