
Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 12:30:42

I have never question the mods, I think they know that I have always respected and tried to follow the rules (zero purples ever since swirve earth 2025) never used a multi. Nadda.

Every single set superfly Trolls new players by farming them so hard it ruins the game. Then if they react he AB’s them Into the ground. I have advocated against this for a very long time and caught a lot of criticism for trying to defend new and learning players.

This set I use the same tactics that I have been told over and over is fine and allowed.

For some reason my attacks are all deleted

All I ask is the rules he applied fairly. Superfly has admitted himself that he did this exact behavior for “300 sets”

So I humbly ask that either my record gets restored or that superflies be deleted as well. I don’t care which, I would just like to know that players are being treated in a fair manner here.

I have had my posts deleted when my jewish beliefs were brought up publically by doug after we had talked in private and my posts were deleted for saying I though America would be destroyed (in Judaism we believe that America is edom and will be that is true) (i didnt cuss, I have never threatened anyone, I haven been physically threatened by derrick and even his posts weren’t deleted as well but my posts about my religion, Judaism, were)

So I’ve actually been treated unfairly here prior and I but my tongue. This is the second time and at the very least an explanation for community would be nice.

I am curious why superfly is allowed to do this but others apparently now aren’t? Is this correct?

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 12:41:38

I messaged this thread to Slag so please no delete prior to him getting a look at it. Thank you

BlackHole Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 12:59:39

What were you deleted for? Did somebody else also attack/coordinate attacks with you on Superfly?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 13:23:45

According to the moderators all you have to do is ask for an explanation and you will be given one– unless you are Chevs.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 14:37:34

Originally posted by BlackHole:
What were you deleted for? Did somebody else also attack/coordinate attacks with you on Superfly?

I don’t know? I broke no rules

They didn’t delete my country but they deleted all of my Artillery barrages?

I’ve been told time and time again by the mods when I’ve complained about this that it’s allowed so that’s why I asked?

I’m not really understanding why superfly can grief n00bs but apparently he doesn’t like when someone bigger and badder wars him

He literally ran and cried about it lol after spending years doing this to players who are trying to learn to play (we all have seen this behavior and discussed it as naseum and have been told it’s ok)

I’ve never been purpled or deleted in 20 years of playing this game.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 14:48:51

Look at Cathankins being insane once again. This time Set off by a country name!

Moderators should just ban this troll from the forums for 7 days…

When was the last time that I was farming noobs? 2023? You have been suiciding veteran plays since January 2024 to date across multiple servers.

Maybe learn how to play better?

Your ABs were deleted just to save you the embarrassment of your pathetic attempt at “stomping” me out as you said.

Maybe you just need more friends like me? Maybe talk to the owner of eestats and ask why his website did not track your griefer ABs?

You know the attacks that you now do across multiple servers that you are trying to get me banned for which I haven’t done in months but that you do daily for all of 2024?

PS you have made multiple threads about me in express, alliance and posts in primary. At what point are you going to be considered a forum spammer? Can’t you keep all your trash posts in a single thread?
Like I am flattered that I consume your every thought of the day and that I live rent free in your high IQ brain your attention is unwanted and I am not interested in you man.

Edited By: SuperFly on Mar 18th 2024, 15:09:16

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:27:50

“ Maybe learn how to play better?”

I agree

So you do admit that you got the histories changed of the war?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 15:28:24

Oh, I thought he got deleted. I am not sure the mods can roll back attacks, but I could be wrong. I think that's more of an Admin thing to do or someone with more access to the game data, etc.

It would probably be a manual thing for an admin to do. Are you sure attacks were reverted, Cath?
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:29:53

I can’t
Believe you are arguing you haven’t done this behavior after arguing in favor for it for a year on the forums in front of everyone and attacking me for being a “netter” as well.

I would just like to point that out. That is a blatant lie, the entire community has seen this. I’m not going to bother wasting any more time with this behavior I would just like to point that out for slag.

I’m sure Galleri can confirm this

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:32:27

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh, I thought he got deleted. I am not sure the mods can roll back attacks, but I could be wrong. I think that's more of an Admin thing to do or someone with more access to the game data, etc.

It would probably be a manual thing for an admin to do. Are you sure attacks were reverted, Cath?

I went from the top leader in the game for AB’s and had in the hundreds.

Now I have 5 lol

Superflies country is now named

SuperFly Got Cathankins Deleted (#4)

So yea I am fairly sure lol not positive but the evidence is pretty damning don’t you think?

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:36:29

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh, I thought he got deleted. I am not sure the mods can roll back attacks, but I could be wrong. I think that's more of an Admin thing to do or someone with more access to the game data, etc.

It would probably be a manual thing for an admin to do. Are you sure attacks were reverted, Cath?

The mods didn’t delete my country in game so it may just be estats. Which is fine but I actually just wanted to bring slags attention to the behavior that is happening.

It looks extremely unprofessional for a place to allow this and since super fly snitched on me I figured let’s take it to the top and make sure everyone is aware.

I usually wouldn’t even snitch, but since he did that to me I think it’s appropriate to have someone fair and not involve to look at it.

I honestly don’t like this kind of behavior.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:36:38

Originally posted by Cathankins:

In 2023 superfly Trolled new players by farming them so hard it ruins the game. Then if they react he AB’s them Into the ground. I have advocated against this for a very long time and caught a lot of criticism for trying to defend new and learning players.

Since the start of 2024 I used the same tactics across multiple servers suiciding Vets and former teammates in LaF, Evo, PDM, Mercs, SOL, Monsters and SoF in alliance and against multiple other In express and primary. I have been told over and over is fine and allowed.

But I want Slagpit to ban and sanction superfly for doing what I am now doing to across multiple servers.

Sounds about Cath….

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:37:40

I dont like the idea of sleazy back door politics, it looks bad on the community as a whole and should be public and addressed.

Thank you for everyone’s time

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 15:46:32

Originally posted by Cathankins:

The mods didn’t delete my country in game so it may just be estats. Which is fine but I actually just wanted to bring slags attention to the behavior that is happening.

Oh, ok, so it could just be some data corruption on EEstats or a missed import from the API. Gains is the man who could look into it, but it's honestly not that important prob. Search in-game news and see if your attacks are still there?
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 15:47:21

EEstats only has a copy of the news it gets from Earth servers, so the data isn't necessarily the same if there was some kind of issue during the import process.
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 15:47:58

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I dont like the idea of sleazy back door politics, it looks bad on the community as a whole and should be public and addressed.

Thank you for everyone’s time

I’d wager that because you have suicided so many LaF players over multiple servers they are just trolling your ass as a LaF leader owns eestats.

But you rather play victim as usual I guess

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 18th 2024, 16:52:01 is not run by the game staff. Requiem's comments in this thread are mostly accurate.

The country name looks like a simple taunt to me. I recommend not falling for taunts. If you have a grudge against a player, you could perhaps challenge them to an honorable duel on the express server.

SuperFly Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 17:02:04

Originally posted by Slagpit: is not run by the game staff. Requiem's comments in this thread are mostly accurate.

The country name looks like a simple taunt to me. I recommend not falling for taunts. If you have a grudge against a player, you could perhaps challenge them to an honorable duel on the express server.

Thank you kind sir for the level headed and factual response.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 17:25:06

Originally posted by Slagpit: is not run by the game staff. Requiem's comments in this thread are mostly accurate.

The country name looks like a simple taunt to me. I recommend not falling for taunts. If you have a grudge against a player, you could perhaps challenge them to an honorable duel on the express server.

Yes, it was a taunt. He made the name the moment the set ended making it apparent that he was involved in this.

I assumed the people who run this place would want to know about unethical behavior happening on a website that it’s users are directed to on these forums.

These forums direct users to these website and tools so I guess I had assumed earth empires would be concerned with any unethical stuff happening.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 18th 2024, 17:28:16

What are you asking us to do specifically? Should we revoke the API key from that website so it can no longer be updated going forward?

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 17:33:36

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What are you asking us to do specifically? Should we revoke the API key from that website so it can no longer be updated going forward?

I just thought you guys should know. These websites collect Info on your users. You are right I would urge you protect your customers. If I saw any funny stuff at all I cut ties with them.

It’s not wonder this place has went from thousands of users to hundreds, since I have been here I have watched new players abused by these player groups with political power over the mods.

It’s obvious they terrorize you guys with the threat of if you make everyone play fair they take all of their toys and $$$ and go home and that’s the end of earth.

Yes I think
You guys should not tolerate any bs and I think people would help this community grow. If I ever have a million cash I will hand it to you for free if you will do this. Just to see the place prosper.

Thank you for your time. Sorry to bother you about all of this. I don’t know you but I expect you are busy

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 17:39:54

Give me some of that million too!
- Premium Patron Member

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 17:42:17

It's 2024, the only things that get you bans are is if you talk negatively about...


Everything else goes, just ask YouTube why they banned me from posting 😂😆 or I can tell you what I said that got me banned.... 😂
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 17:42:20

Originally posted by Requiem:
Give me some of that million too!

If I ever get wealth and you are a good person I certainly will. My point is I want to see this place prosper and some of the stuff you see happening is obviously not good for the community.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 17:57:27

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's 2024, the only things that get you bans are is if you talk negatively about...


Everything else goes, just ask YouTube why they banned me from posting 😂😆 or I can tell you what I said that got me banned.... 😂

After being harassed because of my beliefs (Judaism) after doug posted my private religious beliefs on the alliance forums my posts explaining our views were deleted.

I have never had my posts deleted in decades prior to that. I have also noticed it’s ok for Doug to post about his sexual organs and talk about people sexual all of the time but when I simply defended myself I was deleted.

I was left wondering if judaism is even welcome here after that. Now that you explain the far left aspect that makes sense. Are religious Jews not welcome here? I can leave if that is the issue

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2024, 18:04:55

This is my last post on the subject, but I think you are overreacting and mistaken about what may have happened here.

If there is missing news, I'm sure it is just a glitch in the system, etc., gains rehosted eestats on his servers; however, as you can see on many pages, there are still errors, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's not all working 100%.

But it's better to have partially working eestats than no eestats at all.

In all sincerity, no one is out to get you here, at least not in relation to Eestats. You are being paranoid.

I hope this helps you.

Example to back up my statement:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1441 in /var/www/html/ on line 460

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/html/ on line 460
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 18:45:13

I am familiar with the history of earth and the hacking and laf, didn’t the Feds get involved? I’ve seen people talk about it but never the entire story.

I would think this would be a huge deal considering that past. That’s a clear pattern of behavior and I don’t think a blind eye should be turned.

Maybe I am wrong but I thought it should be brought to everyone’s attention.

s Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 18:45:17

Like req has posted above, it is likely a bug in the archiving process and has likely been there since it was upgraded/transferred to internal hosting.

Looks like at least AB news isn't archived across all servers.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 18th 2024, 18:51:27

We don't revoke API keys because of bugs in the site that use them. If you are still concerned then you can find official game statistics here: