Aug 9th 2019, 17:38:46
Def allies makes sense, not intel allies.
Are harmful spy ops really a problem? Damages are so tiiny they hardly matter ime. But on the other hand I dont really see a reason to keep allowing them on GDI countries so Im with you.
Tech auto sell could be even lower, 750 maybe. Not sure it would matter tho, I honestly rather see bot changes than this change. Heres how: Copy the sell tech code from techer to make farmer, casher and indy bots sell tech at the end of their turns. There might be a small modification needed like to only activate the code after 10k acres or something like that, but it should do the trick.
The reason this works is that the bots will sell techs to themselves and apart from the democracies they will waste their resources on commissions while supplying the market with a steady stream of npc techs that they also end up buying.
Democracies will also waste their resources on selling tech low and buying high but they will naturally amass more resources before this has an effect.
Edited By: Gerdler on Aug 9th 2019, 17:42:20