
mFrost Game profile


May 19th 2015, 5:59:30

with the the next reset about 18 hours away, just wondering what to play next reset.

Any ideas, would a tyranny techer do good on this server?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 19th 2015, 6:29:21

DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 0:51:42

Tyranny techer really has no advantages unless you're planning on warring this set. If you're going techer,.. theo is probably the best, followed by demo. Really depends on your playing style though.

I'm going techer myself this set.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 1:45:54

hehe, KoH you may have a point but it would have to be DRs from landgrabs...

Tyranny would be to land grab the bots more efficiently, especially with the Bureau of Land Management on the loose, with that darn "Land Denied" stamp of theirs.

A Demo would be good as an all-x, -- it would be pretty versatile. Three turns per land grab would require some serious returns to make it efficient.

Theo is such a hard country to play, at least for me, just a weird feel to it. Ditto for the commie indy, just do not have what it takes to play these.

Was considering a Fascist oily-Farmer as an alternate, but it would depend on oil prices if they are as good as the last few resets.

Vic Game profile


May 20th 2015, 3:07:11

def fasc oil-farmer

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 3:18:56

The oil market is so wack on EXPRESS. One oiler could supply the entire server. Maybe if the bots bought oil, the market for it would be better.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 3:29:03

Personally i think demo farmer > fascist farmer on express.

demo advantages:
lower military tech % (cheaper military upkeep)
higher res/bus tech %
higher agri tech %
no tax on buying tech.
ability to buy/resell bushels on market


115% agri tech bonus. not worth it.

10k example:

10000 acres
10000*5.3*2.43 = 128,790 bushels a turn
10000*5.3*2.3*1.15 = 140,185 bushels a turn

11395 * 40 = $455,800 hardly worth the demo advantages. (using $40 food price).

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Frybert Game profile


May 20th 2015, 3:37:33

Anyone else convinced Celphi is actually a bot?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 4:25:52

Originally posted by mFrost:
Tyranny would be to land grab the bots more efficiently, especially with the Bureau of Land Management on the loose, with that darn "Land Denied" stamp of theirs.

Not this set bud, too much work for an every set deal ;-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 4:35:35

Originally posted by Frybert:
Anyone else convinced Celphi is actually a bot?

Actually, he's bot-ish... he needs to learn to be kool like daddy :P
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 7:32:47

I personally hope you don't do that again, you are being a complete asshole. You are palying a trash country with no intention of trying to build your NW, but just to vandalize the game, make everyone switch strategies and work too hard, and fluff up the changes that Qzjul has made and the bot testing process. Its no better than suiciders or mrfords lotteries and call me butthurt or whatever insults you like, but you are just fluffing up the game and its not appreciated.

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 8:07:19

Originally posted by Celphi:
Personally i think demo farmer > fascist farmer on express.

demo advantages:
lower military tech % (cheaper military upkeep)
higher res/bus tech %
higher agri tech %
no tax on buying tech.
ability to buy/resell bushels on market


115% agri tech bonus. not worth it.

10k example:

10000 acres
10000*5.3*2.43 = 128,790 bushels a turn
10000*5.3*2.3*1.15 = 140,185 bushels a turn

11395 * 40 = $455,800 hardly worth the demo advantages. (using $40 food price).

actually the demo would make a little more with mil tech at 85-84%

On the PM:
Demo: 128790 * 35 = 4507650
Fasc: 140185 * 34 = 4766290 * .06 = 285977.4
After tax: 4766290 - 285977.4 = 4480312.6

add the taxes saved on tech the demo should outperform the Fascist Farmer ;)

also i would rarely if ever push tech levels to their max, the cost of doing so usually outweighs the benefit received.

Demos are great all-x countries -- hmmm .. maybe a demo oily-farmer
--- lol now if half the server does this the reset will go to a commie or techer

Although I am still tempted to go tyranny this reset

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 8:10:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by mFrost:
Tyranny would be to land grab the bots more efficiently, especially with the Bureau of Land Management on the loose, with that darn "Land Denied" stamp of theirs.

Not this set bud, too much work for an every set deal ;-)

that was a bit of craziness last reset, fun to watch though.

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 8:13:17

Originally posted by Vic:
def fasc oil-farmer

yeah, I've seen a few wargaining oily-farmers that were impressive, definitely not a country I would landgrab from.

h2orich Game profile


May 20th 2015, 8:26:31

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

I dont think its useful.
The set that you did this I still managed to grab over 33k acres <--- ME <-- YOU
You did over 670 special attacks to bots.

What you're doing is not helping because when you put those bots into DR, you're giving them more protection from landgrabs, which lets them explore more land. And if you do not hit them very regularly, they are gonna get out of DR very quickly and more land will be grabbed from people like us. Unless you can do regular 4 hour attacks throughout the entire day, you will be really a land management beureu.

h2orich Game profile


May 20th 2015, 8:29:54

Originally posted by mFrost:
hehe, KoH you may have a point but it would have to be DRs from landgrabs...

Tyranny would be to land grab the bots more efficiently, especially with the Bureau of Land Management on the loose, with that darn "Land Denied" stamp of theirs.

A Demo would be good as an all-x, -- it would be pretty versatile. Three turns per land grab would require some serious returns to make it efficient.

Theo is such a hard country to play, at least for me, just a weird feel to it. Ditto for the commie indy, just do not have what it takes to play these.

Was considering a Fascist oily-Farmer as an alternate, but it would depend on oil prices if they are as good as the last few resets.

KOH doesnt have to make LGs on the bot to give them DR. successful special attacks create DR too. If KOH LGs them, he's gonna be fat, and very soon he will not be able to drop land that he farmed for the past 24 hours, then people will start grabbing him.

Demo? 3 turns attack? In express you have so many turns that this extra 1 turn does not really matter :P
I agree that demo farmer > facist farmer. It can be a huge advantage if you know how to manipulate the market and luck comes in your way.

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 9:20:02

one turn landgrab can getaway with a 200 acre avg per LG
two turn landgrab would need to average 400 acres per LG
three turn landgrab would need to avg 600 acre per LG

reasoning there are approximately 1900 turns in an express reset.

30 LG * 200 acres = 6000 acres in 30 turns
15 LG * 400 acres = 6000 acres in 30 turns
10 LG * 600 acres = 6000 acres in 30 turns


30 turns = 30 LGs * 200 = 6000 acres -- 24K acres = 120 turns
30 turns = 15 LGs * 200 = 3000 acres -- 24k acres = 240 turns
30 turns = 10 LGs * 200 = 2000 acres -- 24K acres = 360 turns

A tyranny gets to land goal sooner, and can then use remaining turns to stockpile longer... at least this is the theory on paper ... RL is probably drastically different. However 8K points of tech for 240 turns = 1.9 million points of tech or 3.8 billion $$$ if sold at an avg of 2K per point. 3.8 billion on a sloppy de-stock could yield about 15 mil net with troops at $122.

there are a lot of variables involved too... like market prices staying at and above 2K per point. Ability to maintain an average of 200 acres per land grab for 120 turns. Not being LG into oblivion by other players or outright killed for playing the reset in such a manner.


Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 9:58:30

The time saved from getting your land goal faster does not compare against the time saved with a THEO's CS/BPT advantage.

Another advantage THEO has are the PM unit prices.

As for the 34/35 pm prices... It's not going to happen. Farmers need land to compete. There simply isn't a competitive strategy which allows you to buy that much tech as you grow., when other techs are far more useful. Esp since the market could jump to 40$ eac bushel which would basically negate your mil strat investment.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 11:44:54

Celphi, there is no way i am going to deny the benefits of a theo, especially the PM prices for military. I just have a really hard time every time I tried to play one, maybe it is a patience thing or something else, which i obviously lack.

I would say the mil strat is really important to a farmer, and other strats too. maintaining the 34 price is not that hard. It allows a farmer to sell to their PM if prices drop under $37. Which in reality a Demo should be clearing $35 bushels off the market anyway. The $36 dollar price is basically equivalent to the PM when adding in the tax, so why wait for the cash.

More importantly though for about 240K points on 14K acres troops are 121 dollars and tanks at 495 with 260K points of agri to maintain 2.21. so it's 1/2 mil points in tech @ an avg cost of 3K per $1.5 bill. This allows a farmer to play all of its turns and jump during the last few minutes of the reset while producing close to 170K bushels a turn or 5.7 mil or 23k in net per turn. What this means is saving the last 360 turns to be played until 15-20-minutes of end of reset could allow for an 8.5 mil jump in net. This would just be cashing turns, exploring and building further could probably yield another 2-3 mil in net. If starting with 14K acres and 8 mil net protecting it, the end result is 16-19 mil net, assuming there is no stockpile on the market.

the faster land goal would allow for some form of stockpile approx 180 turns of stock pile would add 4 mil net to this.
so the farmer would need to be at 14k acre, 8 mil net and full tech by turn 1360 for a 20 mil country.

A theo would have that all beat to hell and back, but that is the rough calc i am coming up with for a farmer. prices above the 36 $ mark just makes the 20 mil finish more likely.


g0nz0 Game profile


May 20th 2015, 15:23:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

I remember how this started off as " defending" bots from excessive grabbing, which eventually morphed into you proving that a lot of Safety Netters were gaining too easily, but here you repeat how "fun" it all is.
You can clearly see in the respond pool that most SNs still reach their goals, many players don't like it, and it is provided little service to New players.
To those who don't know what the fuk youre doing it appears as though some war monger playing a suicide is here to sh!t on everyone's day. Some players still don't know which are bots so they wait on you to identify them, which takes some of the mystery.
For the most part you are sabotaging qzuls work, making it difficult to interpret what response they have to code changes. Bots die off, and players get nervous, especially when you lot players so they waste time clearing your plate to change builds.
I see this exact same arrogance and aggression on other servers, except all the sh!t talk is posted in Russian.
Take a few set brake, and reflect on why you secretly hate bots. Is it because you wish you were born a bot instead? Does the monkey suit feel "wrong"? It's never too late to find your true self KoH. Just look at Bruce Jenner. ;)

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 15:31:39

I hope you're not mixing the two:
My referencing to THEOs are for TECHERS.
My referencing to DEMOS are for FARMERS.

If you're spending any $ on military tech during the first 800 turns as a FARMER, then you're not reaching your full potential. It would be like buying medical tech. All your $ should be towards military units / agri tech / military strategy. All the others don't help you grow or don't contribute enough to help you grow.

I can place t10 easy with farmer. The hard part is getting a win with one. I'm going to give techer a run this set. They seem to be the most stable of all the govt's.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2015, 16:57:30

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

I remember how this started off as " defending" bots from excessive grabbing, which eventually morphed into you proving that a lot of Safety Netters were gaining too easily, but here you repeat how "fun" it all is.
You can clearly see in the respond pool that most SNs still reach their goals, many players don't like it, and it is provided little service to New players.
To those who don't know what the fuk youre doing it appears as though some war monger playing a suicide is here to sh!t on everyone's day. Some players still don't know which are bots so they wait on you to identify them, which takes some of the mystery.
For the most part you are sabotaging qzuls work, making it difficult to interpret what response they have to code changes. Bots die off, and players get nervous, especially when you lot players so they waste time clearing your plate to change builds.
I see this exact same arrogance and aggression on other servers, except all the sh!t talk is posted in Russian.
Take a few set brake, and reflect on why you secretly hate bots. Is it because you wish you were born a bot instead? Does the monkey suit feel "wrong"? It's never too late to find your true self KoH. Just look at Bruce Jenner. ;)

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 18:47:09

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

I remember how this started off as " defending" bots from excessive grabbing, which eventually morphed into you proving that a lot of Safety Netters were gaining too easily, but here you repeat how "fun" it all is.
You can clearly see in the respond pool that most SNs still reach their goals, many players don't like it, and it is provided little service to New players.
To those who don't know what the fuk youre doing it appears as though some war monger playing a suicide is here to sh!t on everyone's day. Some players still don't know which are bots so they wait on you to identify them, which takes some of the mystery.
For the most part you are sabotaging qzuls work, making it difficult to interpret what response they have to code changes. Bots die off, and players get nervous, especially when you lot players so they waste time clearing your plate to change builds.
I see this exact same arrogance and aggression on other servers, except all the sh!t talk is posted in Russian.
Take a few set brake, and reflect on why you secretly hate bots. Is it because you wish you were born a bot instead? Does the monkey suit feel "wrong"? It's never too late to find your true self KoH. Just look at Bruce Jenner. ;)

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

Now I would pay good money to attend the next BLM land confiscation event, if they all dressed up in a dress and prettied themselves up a bit :)

mFrost Game profile


May 20th 2015, 19:29:01

Originally posted by Celphi:
I hope you're not mixing the two:
My referencing to THEOs are for TECHERS.
My referencing to DEMOS are for FARMERS.

If you're spending any $ on military tech during the first 800 turns as a FARMER, then you're not reaching your full potential. It would be like buying medical tech. All your $ should be towards military units / agri tech / military strategy. All the others don't help you grow or don't contribute enough to help you grow.

I can place t10 easy with farmer. The hard part is getting a win with one. I'm going to give techer a run this set. They seem to be the most stable of all the govt's.

If land grabbing then weapons and mil strat are a definite, I can see the logic in that. I would probably sacrifice quite a bit of early tech in exchange for the early land. That is the trade off between LGing and all-x and not so much which strat being played.

A tyranny techer would allow for tech to be built up as part of recouping readiness, with an early land goal a lot of the other techs needed can be acquired rather quickly if teching between 5-8k per turn. As a techer though I would need to sell 4-5 times a day on express. The only techs that would eventually matter is the military tech and weapons for the end of reset, everything else would need to be dwindled down to as close to 0 as possible. There is also a conversion to theo or demo, on reaching land goal, but it makes things a bit more complex. Leaving some land unbuilt persay so it is easier to go MBR, in which case the one tech I would absolutely want is military.

An all-x Demo Indy --> DMBR might be an interesting try.... build the indy side up until it matches the PM
hmmm I think I found my strat for this reset, I'm terrible at both indy and MBR, but have never tried these as a Demo, which may be what makes the difference. Has anyone here tried this before, if so how did it turn out?
Now as a farmer:
As an all-x though I would definitely trade off the early wep and mil strat for mil tech, maybe some biz/res before the mil tech. The mil tech gives me options to buy military at a lower price if they spike on the public market. I can easily maintain a price range of 122 for troops and 502 for tanks no taxes, it also gives me an outlet if food prices crash.

to match my pm troops would have to sell @ $115 and tanks @ $474 anything above that I can ignore. If I truly max my mil tech out then tanks on the PM as a Fascist = $492 which would drive my public buy price down to $464. The extra $10 in savings though is way too costly at least for me.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 21st 2015, 0:05:40

Originally posted by mFrost:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

I remember how this started off as " defending" bots from excessive grabbing, which eventually morphed into you proving that a lot of Safety Netters were gaining too easily, but here you repeat how "fun" it all is.
You can clearly see in the respond pool that most SNs still reach their goals, many players don't like it, and it is provided little service to New players.
To those who don't know what the fuk youre doing it appears as though some war monger playing a suicide is here to sh!t on everyone's day. Some players still don't know which are bots so they wait on you to identify them, which takes some of the mystery.
For the most part you are sabotaging qzuls work, making it difficult to interpret what response they have to code changes. Bots die off, and players get nervous, especially when you lot players so they waste time clearing your plate to change builds.
I see this exact same arrogance and aggression on other servers, except all the sh!t talk is posted in Russian.
Take a few set brake, and reflect on why you secretly hate bots. Is it because you wish you were born a bot instead? Does the monkey suit feel "wrong"? It's never too late to find your true self KoH. Just look at Bruce Jenner. ;)

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
DR as many bots as possible, it's fun to watch how butt hurt and bent out of shape people get!

Now I would pay good money to attend the next BLM land confiscation event, if they all dressed up in a dress and prettied themselves up a bit :)

Tis gonna be a fun set for sure, can't wait to see the assrash!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

May 21st 2015, 2:28:40

You are an asshole KoH. I can't be bothered to play with you doing this to all the tagrets and fluffing the game up again, so maybe I'll play again next week. Lemming is doing its lemming thing. L8R



May 21st 2015, 2:59:08

Originally posted by Getafix:
You are an asshole KoH. I can't be bothered to play with you doing this to all the tagrets and fluffing the game up again, so maybe I'll play again next week. Lemming is doing its lemming thing. L8R

The classic "I'm taking my football and I'm going home" move. The only thing more retarded would have been to tell KOH he will never net again.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

May 21st 2015, 3:12:36

Yeah, well I am. I work pretty hard at playing the game well and KoH took the fun out of the game last set. It was completely fluffed. So now he is chortling away as he uses the DR abuse glitch to wreck the game for everyone again. fluff that, I have better ways to spend the next 4 days.

Frybert Game profile


May 21st 2015, 3:49:49

Rage quit.



May 21st 2015, 4:11:58


Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

May 21st 2015, 11:24:53

Originally posted by Frybert:
Rage quit.

No, not a rage quit. I really think its a waste of time playing the game with KoH doing this. Its no fun, its annoying, and its stupid. I really do have better things to do than a game that isn't fun. Have a great set everyone! Hopefully my friend KoH has heard me. It does look as if he has transferred his personal pissed off rage towards Pretoria, rather than the entire game. Now there is a suitable and worthy target! :)

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

May 21st 2015, 12:06:40

I start as farmer- (bad set for farmer)
I try out casher (worse set for casher best set for farmer)
I try out techer (2.2k tech already) (and it looks like best set for casher).

I'm a walking omen., lol.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

BUTTMAN Game profile


May 21st 2015, 13:55:36

Originally posted by Getafix:
fluff that, I have better ways to spend the next 4 days.

I'm having a BBQ if you want to come over and drink some beers.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

May 21st 2015, 14:20:31

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
Originally posted by Getafix:
fluff that, I have better ways to spend the next 4 days.

I'm having a BBQ if you want to come over and drink some beers.

Its a bit of a trek from Nova Scotia down to Mass, but I'll join you in spirit. Beautiful day today to be outside!

BUTTMAN Game profile


May 21st 2015, 15:41:19

My neighbor is from Nova Scotia and will be in attendance, you guys can discuss Canadian things (but not Montral Canadiens, please). Take that Cat Boat or whatever its called.. you can be in Boston in like 4 hours! then an hour train ride west, I'll have a cold one ready just in case!